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Did she really say no? Eddie played what happened in his head almost a million times, but still he got the same answer no. He was still frozen in place on his knees, unable to move, unable to breathe. He needed to clear his head. He wasn't mad at her he understood he really did. He was asking a big step from her. A step that she was clearly not ready for.

I don't blame her why would she want to be promised to me, when she can have someone so much better than me. The thought of her with another guy made the place where he got shot by the paintball gun hurt, he wished at this very moment he would of gotten shot. I wonder if its because of Cam, just when I started to like the kid, I'll kill him. Eddie knew better though, but why no what was the reason.

No,that was it one word and then she took off to the back room. Eddie could here her walking around. No just one word. He needed to go for a walk. Eddie got up and headed for the door he wasn't gonna go far he just needed a minute.

He opened the door to see it was storming. He decided he would take his chances he didn't even bother getting a jacket, he headed down the beach at night in the pouring rain.

I can't believe what just happened. Never in my life did I believe that Eddie would get down on one knee in front of me. I was so relived when he wasn't proposing to me. I wanted to marry him, and I couldn't be happier with his promise to me.

He must be so confused right now I just need to make a call first before I explain, why I said no at that very instant. I know he will understand. I love him so much too much if that is humanly possible. I always wanted a love like no other, a love to conquer everything. A love that my mom searched for her whole life. The love Max and Katy had. Me and Eddie were a lot like them, he said it was love at first sight, and I knew exactly what he meant.

I had loved Eddie the very second he introduced himself to me. Now if I can just find my phone.

Loren searched everywhere for her phone, and finally she found it in the bathroom. Loren hit speed dial and waited to here her moms voice.

Loren: "Hello mom…I have something to tell you"

Max: "Well hello to you too Loren…How are things?"

Loren: "Max? I wasn't expecting you….where's my mom?"

Max: "Ouch is that anyway to talk to your father-in-law?"

Max had high hopes. Loren laughed if only he knew what had just happened, but she needed to tell her mom first.

Max: shyly, "your mom is in the shower….so what are…."

Loren cut him off.

Loren: "um hmm Max Duran why is my mother in the shower?… you have some explain to do."

Max: laughed "no no nothing like that, get your mind out the cutter my dear."

Loren: "uh huh you take care of my momma,"

Max: "We are friends…for now…here she comes now.."

Loren: "Okay thank you..Max nice talking to you."

Max: " the pleasure is mine take care of my son….and Loren I love you."

Loren never had a father figure, she always wanted a dad. She loved max.

The Long and Winding Journey ( a Hollywood heights fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now