Chapter Eleven

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Out of the dark, and into their waiting arms. And Iris was the first to jump into it.

She never thought there was another room able to house a hundred people other than the one where the bloodshed happened. This was larger, grander, brighter. Extravagant chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, and life-like paintings decorated the walls. The room was a pleasant clash of gold, cream, and silver. She'd never seen quite an elegant room such as this. It felt so out of touch with her daily life, she had to clench her jaw to keep her mouth from falling open. It won't do to look like an idiot in front of those waiting for her, after all.

And what a sight they made. Hundreds of people wearing the same, smiling white mask, all looking at her. Empty, black holes for eyes and a smile that reached cheek to cheek. She's willing to say that this was a stuff of nightmares. No wonder Colin almost soiled his pants, and she didn't blame him.

She'd rather be bashing heads with Dionysus than this, a hundred times over.

"Good luck to me." Iris muttered to herself before she was sweeped amidst the throng of masks.


"Good luck." Ares' voice was barely audible over the classical music that surrounded the room. He looked at his wristwatch, pressed the earpiece and said softly under his breath. "Send them into the lions."

Not a second after the words were out, the doors opened, and the baits of the night were out. He kept a sharp eye on the guests. Crazy fans acting out of their own obssession were rare, but it can still happen. He never did quite forget the time when someone had rushed at him, professing her undying love and support, and three full-grown adult men had to pry her off of him. It would have been fine had she not been holding a knife with a diamond in the handle and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together in hell.

He had said it before and he'll say it again. Women can be scary.

Especially the one at the lead walking into the room. His earpiece crackled, and Jack's voice sounded, "Hey, so, y'know, I'm having a hard time trying to decide whether Iris is a demon in disguise, or a girl I wanna spend the rest of my life protecting. This is some serious crisis I'm having! Shit, who made her look like that?"

"Bobby, of course."

"How can you sound so calm? Bobby should've painted horns all over her! Are you seeing her right now?"

She was in his perfect view. He'd picked a good spot. Not too far, so he could see how the lilac dress brought out the color of her eyes, or how it softly draped over her skin. Maybe he's actually a little too close. He cleared his throat and walked away, finding a perfect spot to remain inconspicuous. "I am. Calm down, will you?"

"Easy for you to say. You've exhausted all your chivalrious nature when you saved Phoebe back then."

"Is that so?"

"It is so! Iris will no doubt catch the eye of that creepy, old Hayden, or that suspicious Tan! Oh, don't even get me started on the Riccis! Those brothers are bad, bad news!"

"How about Rayvis? I don't have a good feeling about that guy."

"Rayvis? I know your instincts are always on point, but it fails on this one. The guy's eccentric but harmless. You should be focusing on the others! Iris might suddenly get abducted, or—"

"Jack, you seem to forget who you're talking about. It's Iris."

"This is Bobby's fault!"

"Maybe so. But now you have your answer. She's a demon in disguise." Ares' lips twitched. His warning had been for nought. She demolished the match so easily.

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