Kidnapped 2#

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Tom's eyes slowly fluttered open. He was still embraced in the darkness but his eyes have gotten used to it. Matt was just curled up in the corner of the car, he looked sick, and his face wasn't red from the coldness from outside, no.. It was much worse. Tom felt the Brit's forehead. He was burning up, he coughed here and there and sometimes he would even cough up some mucus and bile.. And sometimes even droplets of blood would splutter out of his throat. It was horrifying seeing his friend like this. Matt wasn't just sick.. He was dying..

Tom held on tight to Matt's arm. Tom could swear he could see him smile. How long had Matt even been like this? How long will they be like this before they die?

Tom's P.O.V
It was wretched to be in this car.. It smelled like a barn almost. I held onto Matt's arm the entire time. I don't care how long it takes, I just want to get out of here safely with Edd and Matt.. Why did they even take us? Why were we the ones they took in this car and everyone else got herded into another one? Was Edd in another cattle car just like this one? Was he terrified just like us? I don't understand.. We did nothing wrong! I banged my fist on the door as loud as I could. "LET US OUT"! I yelled in a shrivelled voice. I was surprised I could even yell my voice was so dry, but I got water so that probably made my throat more moist. I then felt a bump shuddered through the whole car to a stop.

The door yawned open as I dragged Matt to the other side of the car. A gust of icy wind collided with our quivering bodies. We weren't ready for this, Matt especially wasn't ready for this. "You dirty swines, GET OUT NOW"! A soldier shouted. I tried to shimmy down but my legs were so messed up for some reason they were like rubber from sitting so long. I fell down out of the car and smacked right into sharp gravel with icy specks of snow, my arms and knees were screaming in pain as I tried to stand up. Matt was still in the car, I overheard two of the soldiers speaking to each other in that language again.

The soldier went closer to me. "Dette en".. The soldier pointed at me. "Get up, now".. He growled again. "I can't.. I-I'm hurt".. I whimpered as I touched my hands that were covered in gravel. "Hva om dette en"? The soldier then pointed at Matt who was still inside the car. The soldiers both started bickering back and forth. I was still on the ground, why was I in so much pain? Was I really inside that boxcar that long? One of the soldiers that had long brown hair grabbed Matt outside of the car, he dragged him near to the ground where I was. The other soldier talked on the phone speaking angrily. "C'mon Paul".. The soldier held Matt in his arms. Good thing he was passed out.. Or is that a bad thing?

Me and Matt were basically helpless, we could do nothing but lie on the floor. One of the buffer but shorter males practically wrenched my arm out of its socket. He pulled so hard. The men dragged us to an entrance that was in the middle of two-story wooden building. They lined us up at a metal wired gate. I was dirty, hungry, and squirming with lice. The soldiers knocked on a big red door, it had RL printed on the front..

What did that stand for? The two bastards then tied my arms behind my back so fast I barley even noticed it. The door opened slowly as the two men pushed me and Matt inside. The soldiers stood, chest puffed out, a chair faced them, a leather red chair. I looked around specks of blood covered parts of the floor, I sighed deeply knowing that I was going to die. A large puff of smoke came from behind the seat, it then whirled around..

I couldn't believe my 'eyes' at what I saw..

That commie..

He was behind all this?

"I said I only wanted the blue one, take that one away and feed him to the dogs.. And do the same with that other chubby one that I have locked up in room B4.." He chuckled menacingly in his deep Norwegian accent. "NO"! I screamed I saw the two men carry Matt out. I knew who he meant when he said the 'chubby one'.

"So Thomas, long time since I've seen you".. He said tauntingly. I struggled in my restraints. "Oh Thomas.. Always trying to get in the way of me ruling over the world"~ "please don't hurt them.. I'll do anything just please.." I whimpered pathetically. I really had no choice other than to give in to him. "Oh~? You don't want me to hurt your precious friends"~? "Just please let them go".. I weeped.

"Fine.. But you'll have to do me a little favour first.. If I let go of your friends you have to join my army.." He smirked. "I-" I was cut off by him shushing me. "I wasn't finished.. You have to join my army and.. You have to be my little slave"~ his smirk grew. I felt my stomach drop and my heart stopped.

Slave? Should I even except? If I don't what am I even going to do? Run away? I obviously can't do that my arms are tied, literally.. I have no other choice..

"I accept".. I looked down at myself.

"Mmm~ good"~

He got up out of his leather seat and went over to me. "Oh Thomas~ you don't understand how much I've needed you"~ he groaned. Needed me? I thought he hated me though.. I hate him! And he knows that.. Why is he acting like this?

"Wait! What kind of slave are we talking a-about"? I gulped. He laughed at my question obviously knowing that I took it the wrong way. "Oh Thomas you are too much.. A slave.. I could do whatever I want to you without you giving me a protest. you belong to me, got that?" He inched closer to my face, the smell of cigarettes on his breath. I quickly nodded.


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