Toch my heart

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Lily's POV

Thing that woke me up is feeling that I'm In someones warm arms. I looked up and I saw Logan's face and I just leaned my head in his warm shoulder and fell asleep again. After some time I woke up in my room and there was no one. I got up and realized that there was only a sleeping dress on me. I just took on my silk bath robes and went out to see is anyone still awake cause it was 2 In the morning. I went in kitchen and took some milk. I heard someone is there and I slowly turned around and I saw Professor there and he said :
"Well,glad your back."
"I'm glad too." I said.
"Well,when you are alredy awake, would you let me see what happend then?"
"Of course" I answerd and followed him to his office.
When we alredy went in,I set down and he came close to me and asked :
"Are you ready?"
"I am, go ahead." I said, closed my eyes and try to relax.
After he saw what happend and that it's Gray Angel's fault, he said I'm free to go and I guess he probably started searching for book about Three Angels In whitch Gray Angel plays a major role. I went out and I feelt someone is after me. I turned around and I saw Logan. "What are you doing awake un this hours?" I asked him confused cause I didn't senced him while I was In proffesor's office.
"I was chacking if anyone was awake cause I couldn't get any sleep." He answerd getting closer to me. I was about to go back to sleep,but when I reached the stairs, he grabbed me by the hand, turned towards me, leaned against the wall and kissed me. After almost minute, when he moved away, I asked him:"What was that for?"
When he just got ready to answer me for some wierd reason, my phone sarted ringing. It was a bit creppy like, it's half past two in the morning, two people are kissing echother and sudenly, phone rings. I pick up and it was mum.
"I gotta pick up on this." I told him and went upstairs,and he just stood there and looked at me all way to the top.
"Mum,what happend,why are you calling so late?"
"Better question is what happend to you, I just saw the news. Why didn't you tell me about it?!" She said a bit angry but woried at the same time.
"Mum, I just woke up, I couldn't tell you sooner! In fact, I'm fine now and you have no reason to be woried." I told he tenderly and 'a bit' tired.
"Be carefull honey, Gray Angel is such a fucking thing and don't forget, I'm saying it from experienc and remember 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Don't use your powers on wrong way, and learn to control them." She said like somethimg is going on with her right now that I didn't knew. "Okay mum. What is happend out there, you sound like someone is playing Russian roolet with you right now? You don't sound well." I asked her so woried because she never sounded like that.
"I gotta go, my babygirl, and don't forget anithing what I just told you, okay? Can you do that?"
"I can mum, but what's happening?" Phone just shutt down (her phone)
"Mum,are you there?! Mum??!!", and it just started song (Dead hours from Guns n Roses) :

"Sick of this life
Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one with
Whom these feelings I share

Nobody understands,
Quite why we're here
We're searchin' for answers
That never appear

But maybe if I looked real hard I'd
I'd see your tryin' too
To understand this life,
That we're all going through..."

That's last thing I have heared. Scared,I started running in proffesor's office and on my way there I met Logan, who was still standing on same place.
"Woah,wait,what happend?" He asked confused.
"Not now, Logan!" And in that moment I came In proffesor's office and yelled:
"Professor! Sombody kidnapped my mum! We gotta find her!" I said and satrted crying.
"Slow down child!" He said comfused and quietly.
"First tell me what happend."
"I was going upstairs and my phone started ringing and it was my mum. First, I thought it was just on of that calls 'hey swetty, how are you' but I realized it was half past 2 and as call was moving on it was mutche creppier and creppirler. And after I told her she sound like someone is playing Russian roolet with her, she started crying and than it just become quiet and song starte to go with this text (I knew witch song it was because I'm big fan of Gnr😁) I found that part of the song ond my phone and let Professor hear it and than he get what was happening. It was Black Angel aka Angel Killer. He just read that book so he woke team up and we went in my old house. It was very old and worn house and there where 3 dogs slepping (cause that Angel probably has telepathy too so he/she could make them sleep) and three cats walking around. Those were, of course,my cats. I asked them what happend (cause I can talk with animals) and they were repeating just :
"Alex! Lexy!..." and I realized that that Angel Killer was my twin sister Alexandra who cahnged her name In Alex (cause she was lasebian) and her childhood nickname was Lexy (mum give her that nickname once when she mixed up two of us). Cats couldn't stop repeating it and my head was so in pain that once when it was so painfull that I coulden't stand on my legs I just screamed :
"STOP!!!" And cats just fall a sleep on table witch was next to house door's under the window.
We didn't knew her coordinates, so we asked Jean to help Professor find her with their mind. As they were  searchig for them while we were flying, I and Logan had to drive. After they found coordinates I started to fly at full speed I in that direction that at the end, coordinates would lead us to the center of a forest, in a huge empty meadow. We landed down and there realy was nothing. But I feelt a lot of mutant's there, but I couldn't see anything. After through my, I mean, Gray Angel's mind, magic words flashed, and they just ran out of me, and in front of us appeared some kind of castle and door's opened. When we came in ther was a lot of hallways so we have to make groups, offcorse Scott made groups. It was just two of us in one group, and, probably all of you can guess with who I was. For those who don't know, I was with Lo--, I mean, Wolverine. While we were walking down the hallway, Wolverine smelled DNA lab as I did too. We ran right on that door, we opened it, and we saw some surgens aroind the table and Angel Killer was standing there and helping them. When we came in she sended soulders on us but team came in right moment so I and Wolverine could try to fight my own twin sister.
I pulled out my wings and claws and I greeted her. While Wolverine were killing those surgens(cause there was no other way to stop them cause they're robots) I was fighting my sister. After we bouth stood up, she said:
"I won't fight you sis, just go away and let me do my job." And I answerd full if anger :
"Job?! This is what you call job?! Killing your own mother is kind of job to you?! Look, because they calling you Killer Angel, it's because yor Angel is standing on hells door's and waitng for bad Angels to put them on their place, not because he's killing someone. My Angel Is called Justice Angel because he is in Limbo and he is deciting will you put someone in hell, or get him back in paradice or you won't, not because I should be walking around and kill people because of justice. Now, put your wing back and your claws too and we can end this with conversation." I  told her tenderly and she listened to me and she did what I said. She started crying and ran In a tight hugg. I hugged her back stronger than she hugged me. After we pulled away she turned around and got ready to go. "You know, if you want, you can come with as and join institute and fix all thing." I told her with tears in my eyes.
"Everything what I done, what I am, can't be fixed. I wish it's that easy like you think." She said with tears too.
"But it is, I agree that I can't fix what I did and what I am, but you can try as I did."
" I just can't." She said and flew away.
That toched my hear so that I completly forget ther was mum on surgery table. I ran to her and, luckly, we were there on time so they did nothing to her. I dressed her up and bougt her In institute with us and pulled her in Hospital part so she can get better 'till tomorrow comes. Well,it alredy is tomorrow, it's 6 'o clock and we sec children free from scool today so they can get some sleep. I went to bed as others did. I woke up at 9 'o clock amd got up because I couldn't sleep anymore I went in kitchen and evryone was getting ready for breakfast like They couldn't get any sleep too. After break fast evryone gez back In their beds cause today, Just like students,teachers were relised from scool. And this Tuesday was definutly ' Lazy Tuesday '.

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