the morning after

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// It is the morning after a one-night stand but could it be more? No way, it's called a one-night stand for a reason. //

Waking up and seeing something unfamiliar will always be quite the surprise. Brendon tiredly opened his eyes, rubbing them with the back of his hand. His vision was setting into focus and the image he was presented with a clean room. A T.V. right in front of the bed, white walls temporarily painted with the sun's beams, and when Brendon looked down, he saw perfectly clean white sheets.

What surprised him was the sheets weren't messy, it's almost like someone tucked him into bed or maybe someone's a clean freak. He sat up straight on the bed, looking around, quickly noticing that this isn't his home or room. Brendon's room shouldn't be this tidy or look nice.

He decided to go investigate as last night wasn't come back to him. But light pain from his back and hips were coming to him and feels used as well as sore. A headache to pair with it really was helping. Brendon stepped out of the blanket and noticed he did not have a shirt on or really anything on. His eyes went around the room and found his clothes neatly folded and stacked on the side desk.

Okay, weird. But he put the clothes on and went to the bathroom. Brendon took a piss and then washed his face. The water definitely helped to wake him up. As he stepped out of the bathroom, tiny recollections of last night pop up. He remembered going to a bar and then drinking a fuckton. That was it for now.

The door was wide open and it showed a set of stairs to the first floor. From where Brendon was, he can hear soft music and maybe the clanking of kitchenware. He head out of the room and scanned the other rooms quietly. And he wish he didn't as he found a closet full of suggestive items. Brendon decided to stop stalking this person's apartment and meet the damn person.

He went down the stairs, careful not to alert anyone. A living room greeted him and then right beside it is the kitchen. Some talk guy stood next to a counter, mixing something with a spoon. Brendon approached the man and was about to tap his shoulder when he turned around.

Then the memories came back to him like a waterfall. The man was the last piece of the puzzle and everything was completely.

"Good morning, Brendon, would you like some tea? I know you drank a lot last night and maybe this might help you," The guy's name wasn't coming back to him, though, yet he took the cup of hot tea. "Here, take a seat, I'm making breakfast. If you want it, you can leave if you'd like. I wouldn't want you to stay for long."

Brendon sat down at the kitchen table and he couldn't stop looking at the guy. He's so attractive and sweet. Brendon finally managed to break off his stare at the guy and stared at the tea. He couldn't stop thinking what his name was. It took him two minutes until he remembered his blue eyes that was beautiful under dimmed lighting.

Then it hit him.

"Dallon." Brendon whispered and the last night unraveled. The blur replayed in his head. Went to bar, got drunk and kissed this guy, before getting fucked by a really handsome guy. Honestly, Brendon's disappointed at not remembering Dallon's name. He moaned it so many times last night, no wonder he's so sore.

But Dallon doesn't have that dominance like last night. He wore this kind aura now. Brendon shouldn't be liking Dallon, this was supposed to be a one-night stand.

After reliving last night for a few moments, a plate of food was placed in front of him and Dallon took a seat in front of him. Fuck, Brendon could stare at his face forever.

"So, uh, Brendon, about yesterday," Dallon started and Brendon listened, eating his food. "Was it nice?"

Dallon shifted in his chair, taking a small bite of his food.

"It was wonderful, Dallon. Y'know, it'd be nice to experience it a few more times or maybe forever." Brendon grinned and Dallon almost choked on his food with a blush arising his cheeks.

"Y-you want to d-date me?" Dallon said with a quiet, unsure voice. How is it possible that this was the same guy who absolutely wrecked Brendon's ass last night?

"I don't see why not," Brendon set his silverware down and smiled at Dallon, who's blue eyes resonated with surprise at his proposition. "I get it was supposed to be a one-night stand but there's a reason why I chose to kiss you while drunk. You're really caring and not to mention, give me some really good sex. You're my kind of guy and if you accept it, this lonely apartment probably wouldn't be so lonely anymore."

"I-I...don't know. A-are you sure? My history with r-relationships don't end up well. Everyone e-ends up leaving me." Dallon smiled back but it seemed so nervous and hid this sadness.

Brendon took Dallon's hands and leaned in. "I promise to give you all the love and attention that you were always short-handed of, Dallon. You have no idea how much I like you."'

And to seal their agreement to be lovers, Dallon kissed Brendon's lips gently and lovingly. Most one-night stands end up with the two people separated and to be never seen again. But there a few that end up to be something more.


I honestly don't know what this turned out to be but I hope it was cute...? Anyways, I'm sincerely sorry for it updating in a while, my mid-term exams are coming soon, so, I might be on a break for a while. But don't worry, it won't be for too long! I'll start publishing probably after next week as it will be my winter break! Anywhoo, thank you for your patience and reading! I love you all! <33

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