Fine...? Not anymore...

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Lily's POV

"C'mon girl,try this one!!!" Jean yelled from the second end of store.
"No Jean, I've alredy tried it,it's too tight for my stomac!!!" Yeap, I'm pregnant. It all started 3 months ago...

~~~Theee months ago~~~

We went on mission and we were going by plane.
And in moment, I felt sick and I unchonchest. I woke up few minutes later and realized something was taking my energy away. I knew it couldn't be any mutant or man. It it can't be...or ca-... No.

"Are you okay???" Jean asked while I was laying in Scott's hands. Logan was driving so he couldn't get up to see what was happening.
"I guess I am..." I answered and got up. When I got up I fall back in my seet because I couldn't stand anymore. Than I passed out again. I woke up at home. There was no one. Even students wern't here. I got up and saw message on table. It was written by Logan. It says:

"Hey baby ,sorry we left you at home but this is wery hard mission so we just had to take all of students with us but we left you because you passed out and we didn't wanted to foce you. Get some rest now and don't worry about us. We need you heeled 'till we're back.


I got up and walked to see another message taped to door of livingroom and it says :

Yeah, I forgat to tell you you're not alone, Jean is with you, she is in library.

-Me again

I laguhed on that 'ur lover' and went to library to see if Jean was there. And she was.

"I see you're awake..." she said.
"Well yeah, here I am." I said and smiled.
"Why did you just passed out like that, I mean you're always in pain but never passed out untill now. Isn't it wierd?"
"It is,but only I don't know why." I lied because I knew but I wasn't sure.
"So what are you gunna do now?" she asked.
"What about you?" I asked back to confuse her.
"Well I'm gonna read my book, you?"
"I'm going in lab just to have some fun." I said.
"Have fun in lab???"
"Well I am geneticist, so it's fun for me?" I said and she looked me with confused face and tried to read my mind but I blocked her and sended mind message

'You forgot you can't read my mind???'

She said 'oh shit' in hershelfe, smiled at me and looked back at her book.
Than I turned and went in lab. I did analises on myshelfe to see what was wrong with me. It took about 4 hours of my time and than I had to wait for hour 'till results are done. While I was waiting I took Hank's laptop to play video games and I hoped he won't be mad at me. I hacked it and started playing games. After hour passed, machine blinked Green insted red witch means results were done. I took all those papers and looked at them. All of them were negativ (witch was good) exept one. OH,GOD IT CAN'T BE!!! I AM.... PREGANT?! But how??!! Than Jean came in.

"Hey, I think we should go in bed cause it's midnight girl." She said while I was still looking confused at those papers. Because she was geneticist too
"Take a look at this..." I said taking off my glasses witch I'm wearing just for reading. She looked at it,she opened her eyes wide than made three steps away and than screamed
"Ssshhhhh... Quiet, nobody can't hear this." I said quietly.
"Why?" she asked confused.
"Because if some bad guy hear this they are gonna leave us alone for some time and than when I born child, they're gonna try to kill it, or maybe turn it in weapon just like they turned me because of my mum. And if they would know that child is Logan's then they wint kill it, but they're gunna make it suffer,cthan kill me and him in front of its own eyes..." I said with tears with my eyes.
"Ooooh, sorry I made you cry, I didn't know..." she said sadly and hugged me as I cried on her sholder.
"It's okay, you didn't know..."
"Oh, okay than..."
"Now, let's go to bed." I said and wipped my tears away.
"Yeah, let's go,we have to go get some sleep."she said as we went ustairs. She went in her room and I went in mine. I changed in my pejama and layed down in my bed and tried to get some sleep,but I couldn't. I got up and went to cerebro. I couldn't open the door so I just hacked it with my mind an door opened. I went in,set on chair and took helmet on. I concentrate on Logan and dtarted searching for him through all those people. I found him in some forest. He was running through it, but he wasn't running away for anyone,he was running becaise he couldn't control himshelfe.

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