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When the celebration was over, Yan Da stayed in the throne room with her father and brother.

"Father, until when are you going to continue this charade?" She asked while studying her nails.

Shuo Gang and Flames eyebrows rose. "What do you mean?"

"Do you really think that this strategy will last? Knowing the other tribes, they probably already have plans to reclaim this Kingdom." She told them bluntly.

Flame frowned. His daughter has a valid point. "Do you have something in mind then?"

Yan Da smirked. Her eyes glinting maliciously. "As a matter of fact, I do."

"What is it?" He asked. Curious to what it was.

"Patience, father. I will tell you soon but before that I need to go to the Mermaid Palace."

"Why?" Hou Yi asked confused.

Yan Da just smiled mischievously. After kissing her father on the cheek, she left the room.

Shuo Gang and King Huo Yi were left there sitting. Silence enveloped them. Yan Da's actions baffled them.


In her room, Yan Da quickly changed into her usual outfit. She then left her room. Her destination, the Mermaid Palace.

At the same time, Ka Suo was sitting on one of the big rocks in the coast of the Mermaid Palace. Thinking about his condition, the future and the things he could do to help his brother and his people.

He sighed. Things were looking grim for him. He doesn't have his powers anymore. Will the citizens of Ice Kingdom want an invalid king? That's what he is. An invalid immortal. He can't even protect himself if someone attacked him now.

"So, even the famous Prince Ka Suo can be lost in his thoughts. "

Quickly, looking behind him. He saw the fire princess smirking at him.

"Princess Yan Da?" he said, standing up.

"You didn't even notice me. I've been standing behind you for a minute."

Ka Suo looked down. A bit embarrassed. He should really be more alert now. He had lost his powers for goodness sake!

"What are you doing here?"

"To look at the ocean." Yan Da replied.

"Huh?" Ka Suo said at the unexpected reply. Yan Da laughed, marveling at his are- you- for -real expression.

"Just, kidding." She said. Her expression then became serious. "I'm here to talk. Ka Suo, tell me. How far will you go to protect your people and the ones you love?"

Ka Suo met her unwavering gaze. "I'd give  everything that I have." He answered her truthfully.

"Even your heart and freedom?" She asked, going towards him. She only stopped when he was an inch away from her.

Ka Suo didn't move. His instincts were telling him not to. His mind told him to look into her eyes and just answer her honestly. He paused for a while though. Her last question surprised him. Would he sacrifice even his heart and freedom? Remembering Shi, his friends and Li Luo, he smiled. He'd rather suffer than them.

So, he opened his mouth and answered. "Yes."

The fire princess smiled. Her eyes shone gleefully, hearing his answer. She then draped her arms over his shoulders which surprised Ka Suo. Yan Da tightened her hold on him though so he can't move.

"Then Prince Ka Suo, will you...?" she whispered into his ear. Yan Da chuckled, feeling him froze. She then slowly moved away from him.

"Think about it. If you will be with me, my father would willingly relent control over your parents and the Ice Kingdom. The war will also end."

Yan Da stated, grasping his chin. "I'll be waiting for your answer. Be quick though I can only stop father's plans for a while. I'll see you soon." She said, kissing him on the cheek.


When she was far enough, Yan Da smirked. All is fair in love and war, she thought. Laughing out loud, in the dark sky above her. The wind blew stronger and lightning flashed behind the clouds.

Warning everyone to be careful of her or they'll face their doom.

Yet pieces of the realms were celebrating her awakening. They recognized her presence, the one they've been waiting for. The one destined to end their misery despite her unique and painful way of doing things. Being sadistic is a part of her after all.

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