Secret admirer (High Scool au)

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Your beautiful brown hair, your eyes are like the shimmering night sky, jeg elsker deg, Thomas.
-from your secret admirer; Tom read the note.

"OooOh! Someone likes you"!! Edd clapped cheerfully, Tom blushed.
"Ha! Didn't ever think that was possible! Especially for Tom, wow"! Tord laughed.
"But what does that mean"??? Tom showed off the part of the note where it said; jeg elsker deg
"Maybe it's some fancy language"? Matt chimed in.

Tom just rolled his eyes and put the paper in his pocket. "I keep on getting these stupid secret admirer notes but I don't know who the hell they are from"!

Matt put his fingers on his chin stroking it softly, Edd's mind wandered until a light bulb went off.

"Well obviously it's someone who can speak a different language". Edd explained.
Tord just laughed and squeezed Edd's shoulder.

"Obviously it's just a joke, c'mon Edd.. I mean look at him! Who would ever like Tom"? Tord teased.
"You better shut your mouth"! Tom cracked his knuckles, Tord just smirked evilly.
"Whatever Jehovah's Witness"..

The boys all came to a stop, this is where they all had to part with each other..
"Bye guys"! Edd waved happily as he jumped into his parent's car.
"Byeee"!! Matt blew kisses to them as he walked the different direction, Tord and Tom were left alone.

"Have fun finding out who your secret admirer is"~ Tord winked as he walked out of the gate.
"Oh shut up"! Tom scowled.

Tom started walking to his house, slowly trudging his feet each step. Toms head hung low, he wasn't tired, he wasn't sad, he was just confused..

Who?? Who could it be? Jena? No, she is way out of my league.. Alex.. No he's not gay enough.. Could it be Edd or Matt just trying to be my friends and make me feel special.. I hate when they do that.. It's embarrassing.. Could it be Madelyn? Nah.. She is way too sweet! UGH WHO COULD IT BE?? Maybe I'm not thinking hard enough..

Tom groaned as he put his hand on the cold silver doorknob, turning it slowly trying not to make the door creak, he stepped inside tiptoeing on the wooden floor boards. He quickly ran up stairs and went to his phone.

ColaLover: I just got a whole new pack of cola on sale!! IM SO HAPPY!
M@: nice!
TommySka: yo yo wassup!
ColaLover: have you found out who your secret admirer is yet??😏😉
TommySka: no..
Norski666: ha! I bet it's your mom! Lmao
ColaLover: TORD!
TommySka: oh shut up, you're just mad because I got a secret admirer and you don't!
Norski666: trust me.. I know who it is..
ColaLover: who??😧
Norski666: I can't.. Then it would mess everything up.. Thomas you better watch your step
TommySka: I hate you..

Tom put his phone down and let a huge sigh escape from his chapped lips.

He's such a fucking asshole.. Why can't he just stop teasing me? But he is right, I should watch my step, I should keep an eye out for whoever it might be.. It could literally be anyone..


Tom sleepily arose from his bed, sliding his feet to the edge of the bed, Tom yawned and rubbed his black abysses he calls eyes. Then Tom notices something, he looked to his side, the window was cracked halfway open with a blue little envelope stuck beneath the window seal. Tom's feet hit the cold wooden floor, he grappled the envelope opening slowly.

Roses are red, your bed is blue, I came to you last night.. Do you know who?

Tom closed the note, he thought for a moment..

That was creepy.. They know where I live.. It has to be someone messing with me! But.. Then how would they know that my bed is blue? Could it be Edd? No.. Edd doesn't write like this.. Wait.. Why am I so stupid? I can just look at everyone's writing in class!

Tom threw on his black jeans and put on his Stay Safe asdf shirt, and then he put on his blue sweatshirt. Tom ran down stairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal, swallowing down the milk he then brushed his teeth right after and slammed his door closed locking it from the other side, he ran all the way to school and then bumped into.. Him.

"Ow"! The Norwegian hissed.
"You were in my way"! The shorter male growled, Tord just laughed.
"Ah.. Sweet Thomas, it's so nice to see you.. Did you have a great sleep last night"? Tord smiled "innocently".

Tom just stood there.. Looking at the communist with a disgusted face. Edd suddenly tapped on Tom's shoulder, Tom whirled around to face the adorable cinnamon roll.

"Hiya Tom"! Edd chirped as he took a small sip of his cola.
"EDD! I need to tell you my great plan! So basically I am going to look at everyone's writing to figure out who is my secret admirer"!
"Good idea"! Edd smiled brightly, Tord's grin turned into a frown.
"Uh.. I don't really think that's"- Tom put his finger to his mouth shushing him up.
"I don't want to hear it Tord! I'm going with my plan"!

The bell finally rang, Matt running over to the boys, panting.
"Sorry I was late! I was looking at my beautiful face in the mirror"! Matt put his fingers through his soft hair. Tom just rolled his "eyes".

"C'mon, we should get to class the bell already rang"! Edd exclaimed.

All they boys ran to the big building, up the stairs, through the halls and into the classroom. Panting and huffing as Tom opened the door and sat down in his seat, Edd and Matt were in the far back of Tom and Tord sat right next to him.

Tom looked back and forth for any signs of the same way the love letter was written. Until he caught a glimpse of Tord's paper.. It can't be..

"IT WAS YOU"!? Tom exclaimed getting up, disrupting the whole class.
"Jeg elsker deg"~ Tord winked.
"Thomas! Sit down! I will not be having that kind of language in my class"! The teacher yelled. Tom sat down slowly sinking in his seat from embarrassment.
"I can't believe you are my secret admirer"! He whispered over to Tord, Tom's face flushed with red.
"By the way, it means I love you".. Tord's voice sent shivers down Tom's spine, he then looked around to see Edd and Matt giggling in the back.

"I hate you.."
"I love you too"..

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