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She hated the thought of not being with him of not listening to his words of wisdom, of not waking up and seeing one of his hello beautiful text messages, that he had been sending her every morning even before him and Chloe broke up.

I bet if Chloe knew that it would knock her down a bit. Loren knew how she felt, but every time her and Eddie got close Chloe always ruined it somehow. Now it seems like Eddie was not only running away from Loren, but maybe he was running to Chloe.

She couldn't think like this anymore. She got jealous every time Chloe called, and Eddie never had to be worry about Loren. He knew how she felt so I guess he thought that he could see if he liked me more or her, and I wouldn't go anywhere.

Well today Loren decided to take a page out of Katy's book it was time to make Eddie jealous. Katy tried making Max jealous, but it didn't work because he had already admitted to loving her. Well Eddie has never told Loren how he felt so she knew this would be perfect.

Loren was a little nervous calling this person. But she knew he cared for her and wanted her happy she knew he would help.

The phone was ringing as a young man answered the phone.

Young man:"Hey Loren"

Loren:"Hey Cam, I hope I'm not bothering you, but I have a favor to ask."

Cam: "For you anything day or night"

Loren:"I was hoping you were gonna say that…how would you like to come on a little road trip with me to see a friend"

Cam:"would this friend be Eddie."

Loren:"Yes" she all of a sudden felt really bad for asking

Cam:"Sure," he said without hesitation he added, " but won't he flip when he sees me with you."

Loren:"That's the point, see you at my house in about an hour, oh and Cam make sure you look hot."

Cam:"Can do, see you soon"

Eddie loved coming here to the bungalow ever since he was a little boy. It was his favorite place in the world. It was where himself his mom and dad got to be normal for awhile.

Where he would go for walks and listen to the ocean, and get sand in between his toes. He was gonna propose to Chloe here, but boy was he happy he didn't. This was his Disneyland and that would have been like asking Urcella to destroy it. That would have been a mistake, but maybe someday I will take Loren up here. Maybe I could ask Loren to be my wife here.

The more he thought about it the more he smiled. He knew he loved her, but it was just something about how much she respected him and cared for him that freaked him out. Chloe loved the Rock Star, but Loren loves Eddie just everyday me.

Yes at times she can get all fan girl on me, but I get a googoo over her to when she sings as well. I love her I just can't believe I said those three words BACK AT CHA. Of all the words I could of said Ditto and blamed the movie Ghost, but nope. I wish she was with me. I need her here. She makes me, me.

Eddie grabbed his guitar and started to play a song that he was writing for her, he thought for sure he lost her, and with that his heart was breaking. When he heard a knock on the door. No one knew he was here.

Eddie:"Hold on a sec…"

When Eddie opened the door he couldn't believe who it was how did she find me?

Chloe:"Well finally I have been calling you forever, don't you know how to answer anymore."

Eddie:"Well the point of me coming up here was not to be bothered."

Chloe tried to kiss him and Eddie quickly moved out of the way, it was late and he didn't feel like doing this game with her.

Eddie:" You really need to go, you are the reason I'm here! How did you find me?"

Chloe:"Are you here because you are thinking about how you still love me and you want to give us another chance. Oh and I followed u of course."

If Eddie had a mouth full of water, it would be all over her

Eddie:laughing, "You wish I would take you back that way you can have my fame again and my fortune. Come on Chloe the real reason you are here is about that stupid movie."

Chloe:"The movie is gonna be a box office hit, I need you." trying to be seductive sh whispered, "I would do anything and everything for you if you help me."

Eddie:"Is that what you were whispering to Tyler whenever you were sleeping with him behind my back."

Chloe:"Why can't you let that go he was black mailing me, all I want is for me and you to make love again, I miss you."

Eddie:" Chloe if I had a flesh eating disease and the doctor said the only way I would be healed is to sleep with you, I would call and make my funeral arrangements myself."

Chloe:"Really is that how much you hate me Eddie, where is the man that told me he loved me, that told me he would do anything for me."

Eddie:" He is probably waiting for you back in bed at home."

Chloe:" Why do you keep bringing up Tyler."

Eddie:"All I said was you had a man waiting in your bed, you said who."

Chloe:"No I know what this is about you have some sort of crush on that loser girl from the valley."

Eddie:"Don't you ever say anything about Loren," He was past angry, he had to control himself.

Chloe:"Please don't tell me you like her Eddie, she is so beneath you."

Eddie:"No I don't like her," Chloe looked relived and put a smile on her face, "I love her with every bone in my body, she is my everything,"

Chloe was about to start hyperventilating as he opened the door and pushed her out. Then all of sudden Chloe turned around with a big smile on her face.

Chloe:"Well good luck with your valley girl," she smirked " I truly hope she feels the same way."

Eddie:"She does, she told me she loved me, why are you all of a sudden so happy about it, and the president of the team Leddie fan club."

Chloe:"Why don't you take a good look over there on the beach."

Chloe walks out the door blowing a kiss to Eddie and leaves. Eddie can't believe his eyes who is the guy she is with. Why is he holding her hand. Did I really mess up the love of my life.

Now it was Eddie's turn to die a little inside. He shut the door, and was gonna just go to bed, he felt sick. Then he thought about it a minute longer and decided he wasn't gonna lose her. It was time to fight for her and tell her how he truly felt. Eddie went to change, GAME ON, was his last thought.

The Long and Winding Journey ( a Hollywood heights fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now