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Loren couldn't believe what just happened. She was praying it was just a dream. But when she opened her eyes it was no dream. So saw the man that she loved drench with his own blood. Eddie had gotten shot for trying to kill Cam, he tried to kill Cam for her. This all happened because of her, the man that one day she hoped would be her husband was dying because of her, and there was nothing she could do to save him.

Eddie loved this, he loved that he pulled this off. He could feel Loren over him, he could feel her tears on his body, as the tears dripped from her face. They were warm they were tears of someone who honestly loved him. No other woman that Eddie ever dated loved him this much. Heck if he would of married Clhoe, and this were to happen she probably would have been off to the lawyers to collect. Not, Loren. she was holding my hand sobbing. I hated seeing her cry it would soon be over soon, but not just yet.

Eddie: breathing heavily, "Lo…..LO…is that…you"

Loren: crying hysterically , "Eddie I'm right here, Eddie please don't die I love you please hold on."

Eddie: "Lo it…..hurts…."he let out a brutal cry

Loren: "Shhh… Eddie don't talk…..plea…please….just hold on"

Eddie: "I..I.. can't Loren…..I……so..much"

Eddie knew that even though she was distraught that he was dying. It would still drive her crazy that he didn't tell her he loved her. He laughed to himself.

Loren: "I know shhh….your gonna be okay hold on."

Loren watched as Eddie began to breath heavily, and before she knew it he drew one last breath, and then was completely still. Eddie died in her arms. Loren couldn't take it she threw herself onto him and screamed.

Loren: "Eddie I am sooo sorry, it wasn't suppose to be like this Eddie please."

Cam and the officer looked at each other when they heard her scream they new it was the time for the last act of Directors Eddies devious play.

The officer ran down to the beach over to Loren and Eddie

Officer: "Miss I need you to step aside….

Loren crying hysterically moves aside as the officer touches Eddies wrist and checks for a pulse. He then picks up his phone and calls for an ambulance.

Officer: "Yes, I need an ambulance down at the beach, I have the body of Mr. Eddie Duran that needs to be taken to the morgue."

It was official Eddie was dead and it was her fault, how would she explain this to his dad. After Max was so nice to her. How could she live without him. Cam was approaching her he was the last person she wanted to talk to. She watched as the officer took the blanket that she used to to set up her fake date, and cover the body of the man she loved from head to toe. She couldn't live without him what has she done.

Cam: crying "Loren I am so sorry…this got so out of control."

Loren: yelling "I told you to tell him the truth….to tell him that this was a game to make him jealous…I just wanted to know that he loved me."

Cam: "So your blaming me this was your plan, and now look what you did…I'm glad we aren't reallytogether.….you literally kill the men you love"

Loren couldn't believe Cam just said that. She reached up and slapped him in the face as hard as she could. He is lucky that's all he got.

Loren: "Don't you ever make the mistake of talking to me like that again…You continued to fight with him…you pushed his buttons…his blood is on your hands," she started crying, "You killed the only man that I wanted… the man I wanted to spend my life with."

With that Loren walked away back down to the beach by the officer.

Eddie was getting hot under the blanket. He had his breath steady and very slow so the blanket wouldn't move.

He could hear everything that was going on around him perfectly. He about gave himself away when he started laughing when she slapped Cam. It wasn't funny the she hit him. It was funny though ow much of a fire cracker she could be.

He loved the passion that she had, he loved everything about her. He loved it when she said that he was the man she wanted to spend his life with. He wanted the exact same thing. He was glad this was about to be over. He needed her in his arms, he needed and wanted all of her.

Loren: "Excuse me Officer…um what is gonna happen now."

Officer: "Well I we are gonna have to take you down to the station to get your statement."

Loren: "Okay…um can I go with the ambulance when they pick up Eddie."

This is what they had been waiting for her to ask about the ambulance it had been 30 minutes since Eddie was "dead". He thought she would of asked before now, but he understood. It was time for Mrs. Loren Tate to get the shock of her life.

Officer: "Miss that's not up to me… you would have to ask Eddie."

What kind of smart remark was that did this man not have a heart, how dare he.

Loren: "Excuse me or you serious right now… that's not even funny are you trying to be funny."

She wanted to slap him just like she slapped Cam the only think that stopped her was his stupid uniform. She mentally slapped him over and over.

Eddie was getting anxious

Officer: "I'm serious….Hey, Eddie do you mind if Mrs. Tate rides with your corpse to the morgue."

As soon as he finished his sentence Eddie sat up and threw the blanket off of him.

Eddie: "I guess so she is my girlfriend after all….Hey do you think they would stop for take out being dead makes you hungry."

Loren couldn't breath. Eddie looked at her and started laughing. Loren was the one to hit the sand this time. Loren had once again fainted.

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