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this was honestly the most fun Eddie has had in awhile. He came to the Bungalow to get away from it all. To get away from Chloe he needed to have fun, and without Loren even knowing it she did just that.

Loren always knew what he needed though she always know what to say to make him smile, and that smile of hers drove him insane.

Granted he did feel horrible that she past out . He should've expected that she would, I mean she has fainted at least three times since they met. He was going to have to make it up to her, he knew that, and he knew how he was finally gonna tell her what she wanted to hear.

Officer:"Eddie are you gonna be able to handle things from here."

The officer looked down at poor Loren laying on the sand. Still out cold shocked from seeing the resurrection of her dead boyfriend. They both looked down and laughed.

Eddie:"Oh yeah, thanks man for all your help I knew when I called you earlier tonight you would love this."

Officer:"This was fun, I just feel bad for your girl, but I guess she will soon find out that you become pretty friendly with cops when your rock star like you who needs protection 24/7."

Eddie:"Hey you helped me escape some fans once….okay maybe five times, but I appreciate it."

Officer:"Your welcome man…and hey don't make any babies tonight."

Eddie: laughing, "So not funny I'll be lucky if she lets me hug her after what I did…have a good night."

Eddie was about to take his love back to the bungalow when he remembered about Cam. He never really liked Cam, but tonight he really came through for him and he was starting to come around. He even thought of him as a friend.

Eddie covered Loren with the blanket and headed to talk to Cam.

Eddie: "Hey Cam thanks for all your help I really do appreciate it… Do you need a ride or anything."

Cam: "It's no problem, we drove my car up and Loren paid for me a hotel for the night."

Eddie: "That little devil she planned this well didn't she. You know I was two minutes away from telling her how much I cared for her until my dad called. Then, what can I say I couldn't help myself."

Cam: laughing, "I have to admit this was pretty epic she will never forget this day, but Eddie I need you to promise me something."

Eddie: confused, "Okay, I'll bait what?"

Cam: "Don't hurt her, make sure Chloe is out of your system, I know who don't like hearing me say it. But I do Love her and I want her happy. I have wished and wished it would have been me she loved, but she's to in love with you."

Eddie: " Cam I would never in a million years hurt her, Chloe means nothing to me. She just tried to use me to get to the top, Loren is different she is the sweetest most compassionate woman I have ever met in my life, I would never hurt her. I love her."

Eddie loved saying that he loved her. He wanted everyone to know how much he loved her. Every time he said it he couldn't help but blush. He knew what Loren meant when she said that he gave her butterflies, because she did the exact same thing to him.

Cam: "ahhh yes I remember you saying that earlier that you loved her, shouldn't you tell her that finally though, and not just me"

Eddie: "That is the plan my friend to make this night unforgettable, and then tell her I love her and knock her off her feet."

Cam: "Well good luck man, I hope it works out, but I think you may of already knocked her off her feet."

Eddie: laughing "Thanks I appreciate it again, be safe."

Eddie head back down the beach towards Loren, he thought she would of woken up by now, when he got to her she was still out cold.

I guess I shocked her into a coma.

he laughed bent down and picked Loren up and started to the bungalow. He loved how she smelt of honey. It was a smell that he could live with the rest of his life. Once at the bungalow he laid her down on the sofa, quickly changed his "bloody"clothes, and went to wake up his girlfriend.

Eddie: "Loren…Lorennn its time to wake up beautiful."

He bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

Loren must have been dreaming, it could really be Eddie telling her to wake up. He died Eddie was dead she saw everything that happened. The fight between Eddie and Cam with the knife, and the cop who shot him.

She held his hand while he was dieing, his last words were that he liked me. Seriously, even when he was about to die he just still like me, are you kidding me.

How horrible am I for being mad at my dead boy thing whatever he was to me. He was dead, and all I can think about was how he didn't love me. But wait I remember him dying he wasn't breathing, but then I asked the officer if I could go with him, and the officer asked Eddie and he shot up asking for take out.

I must have been a dream. I could swear he is telling me to wake up, I need to wake up so I can call Max. I don't even remember falling asleep.

Loren opened her eyes and to her disbelief Eddie's angelic face was staring back at her.

Loren: "Am I dead.."

Eddie: "What... no why would you be dead baby."

Loren:"because you are dead... I watched you die, I saw you get shot."

Eddie: "I'm not dead, I'm fine actually I'm better than ever."

Loren: "no no the blood was everywhere….. the blood it was all over you …all over…You died I watched you take your last breath."

Eddie couldn't help it he started dying laughing. Loren was so confused.

Loren: "what is so funny Eddie I know what I saw….you were dead"

Eddie: still laughing, "first of all it wasn't blood, it was paint, I got shot with a paintball gun, Secondly I never died i'm just apparently a really good actor."

Loren: "what….what the heck are you talking about a good actor?"

Eddie: "Loren my dad called and I told him about seeing you and Cam out on the beach, and how jealous I was, and told me about the story he told you and how you were trying to get how I felt about you out of me. So I decided to turn things around on you and play a little joke myself."

Loren: "a…little..joke?"

Eddie: "yep haha funny right?…Lo?."

Eddie smiled. Loren just looked at him she was so mad, how could he do this to her. Loren reached up and slapped Eddie harder than she did Cam right across his face.

She jumped off the sofa and ran out the bungalow slamming the door behind her. Eddie waited a second before he followed her, he couldn't stop laughing.

Eddie: holding his hand to his face, "It was so worth it.

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