Chapter Ten

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The days passed by so quickly it was a blur. Before Iris knew it, it was already the day for their debut.

No one talked. For once, being in the same room with all nineteen other guys was peaceful. This was the power of the gray room, the waiting room. The walls were bland, the ceiling a dull gray, but at least the seats were comfortable. In front of them hung a single plasma television. A movement from the corner of Iris' eye caught her attention, and she found Lowell busy with his portable console game. On her other side, Caleb sat a few seats away, eyes closed.

Everyone had their own ways of dealing with the waiting game. Iris simply sat, letting her mind wander, eyes occassionally flicking to some random person, until it fell on Axel's gleaming eyes. He held her gaze, and she couldn't quite figure out the look on his face. His mouth held none of its usual sardonic twist. For once, it was him who looked away and left Iris mildly perturbed.

The screen suddenly flashed white and a name appeared. Colin Williams.

The big guy stood up and without a moment's hesitation walked out of the door. It seemed like everyone was holding their breath all the while because once he disappeared, the talking began at once.

"Wait. We're not fighting each other?" Mason asked no one, panic and confusion apparent.

"What's happening?" Link asked.

Caleb dutifully spoke up, eyes still closed. "Usually they pit us against each other. That's how it's always been, at least from my experience. Now it seems like they're trying new things."

This can't be just a simple coincidence. Firstly, the sponsors demanded a much earlier event, and now this apparent change in how things will work. Iris' mind flashed to Ares' warning, to her exchanges with Axel, and she felt distinct contempt burn in her gut at the thought that this was happening just because she was born without testes.

"Are you nervous?" It was Lowell, grinning at her with his canines flashing out. He held out one palm toward her. "Need to hold my hand?"

Iris' contempt was quickly replaced with bewilderment. "Does that work?"

"Maybe, maybe not. We won't know 'til we try it." His cheeky grin suddenly looked strained, and he pulled his hand back reluctantly. "But someone's not in favor of research, so the theory still stands."

That someone may have been a certain Caleb. Iris didn't need to look behind to see him throwing daggers. She could hear him clear in her mind, saying, "Stop your fuckin' antics, wolf boy."

"I wish a girl could hold my hand," Steven sighed, eyes staring dreamily at the ceiling. "Someone to wish me luck before a fight. Man, that'd feel so good. Bet I can take anyone on when that happens."

"I can wish you luck, Steven." It was Mark, sitting a couple ways behind them. The timid boy smiled. 

"Fuck, he's an angel," Steven muttered under his breath. To Mark, he said, "I wish you luck, my man."

"I guess that'd be nice," Lowell mused, folding his arms behind his neck. His green eyes flicked to Iris. "You got a boyfriend, Iris?"

The room suddenly went quiet. Weird, it was as if they were specifically waiting for her answer. She said, "I got two."

There was a pause.

"What did you just say? Did you just say two?" Steven's face grew frighteningly pale.

She nodded, remembering their faces back home. "Yeah. They're father and son."

Something weirder even happened, and Iris didn't know what to make of it. Everyone had something to say. Steven began laughing maniacally, "T-This can't be. Ha ha, n-no... is the Holy Spirit included, too?"

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