A Date

22 1 0

Lily's POV

I wake up to see autun sun up on sky so I crowled to see what time is it. It was 8 o'clock, just on time. My first class was starting at 9 o'clock so I actyaly had time to do evrything. After I was done with derssing up and getting ready to start new day, I took my phone to see what time was it. It was half past 8. Perfect! I went downstairs to take something to breakfast. When I came in the kitchen, I saw them all sitting at the table so I joined them. I sat next to Logan, where I'm usally sitting. For breakfast we had eggs with some with accessories. As we were eating, nothing else couldn't be hear exept forks and knifes. After breakfast I was standing beside in hall and I saw Logan talking with Jean and I could tell he was about to come talk with me and than Hank broke him by coming to me with his worried face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I have something to do so I can't hold last two classes so I thought if you're Biology teacher and kids just love you so you could maybe take those kids. Just for this two classes."
I raised my eyebrow and he made those puppy dog eyes so I couldn't say no. Than he laguhed, thank me and went away. Then I saw Logan coming right to me and I smiled while I was walking in his direction.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked and smiled.
"Nothing special, you?"
"Well same."
He paused and than asked :
"Hey, I thought I should ask you something."
"And that question is?"
"Should I ask you on a date or no?" He asked me as I laguhed him and said :
"Well if you think you should, than ask." I told him and smiled as he did.
"Ms. Lila ... Wait,no... It sounds stupid, what should I... You know what, I'm gonna take you on a date even if you say no!" He said playful as I laguhed and said :
"So, when do we go and where do we go, sweet child?"
"Wait, is that Guns n Roses?"
"Yeah, how did you knew? I thought you're not such a music typr like you said."
"Well I'm not, but I do listen rock n roll sometimes."
"So will you answere my question?"
"Sad woman take it slow..." I laguhed as sang that and than he said :
"You'll see when it's time."
"And what time do we go?"
"Maybe after 4th class?"
"Oh, I can't, I have to go on last two classes instead of Hank cause he's going somewhere so he asked me if I can go on that classes instead him."
"How about after last class?"
"I can do that."
"Ok than 8 o'clock?"
"Sore!", I said and than bellring rang and class started.
"Well, I should go now."
"So, see you on bigg break?"
"See you!" I said as I walked away.

~Later on last class~

Lily's POV

"Okay, you're homework is this 5 tasks you wrote right now. You can pack you're things." I said as bell rang end of 6th class.
"See you tomorrow, Ms. Lily!" They said.
"See you tomorrow!" I answered them as I took my things and went in teachers room. As I put my things in my bag, I went upstairs in my room. When I put my bag down, I looked what time was it. It was 6 o'clock, so I went down the hall to see if Jean is in her room. I knocked on the door as my nethew Scott opened the door.

"Hey,do you know where Is Jean?"
"I think she's down in the yard somewhere,why?"
"Nothing, I just have to talk about something with her."
"Ok than."

He said as he clised the door and I went away. I went down in garden to see her picking and smelling roses.

"They are beautiful, arn't they?", I asked her.
"Yes",she said,"And look at that one.",
she said as she picked my favourite flower. It was beutiful purple rose.
"This one Is my favourite!", I said as I took and smell it.
"It has beautiful smell.", I said charmed.
"I'm always coming hiere to Relax my mind and get it of evrything.",she said sounding Relax as same sa I was.
"So,are we gunna hang out tonight?"
"Thats why I'm hiere..."
"What,you can't?"
"Nope,cause I actualy have a...."
"No, I have A... Party! I have A parti tonight so I actualy cant hang out with you."
"Can I go with you than?"
"No, it's actualy party for....for special people."
"Oh yeah?"
"You're going on a date,arn't you?"
"Well yeah."
"Ahh...Ok than."
"Is evrything alright,you don't sound well?"
"I guess I am."
"No,you're not."
"Well I just feel like Scott Is hiding something for me..."
"Well he won't tell you till you ask him."
"Guess you're right..."
"C'mon now,let's go."

I looked at my clock and ot was...OMG  it's fifteen to eight and I'm still not ready!
I ran in bathrom to take a superfast shower,dress up, make up and went downstairs. When I looked on my phone to see what time is it why running downstairs in heels and it was 10 past 8. As I alredy went down the stairs I stopped and started writting message to him. I started walking while still looking at phone and I buped into someone. I looked up and it was him.

"I thought you went away!" I said as I hugged him.
"Well I was about to but when I saw you running downstairs and looking that h-, I mean amaizing,I coulden't leave.",I laguhed at him as he forgat I can read Minds to so he thought I didn't know what was he about to say.
"Shall we go?",he asked.
"Definitly!",I said and we went outside. He was about to go to his motorcycle but I told him not to. He looked at me confused and I showed him kies and he was stund.

"No way! How did you-", I stopped him and said.
"Well I'm his aunt so...",than I showed hi flashback of what happend.


"Hey,do you know where Is Jean?"
"I think she's down in the yard somewhere,why?"
"Nothing, I just have to talk about something with her."
"Ok than."
"And Scott..."
"Yes aunty!"
"Can you,please..."
"Anty,you know I love you,but I can't give you those kies!"
"Ah, c'mon, I'm not teenager,I can taje care of it!"
"But Just because you're my aunt..."
"I knew you're let me!",I said as I hugged him.
Be gave me kies with that 'whatever face'.

~flashback ended~

Logan's Pov

She went in garage and I followed her wondering how this will end. She set in car as I did too.
"So,where do we go now?",she said, seating the seat and putting her hands on the steering wheel, then looked at me. Danm she was so hot,I coulden't stop looking at her. In moment I forgat what she asked me.
"Yeah,umm,let me think...I have no idea."
"Than I'll take thing In my hands.",she made evel smile,dropping in speed and taking off the gas. Danm it was so hot. She turned off the carr and said:

"We are on our destination!",she said and smiled.
"Yeah,better than restaurant. You have to play pocker,right?"
"You ask me? Seriosly!?"
"Well I have to ask. Logan... We have to use false identy because this is maphian casino,but the onlyone I can come in."
"Well,let's say I almost took all Of ther money with my cards."

I just smiled and I was about to come in and she said no.
"False identy,remember?"
"Look,just give me your hand and shut up and if someone asks you, you're Nicolas Brownstone."
"Ok, I guess..."
And we went there and she told that boy who stopped us :

"Asia Charnevska and this is my husband Nicolas Brownstone."
She said,boy chacked the list and said:
"Sorry ma'm but your husband Is not on list."
"Oh,he was never coming hiere,he's new.",she said using Russian accent.
"Oh,ok than.", he said and let us In.

She smiled on it and said :
"Sorry but there wasn't other way for you to come in."

After date,we came In institute and when we were next to stairs she turned around and said :

"So how was it, Mr. Brownstone?"
"Well it wasn't bad,'Asia'."
"Why did you called me Brownstone?"
"You remember that song Mr. Brownstone?",she said as se came so close to me and put her hands around my neck.
"You know what Is realy that 'old man'?"
"No,I never actualy listened text."
"It's actualy not human, it's heroin(drug)."
"So, I'm kind Of drug for you?"
"Not kind Of...",she said as she puld me into roughly kiss as I  pushed her against to wall. She broke kiss and I looked her confused and she said :
"If you want me,you chatch me."
She was drunk so I knew what she thought.
"What do I think now?"
"I'll tell you when you're after me."
She said and I knew she was that drunk she coulden't read my mind,so I didn't wanted to follow her but she took my hand and drag me in her room so I coulden't help myshelfe,even if I knew I shouldn't.

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