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Loren had never been in love before. She never had her heart broken from a breakup, never had to deal with love in front of the public, but Eddie did. Eddie had his heart broken more than once but this last time was the hardest. Not because of the girl, yes he did love Chloe, but he had to deal with it publicly. There break up and what she did was on every possible tabloid, magazine, and newspaper out there.

To have that pain rubbed in your face, everyday must have been devastating to someone, especially after what he already lost. Eddie had given Chloe his fragile heart from the loss of his mother. When Eddie met Chloe its was literally a week after Katy's death. He thought at the time that it was fate, but now he says he just wanted someone to love him. He said he was so confused, at that time. After Eddie's mom passed is when I started sending him poems and lyrics on Twitter.

I knew how it felt to lose a parent, even though he chose to leave me, I knew the pain of maybe I could have done something different and they would still be here. I just wanted to reach out to him and tell him that he had fans that understood what he was going through.

Never in a million years, did I believe that sharing that with him would bring me to today, on one knee in front of the man I was now not only in love with but promised to. He told me how he wanted to show me that he wouldn't leave me like his father. Now I wanted to promise him that I would mend his broken heart.

Eddie had his heart broken so much that he never thought it could be fixed. When he thought of what his heart looked like it would be covered in band aids. Band Aids from past relationships, from the label being harsh, and the biggest band aid was the one when his mother died. When he got with Chloe he was hopeful, and he began to start taking some of those band aids off the more and more they had in common.

Then she did what she did and everything changed. He no longer had band aids instead she had hooked up a bomb to my heart and blew it completely out of my chest. Then I met Loren, well actually I had already known her. I use to think I was crazy for having some sort of crush on this random girl on Twitter. Chloe knew I had a thing for her and every time I would sit, and talk to her or write down her lyrics, she would drag me off to the bedroom. I never would of thought I would of even met lovetoloveyou. She was always just my fantasy girl. The girl that somewhere in the world knew my soul without even knowing my personally.

Then I met her, and no matter how much at first I tried to fight it, I handed my heart to her in thousand pieces a puzzle that she had started to put together from the moment I kissed her. Eddie felt like Heaven had opened up and let an angel out just for him. An angel who was now down on one knee on the cold wet sand crying.

Eddie began walking to meet Loren, never once breaking eye contact. He could tell she was nervous.

Eddie: smiling, "Babe whats wrong?…..what are you doing?"

Loren: crying, "you promised….me everything…and now its my turn."

Eddie: "Lo…you don't have…"

Loren: "Eddie…..please just listen…I have too"

Eddie was smiling from ear to ear, no one has ever done anything like this for him. He knew she had to get this off her chest so he just walked up to her and held the hand that was waiting for his. The hand that now had her promise ring on it.

Loren: "Eddie earlier you told me how much I meant to you…and how much I have made a difference in your life…well I need you to know how much you have impacted my life"

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