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Mika pov

Haruka is really important everyone in the sins are. After all their no one in this world that will understand the pain we went together but haruka i know that one day she will leave the group after all she is Haruka. I always feelt behind conpare to haruka she far ahead then all of us. We are all together we cant be apart even when Haruka was the composer of Starish we keep in touch but their going to be a day were haruka is going to want to be indepanted for herself after all of this and tells us to go are own ways. I know that Haruka really loves being an idol it shown in her face when she smiles she only smiles like that when she is with us and that she really cares for Starish and Quartet night. I could tell on her face that when Haruka use Quartet night just to hack them to find info she was about to cry and she feelt guilty about using them. And she cares for starish if she didnt that she wouldn't cry and feel sad when she tells Starish mean things to their face.

Haruka pov

I finish early but the others they were given more work. Then i hear knocking in my door. I star wondering who is it i mean they couldnt have finish really really fast.
I open the door and see Quartet night. Then i start to rember how i only used them to get info but i know deep down i really do care for her.

Reiji : Haruka long time no see

Reiji says in a cheerfull way and gives me a big hug once the others members saw that he was hugging me they pull him away from me.

Haruka: Hello Reiji,Ai,Ranmaru and Camus.
All: Hello Haruka
Haruka: What are you guys doing?
Ai: We wanted to know if you wanted to come with us to the water park?

Water park no that's a bad idea because they are going to see That i need to make up something.

Haruka: water park? Sorry i cant i dont know how to swim and their too many people their so were going to be seen.

Did they really not think about are fans.

Ranmaru: Then we can do something else.
Haruka: Yeah you guys want to watch a movie.
All: Yeah
Camus: Wait were are your others friend why aren't they here with you and trying to kick us out.
Haruka: Oh well they arent here they were given more work to do.

We head to the living room.

Reiji: This house is big
Haruka: Really well i guess it is but it gets lonely when your left alone.

I went to the kitchen to cook up pop corn so we can eat it while we watch a movie. We watch 2 movies they both were about 1 hour and 30 minutes long we first watch a comedy movie Quartet night were laughing even ai though he would laugh less compare to other but it was nice. Then we watch a horro movie it was intersting the only who weren't afraid was me and ai the others were screaming, shacking and Reiji was covering his eyes. Then their was a scean that made me rember of back then. I suddenly feelt like a kid again being afraid of that place i was shacking. Then i screamed quartet night turned their attention to me.

Camus: Haruka!!
Ranmaru: Hey snap out of it

That scean it was the same as back then everything why were they exactly the same. Even the kidnapers had the same names and did the same things. I was still afraid. Then i hug the person whi was closet to me and that was Ai i started to cry and shacking.

Ai pov

We started to watch the movies. The first one seem to bored Haruka but when we were watching the second one haruka was their all focus then that scean that was on was gruesome and gory and it made me think that thank God its only a movie and it's not real but the i heard a loud scream i look around and it was Haruka. She was shacking and crying. She then hug me and i hug her back trying to calm her downn. After some time Haruka calm down and the other member of Sins and came and we told them what happend when they watch the same scean they had the same face haruka made when she watch it. We were heading home.

Reiji: Why do you think that haruka was so scared.
Ranmaru: Yeah she was more afraid than you were.
Camus: But that scean was too much even for me.
Ai: It was the same for me.

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