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England has been invaded by the red army!

The room smelled of soap, Tom held Edd's hand in a tight grip. It would be easy to lose Edd in this sea of panicked people, and Tom had lost far too much already. Edd looked up at Tom, his lips moved but Tom couldn't hear him over the screams and the gunshots. "Don't leave me".. Edd trembled with fear. Tom wrapped his arms around him gently. A loud crack startled them, the whole room was then silent. A woman came out dressed in white. She clapped her hands sharply. "People". She said in brisk Norsk. "You will each have a medical examination". People were shoved in a long snaking line that took up most of the room. Tom watched as one by one, people were being taken behind a white curtain. When it was Edd's turn, his eyes went wide with fear. Tom did not let go of him, but the nurse had a strong grip, she pulled their hands apart.

"TOM STAY WITH ME"! Edd screamed as tears swelled up in his eyes. Tom watched in horror as the nurse made Edd strip off his PJ's. His face was red with shame. Tom rushed up and tried to knock the nurse out, but the nurse called for help and Tom got held back by two large men wearing uniforms. When they finally finished with the medical examination they told Edd to stand at the other end of the room. When it was Tom's turn he barley noticed what they were doing he just kept his voids on Edd. Dozens of frightened people had filled up the room. Tom wanted to escape but he couldn't escape without Edd. When the nurse was done with Tom he slipped his clothes back on, he was ordered to stand with the larger group in the front of the room. Not Edd's group..

"I need to be in that group"! Tom growled at the nurse, pointing at Edd. The nurses face went into a frown. Her lips moved a small bit, her hand motioning for him to stand over in the front. "No talking".. She put her hands on each of Tom's shoulders and shoved him in the larger group. A wide door opened, the darkness of the night showing out the door. Tom and his group was herded into complete darkness. Edd screamed out, "TOM! Don't leave me"!

Tom looked back to catch a small glimpse of Edd. "I WILL FIND YOU EDD, I PROMISE! STAY STRONG"! Tom yelled back. A sharp slap across his face sent him spiralling onto the cold and wet grass. Tom got up weakly. He had to get back to Edd! Strong arms were suddenly wrapped around his torso and lifted him up. He was thrown into darkness. With a loud screech of metal the door slammed shut.


Tom opened his eyes. It was so dark it took a few moments for his voids to get used to the lighting. Tom was crammed somewhere in a hot metal car that smelled like rust and rotting flesh. It was so stuffy in there. Tom was alone in utter darkness, he didn't know where Edd was he didn't even know what happened to Matt. It was so peaceful that night.. And now here he is.. Getting kidnapped by God knows who.. Tom was frightened and unaware of what might happen to him next.. Will he die? Will he get brutally murdered? Will he ever find Edd? Tom crawled up into a corner and weeped softly to himself. He felt a shock, the car started to move. The car swayed back and forth. Gunshots and the wails of people could still be heard. Tom could then see it, two men driving in the front. Tom's side was cut off by some kind of window. It was kinda like one of those jail cars that have half of the car split so one side is the criminal and one side was the cops.. Wait.. Was Tom the criminal? He did nothing wrong.. Right?

Tom knocked on the window, he could hear faint whispered of the two speaking another language.. Tom could swear he had heard this before. "H-hey! Excuse me!? Do you know where we are going"? Tom knocked again. No answer.

"Norway.." A voice emitted from the darkness. "Who said that"?! Tom jumped hitting his head on the top of the car. The ginger hair shimmered in faint lighting, Tom could now see it..

"MATT? Oh my god where have you been this whole time"? Tom crawled over to the frightened Brit. His face was full of blue and purple bruises and bumps and some scratches. "O-oh my-" Tom touched his face, his pained shock soon turned into soft tears. "What did they do to you"? Tom cried.

A few hours went by, still crammed in that musty car. The smell of cigarettes then came up to his nose he coughed loudly his burned, it was like a desert. He was thirsty, tired and hungry. Matt curled up next to Tom for comfort.

Days had past, the car had taken stops to rest and pick up essential things that the soldiers had needed, still Tom and Matt were in the back starving and thirsty, did they know that they were back there? Of course they did, they were only ignoring them it was an order, but an order from who? Tom thought. Tom and Matt slept day and nights went by. How long does it take to get to Norway?! Tom pulled down his hoodie on his head and tugged at the strings making it tighten around his head. Matt was caught in a fit of coughing, his stomach churned as his body ached in pain. It was very uncomfortable. Tom of course had to take care of Matt, Matt was like a child almost.

Soon the car came to a halt, a bump made both of the males jump. Tom soon thought right at this moment.. Will we die in this car? Tom looked around, they were still engulfed in darkness. Tom could here voicing approaching their side of the car. "Matt! Wake up"! Tom whispered as he shook the other male awake. The door slid open, Tom didn't realise it until now that they were in some kind of small cattle car.. The sudden daylight hit Tom's empty voids, Matt squinted in pain as he tried to gain enough strength to get up. They haven't walked in days so it was painful. Tom could feel the cold breeze hit his face, it felt like tiny little pins were stabbing his lungs. A soldier stood in front of Tom and Matt, pointing his rifle at Matt.

Tom tried to say something but his mouth was so dry it felt like sawdust. Behind the soldier were buildings, mounts of snow piled on top. The only signs Tom could see was written in Norsk. A loud pitched whizzing sound was followed by a large 'BOOM', in the distance. Bombs. "Stay in there, you swines".. The Norwegian growled as he jabbed his rifle at them menacingly. The soldier turned around and motioned to a lady in dirty rags. Balanced on her two shoulders was a long stick with a bucket full of some sort of mush on one side and on the other a bucket full of water. She went near to the cattle car and plopped the sloshing pails of mush and water inside with the two Brits. "Be careful out there, he will punish you if you don't follow his rules".. The woman whispered while pointing at Tom. Wait.. What does she mean by 'punish'? And who is 'he'? Tom gulped.

"No talking"! The soldier shouted. The door then slammed shut. Both the males were engulfed in complete darkness once again. Tom made his way to the mush. It looked disgusting but what else was he going to eat? He was starving. Matt looked sick, his cheeks had two red angry splotches on each side. His head was hot and his breathing was slow. Tom stuck his finger in the sludge and slipped it in his mouth. He could feel the muck sliver down his throat. It didn't taste appetising but it was all they had. Tom scooped up some of the turnip, vegetable mush. Tom cupped his hands to his face, Matt just wrinkled his nose at the scent. "Eat". Tom was concerned. Matt cupped his fingers with Tom's and drew his hands to his mouth, he swallowed down slowly. Matt coughed and gagged but then it all just went down.

Tom just lied down, he was exhausted. He missed Edd and he missed the house and he missed Ringo and he missed Susan.. Tom felt tears travel down his frosted cheeks.

Was this the end?

I will be continuing the story later^

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