The Maze Game

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"C'mon"!! Let's go"! Edd begged.

Tom and Tord just lied on the couch, unamused and bored. "Fine.. But only because I'm bored".. Tom grumbled as he got up from the couch. "Where are we even going"? Tord questioned, scratching the back of his neck.


Tom groaned in annoyance as Edd pushed them both out the door, Edd ran over to the car and buckled his seat, Tom and Tord were in the back crammed in with all of Matt's garbage.

"Why can't I drive this time?? I don't wanna sit next to him"! Tom scooted away from Tord.
"No Tom, you don't even know where the carnival is"! Edd explained.
"Fine".. Tom grumbled a few curses under his breath.

I should've got drunk so I wouldn't have to come or I at least could've brought some of my Smirnoff! Ugh.. Now I have to come to a stupid carnival with my idiotic friends and the worst person in the world THAT I HATE SO MUCH!

Tord looked like he didn't give a care in the world, he was just laying back on his seat with his eyes closed as he hummed a song in his head, Tom couldn't identify what he was humming but he tried to ignore him.

It's probably just something in his stupid commie language.. Tom scoffed as he looked out of the window, all sound around him suddenly was lost, his full attention was just looking outside, the sun shined perfectly through the trees the sun was hitting on Tom's cheeks as he drifted to sleep.

"Morning sunshine"~ Tord purred.
"H-huh"? Tom grunted as he tried to get up, his neck was all tweaked from the way he was sleeping.
"You fell asleep while I was driving".. Edd muffled a small laugh.

Tom growled as he got up fully, pushing the Norski out of the way. Tom hopped out of the car cracking his back and his knuckles, the carnival was huge! There were roller coasters and other rides that looked fun but Tom didn't really like roller coasters.

"What's wrong Tommy? You nervous"? Tord smirked
"Wha-? No! I just don't like roller coasters.." Tom mumbled.

"Hey guys look! It's a cotton candy machine"! Edd cheered as he ran over to a man and gave him some money for the sweet.

Edd came back with his cotton candy in hand. Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord all walked past many games, rides, and food stands until they game across a huge sign that said: "MAZE WALK" Edd seemed to be amazed by the sign, it lit up every few seconds. "Let's go inside"!! Edd grabbed a few tickets from his pocket and gave it to the man running a stand. Edd grabbed Matt by his hand. "You guys go that way and we will go this way"! Edd laughed, he must be enjoying this.. But Tom and Tord on the other hand not so much.

Tom slowly walked into the maze Tord following him. "I can't believe he left me with you"! Tom growled. Tord had his stupid smug look on his face, Tom ran into a wall a few times making Tord burst out laughing.

"IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY"! Tom put his hand on his head trying to sooth his headache.
"Whatever jehovah's".. Tom and Tord were walking until it got super dark, Tom started shaking, he didn't like the dark at all!

"Aww.. What's wrong? Are you scared"? Tord cooed making Tom feel like a baby which made him mad.
"I am not a baby and I do not need your hel- AHHH"! Tom screamed as he held onto Tord for dear life, Tom snuggled his face into his arm, Tom got spooked by a spider that was crawling on the wall.

"Oh sure.. You're not scared at all".. Tord smirked.
"I hate you so much".. Tom held onto Tord's arm the whole entire time, they finally made it out.

"Hey guys"! Edd hollered over at them.
"How was it"? Matt asked.
"Tom was terrified he held onto me the whole time".. Tord cooed again as he looked down at the whimpering male, a blush dusted his cheeks.
"Aww! Tom gets scared easily! I'm so glad you guys got along"!
"Can we go now.. I'm... Tired".. Tom lied, Tord picked up the smaller male and took him to the car.

"My ship has sailed".. Edd giggled.

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