Chapter #10 Lost

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NICK ╯︿╰

   Laying there on the floor, the back of my head throbbed. Lucas had pushed me into the couch pretty hard. I picked myself off of the ground and blinked back tears of pain. Why does he always run away? Is he embarrassed or scared? Is he to cool for romance or something? Does he just not want to be with a guy...? I glanced at the familiar coat that was draped over the side of my couch. Lucas had left it here. I sighed and picked it up and carried it with me up to my room. I lay on my back on my bed. I put his coat over my face. I inhaled and it smelled just like him. I got lost in the scent until I realized that I should probably return it to him. But I don't think he would want to see me right now. He was mad at me, I knew that. But I couldn't accept why he was mad at me. I hadn't done anything wrong dammit! I closed my eyes tight. I knew that I shouldn't of told him. I knew this was going to happen. It's my fault. I sighed and took out my phone. I tried calling Lucas.I had to tell him that he left his coat here. No answer. I called again. He didn't answer. Figures. Why would he want to talk to me anyways? I decided I'd just text him,

   "See? You always run away." I typed and sent. It's not what I meant to send, but it's what needed to be said. I'd give the coat to him another time. I lay back down on my bed and I heard my phone go off. He replied! I looked at the text message.

   "Fuck off." I dropped the phone onto my chest, but I wasn't surprised. I was just hurt. Why do I have to like Lucas? Why is it him? There's just something about him. He's special to me. He's just... perfect. He's Lucas. I could never stop loving him. No matter what he did to me. I could never hate him. I yawned and looked up at the ceiling. I was exhausted from arguing with Lucas. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Closing my eyes, they got filled with tears. They ran across my face and into my ears. They kept coming. I haven't cried like this in a while. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. Nobody was home. My mother doesn't come home until about two in the morning. So, I cried my heart out. I sobbed into my pillow. I was heartbroken. I didn't know what to do except to let it all out. Lifting my face off of the pillow I glanced at Lucas's coat beside me. Hmm...smells like Lucas. Thus, I slept with it in my arms the whole night. My mind was filled with dreams of Lucas. I couldn't do anything except think about him. I never thought it would get this bad, and it's all my fault. I just had to confess to Lucas. I don't think he's ever going to warm up to me; never going to tell me how he really feels. But that just means I'll have to work twice as hard. And if do, either he's going to hate me, or love me. And right now I'm not sure what it's going to be. I'm frightened at the thought of not knowing what Lucas is going to do. 

☆who are your favorite ships? mine are jean x marco, rin x nitori, kagami x kuroko ya knowww. but what about you? (other than nick x lucas of course lol) ☆

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