but now, i gotta wait for you.

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// He was going to do it, the sweet release of death. Until someone had to bother him about it. //

As the nature around him spoke to him, Dallon thought about this choice. After all, this could be the last choice of his life. Depends if he'll jump or not. He was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down at the barren ground. The thought of his body splatting there was almost like the first mark on a fresh canvas. Satisfying and relieving.

This could be the last thing he would ever see. The night sky, the only witnesses be the moon and the stars above. Who knows what they could be saying?

Dallon sat on the edge, letting his feet sway. His head now at the skies and he took a breath. It's quiet, he hasn't heard this quiet in a long time. Recently, it's been the screaming voices of false truths.

Out of nowhere, a sound bothered this quiet. It sounded like it came right behind him. He turned around but all he saw was bushes. Maybe he was just hearing things. He'll brush it off as just that.

A little longer, he thought. He should savor the few views he had before he jumps. But what was there savor if this world was one of the reasons he jumps?
Dallon sighed and scooted a little more toward the edge. There was an unsettling panic rising in his body as if this decision wasn't right one. He wasn't gonna quit now even if his body disagreed. His heart and mind know what they wanted.

Dallon took a deep breath and thought to himself, one more push could be it.

"H-hey! What—what do you think you're going to do? You know how dangerously close you are to the edge? Y-you could fall!" A timid sounding voice shouted out of nowhere and this made Dallon sorta pissed.

"I think I know that, why else would I be on the edge?" Dallon's voice harsh sounding as he turned around to find the voice's host.

"Are you...going to...j—" The poor boy seemed like he couldn't finish his sentence. Dallon shouldn't have felt bad for him but he did. After seeing the appearing of the guy, Dallon felt a knot begin to tie itself. A knot of guilt, to be exact. Before Dallon could say his answer, the boy interrupts.

"D-don't. F-for me?" The boy hoped his words made it to Dallon's brain and steer his course of death.

"Look, I-I made my choice. Please, just go back home." Dallon didn't mean to let that harsh façade go but for the guy, it seemed so hard not to.

"S-stop! I kn-know we just me a-and all. But—but I care about you." The younger looking guy walked up to him and sat down right behind him. Dallon didn't understand, how does some random stranger care for you? He just met this man and vice versa. It made him angry in a way.

"You can't care for me. You just met me." Dallon turned around, not being able to face the boy. But he felt a hand appear on his shoulder.

"That doesn't mean j-jackshit. I can still c-c-care for you, y'know." There's a new confidence (which is quite small but still.) the stranger has now. Almost as if he actually did care for Dallon.

He didn't respond to the words of the stranger but he listened to the shuffling behind him. Before he knew it, the stranger was sitting next to him, dangling his feet over the edge as well.

"Whatever you're thinking, p-please, don't do it, o-okay? I want to help you." Dallon was about to get all angry at him but then he saw his facial expression. The stranger had brown eyes drenched with emotions of worry and his lips in some sort of a frown. Before dying, this was a nice face to see.

"Sorry, I'm not going back to this life. I appreciate that you want to help me but I think that's impossible. I'm a long ways from being helped." Dallon spoke his usual speech and looked down at the ground. No one could change his mind. He was done with this life.

"B-before you carry your plans, c-could you listen to a song with me?" Dallon had  no idea where this might going but before he dies, he doesn't want to be more of disappointment, does he?

Dallon sighed and gestured his hand toward the boy to signal him to start getting the song out. He heard shuffling since he didn't stare at the guy while he was getting ready.

"Here, you'll have to take this earbud." The guy gave him one and Dallon placed it snug in his right ear. The guy put his and then laid down. Dallon decided to do the same since he doesn't want the situation to be more awkward then it already was.

Dallon closed his eyes as soon as the song starts.

"I had it all planned out before you met me. Was gonna leave early and so swiftly, maybe in a fire or crash off a ravine. People would weep, 'How tragic, so early.'"

The man who was about to his end his own life felt a little feeling in his chest. Perhaps the feeling was guilt or could it have been a more happier emotion...? The lyrics stung, though, it sounded like it was recalling this certain event. The song began to be drowned by his own thoughts.

Who was this guy? Why was he here? And most importantly, why the hell did he care so much about Dallon?

"I was gonna die young...but now, I gotta wait for you, honey."

The stranger definitely meant to play this on purpose. That purpose was clear to stop Dallon from jumping. And it might be getting to him. As he lay down, side by side, their eyes are on the stars that shone brightly despite the horrific event that could have taken place. Dallon took a deep breath and scratched his cheek before laying it down right on the other man's hand.

Out of panic, Dallon attempted to pull away but the other hand had already wrapped around his own. Dallon opened his eyes and shifted his head to the right. To his surprise, there was the guy, facing him, with rosy cheeks and a shy smile. Dallon couldn't resist not smiling back.

"Y'know, I thought I was gonna die tonight. Maybe I'm wrong." Dallon had this stupid smirk that made the other guy blush some more. He can't believe he's missing out on this.

"You are wrong! You're not thinking of...jumping anymore...r-right?" The man was cautious with his words.

"Not now but we'll see about later on." Dallon responded.

"Don't you even dare."

They fell into a comfortable silence and the song kept on playing on.

"I had it all planned out before you met me. I had a plan, you ruined it completely..."

The song almost finished but Dallon took his earbud out and faced the guy.

"If there's one thing I need to know, what's your name?"

"Brendon. You?" Brendon asked, taking his earbud as well.

"Dallon or I guess, the about-to-kill-himself guy to you," Brendon giggly lightly then felt bad for laughing his poor joke. "But in all seriousness, thank you for saving my life. You haven't completely changed my mind but helped smooth the path for something less traumatizing to others."

"Well, I wanna help you but only if you want me to. I've been told to be a ruiner of lives of sorts, maybe with this, I can prove them wrong." Brendon sounded happier and his stutter seemed to almost have disappeared.

"You just saved a guy's life, you'll most definitely prove them wrong, Brendon." Dallon looked back at the night sky with a smile on his face.

There's a billion stars out there in the endless space of the universe. But Dallon never knew the star next to him would mean so much with simple words and a song. He should consider Brendon's ways someday.


oH COd, more sorta crappy (this was like kicking the dead horse...?) stuff, sorry, sorry. I just needed to get this one out since it's been sitting in the queue for a while and I think I may have butchered the idea (sorry, past me,,,) anyways, I got plans and if you've read my message board, I think you know what it is. Probably gonna release it after conflict settles in S&S...? But no promises. Thank y'all for reading! Have a nice day! <33

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