Meeting others

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Lily's Pov

After I took a shower, I dressed up and stand in front of mirror and looked at my eyes. In that moment, Charles is coming downstairs and ask me :
"Are you ready?"
I took a deep breath and said :
"I am.Let's go meet all those people!"
I went upstairs following Charles and I saw a lots of kids running around and joking, and I heard someone calling me, and I can say that I have heard this voice before. I turned around and I saw Jean, first person I meet on this place.
"Hey Lily!" She said and hugged me.
"Oh,Jean,it's you!" I answered and hugged her back.
And there was some guy who was always running around after her (I remember I saw him once in hospital part of institute).
"Oh,I almost forget!"she said and smiled.
"Lily, this is Scott Summers also called Cyclops. And Scott, this is Lily." She introduced us to one another.
"Nice to meet you Lily." he shaked my hand and smiled at me.
He was cute, but I don't know, kinda boarding guy. I didn't liked him that mutch.
"So,who's up for some donats and hot chocolate?" Jean asked with smile on her face.
"What day is today?" I asked confused 'cause I completly forgot that I had class witch I had to hold, and on witch I NEVER showed up.
"It's saturday, why?" Scott answerd.
"Never mind, I'm just asking." I said.
"So does it means we're going on donats?" I asked.
"Of course it does!" Jean answerd.
"Great" She said.
"Scott and I are going in our room to change and take some things but first, I'm gonna show you your room." She added as she took me upstairs where I saw 2 girls fighting about something. "Hey, girls, slow down!" Jean said like she was mad on them.
"What is even reason if this all?" "Well" One of them said "it's just..."
"Nothing!" Other girl said. "Kitty,I'm sorry because of this, but, can we just, you know... Forget about it?" I went un their heads while this all happend and I saw that girl who asked question was Rogue, regular student with powers of taking someones energy. Other girl's name was Kitty. She was regular student too, and the reason of the fight was one boy named Boby Drake. Both of them were crazy In love with him, so they were fighting witch one will take him for hershelfe.
"No!" We looked at her and Rough winked on her, what means that she didn't realy thought what she said.
"I mean, yes, of course, sorry Rogue, it won't happend again."
"Good" Jean said.
I was surprised that Jean didn't saw they both were lying. After they two left, Scott went in his room to change and Jean opened the door were they two were standing. "Here is your room!" she said smiled, like usally. When I came in, I thought that I never saw better room than that.
"Wow!" That was the only thing I coud say in the moment.
"One question : Does everyone have this beautiful room like I do now?" I asked with face like OMG.
"Well... pretty mutch yes." She said.
"Wow" I couldn't said anything else.
"Now here is your clotes." And she opened very, very big wardroom and half of it was a lot of clotes and I was stund, I couldn't say anything, and I didn't even felt that my mouth were open. After it there was a large bathroom with shower cabin and pedestal with mirror lighting as well as beautifully shaped cabinets that were equipped with sandpit and other small things. Bed was so soft and blankit was so soft and warm and I just didn't wanted to leave my new room.
"So that's it. Do you like this room, cause there is more room's witch you can chose, of course, if you want it to." Jean said softly.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!!THIS ROOM IS DREAM OF DREAS!!! Even if my mum was ritch,I could never dream about room looking like this!!"
"Ok,I glad you like it! Now change your clotes and meet you downstairs in 15 mins." She said and went away.
"Ok,see you then!" I said and went to my new wardroom to take some clotes. I took classic lightblue jeans and a white shirt with long sleeves without shoulders and took a leather jacket, and down below I was wearing black sports shoes. Because breakfast alredy passed 'till Jean were showing me my new room, I went downstairs and saw her waiting for me. While I was going downstairs, I noticed some man was looking at me. I think I saw him before, but not in institute. I just can't remember where I saw him. Beside that, like I said, when I went downstairs, I meet Jean there and we went downtown to get some donats. When we were alredy there we set next to window in that, I don't even know what it is, and orderd donats and Jean took hot chocolate and I took just galss of milk. While we were eating, I asked her where is Scott.
"He alredy had breakfast while I was showing you your room, so he decited not to go."
"Ok." I answerd.
"Jean, can I ask you one question?"
"Offcorse you can." She said smiling.
"Anyways, why are you asking me that?"
"I don't know" I said and laughed. "Beside that, how didn't you saw that girl, Rogue, and other one, Kitty, were lying about their fightin?"
"I saw they were lying but thing I didn't saw was what was the reason? Did you?" She said laguhing.
"Reason was some boy called Boby Drake. They were fighting witch one will take him for hershelfe." I said and laguhed a bit.
Jean started laguhing too because it was funny to us, but not them. After we ended our meal, Jean payed (cause I had no money) and we went away. When we came home, Professor told us to meet him in his room. I knew I was reason of that meeting cause I could see it in way professor's voice,but I didn't knew where was it, so Jean brought me there. When everyone were there Professor told me to come forward. I came forward and than Professor said :
"Atention please!"
When he get Atention he started taking :
"Okay, everyone meet your new, I hope friend, Lila. Lila, do you have anythig to say about yourshelfe?" He looked at me, raised his eyebrows, and smiled. Before I get that it's my turn to say something, I was looking at that man who looked at me while I was going downstairs, I just can't get him out of my head. When I saw he looked at me too, I smiled and than Professor looked at me and I said:
"Well, like he said, my name is Lila but you can call me Lily. About my powers...well I actualy don't like to talk about it, but as you know,vone of them is telepathy."
Then proffesor said:
"Ok,that's it,you're free to go." And he went away.
After it, I was about to go and talk to that man, to meet him, but Scott and Jean came to me and start saying some things like :
"Hey, you were great...",and some things like that and that, and after we done conversation he was gone. After day spended with Scott and Jean and meeting Rogue and Kitty and drinking tea with them, I went in bed whitch was so conftable and soft. Laying in bed, I was imagening how old is that man and what's his name and all the other things. I had feeling that somehow we have same past, but I wasn't sure. That night I didn't have much sleep, but tomorrow evrything changed. Why? Cause I meet him.
(To be continiued in next chapter)

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