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"Beep beep beep" my phone rang.
"Beep beep beep" it rang again.
On the third chime I answered it.

"What you want Mama" I answered.
"You can't make me be nice to him okay, he's not even my real dad" I told her with a tone.

"I know sweetie but he don't know that". "And he loves you so much, that it kills him when you act like that".

"Mom" I said to her.

"What baby" she said back.

"I contacted my real Dad" I said again.

"Oh" she said with her voice cracking.
"Well I got to go then" she said again sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Before she hung up she's said one more thing. "Just don't tell nobody".

She then hung up and I sat there waiting for my dad.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was fifteen young and dumb. I had gotten pregnant from my boyfriend and had no intentions of keeping it. My mom had taken me to the clinic to get it taken care of, but I needed a birth certificate. When I had looked at it and didn't see my Dads name my heart sank.


In walked this Man dressed in a full suit with an ear piece and shades, he started to walk towards me.

"Um Hello Miss, I'm here to meet Krista" he said after he tapped on my shoulder.

"That's me" I answered.

I didn't really know what to do so I just motioned for him to sit down. He came across the table and grabbed a chair.

"This is strange" I told him.

"I know right" he told me. "After all these years I'm finally meeting you-".

"What do yo mean finally" I said cutting him off. " i thought you didn't know about me" I said again.

"Well your mom told me she was pregnant and I was-, I...I...I just wanna make things right okay Kris". He ended.

"Great, I don't even know your full name and your already giving me nicknames wow". I said to him annoyed.

"Look, Krista we can take this okay. I want to help you through college okay. I just want to be there". He said making a promising offer. "Just think about it, here's my card" he ended sliding me his business card.

It had said he was a that he was a neurology surgeon.

I really did need help with school TBH.


As I sat in 1st period overhearing everybody's break mine had topped all of theirs of course.

"HOW WAS YOUR BREAK" Riley yelled into my ear causing me to get out of my thoughts and feelings.

"What are you yelling for" I asked in and annoyed tone.

"Because mine was A-MAY-ZING" she ended."Now asks me why" she said pointing to herself.

"Why hoe" I answered.

"First of all you need an attitude check and second this Smart bitch is going to UCLA"!

"Wait, really" I asked being surprised.

"Yes really, my dad had connections and I had a wicked recondition letter from one of the ladies on the admission board" she ended.

"You mean your Mom's best friend" I told her.

"Yep, yep" she said back at me.

"Lucky bitch" I said back at her.

"I know right, buuuuttttt what's up with you". She asked me pretending to care.

After that her eyes went straight up to my forehead. I asked her why and it turned out she was looking up at Jacob who was behind me. I turned around but wasn't expecting him to look like that.

"What the fuck do you got on" I asked.

"Don't ask, lets just say I lost a bet" he said not answering my question.

He had on Dre's white jacket, foamposites, pink joggers and a purple school shirt.

"Well I can't be seen with you today so, stop talking to me before people think I know you" I finished.

"Yo stop playing, but how are you doing" he asked.

"Fine, why wouldn't be" I answered.

"Oh you didn't hear-".

"Hear what".


"About who Jake" I said this time getting anxious.

"Sarah...shes took your spot .


"Is she pregnant" Di'onka whispered to one of her other nasty friend.

She was right in front of me and I could hear everything she was saying. She would look back then loud whisper again to her friend, and honestly it was beginning to piss me off. Due to all the anger bulking up inside of me I broke the tip to my pencil. I got up and walked all the way to the other side of the classroom to sharpen it. I still heard whispering and this time I decided to do something about it.

"Keep talking hoe, because I really want to beat that ass" I yelled at her.

"Fine den betch, I kill that ugly ass baby and you" she yelled back.

We both just went back and forth until next thing I knew I was trying to run toward her but the teacher had stopped me dead in my tracks. She just both issued us out of class and I knew we were about to be sent home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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