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Logan's Pov

I followed coordinates and we were close to place where her sister was. I told Hank to wake others up because everyone was in deep sweet dreams. I started landing plane down when something just stopped us. It was kinda dark dark blue lite and I realized those were powers simular to Lila's. I looked through the window and I saw her sister holding our helicopter up ready to smash it up. Everyone was in panic.

"J-Je-Jean..." I called her and I hardly could talk.
'Yes?' she said with her mind cause she coulden't talk too.
"Can you sand her mind message or remind her on something to let us land down?"
'I'll see if I can...'

Jean's Pov

I tried to do what Logan told me but I couldn't even toch her. Than I remembered! I should try to remember her on moments with her sister and make her stop smashing us all up together with helicopter.

'Alexandra,can you hear me?'
'Leave me alone and go away!'
'We are here to talk to you about your sister.'

As I said those words she just dropped helicopter down. I stopped it and landed dow to don't kill anyone. While evryone waking up with tereble headache I ran out after Logan. We saw Alexandra laying down and crying and yelling :

"Noooooooooooo!!!!No, No, Nooooo!!! My baby sis no way Nooooo!!!"

Than I saw that my words wasn't the one witch hurted her. It was some pain that Lila feelt in moment.

"Alexandra!" I called her and she just continued repeating those words.
"Alexandra, it's over!"
"Save her, save her, somebody hurted my sister!!!!"
I went in her mind to see if I can see what was happening. It was tereble!
It was about Lila laying somewhere and some people are torchering her. The bad thing was that Lila could heel hershelfe, but slowly so it hurted her just more and more. And unfortunately, she could feel all that feelings Lila had cause twins were emotionaly conected. As I was in her mind, I feel it too. I gave her some more ugly thoughts to make her unconchest to be better. She fall down and I after her. Only diferent was that she was unconchest and I wasn't so I could still feel pain but not as strong as it was in Alex's mind. Scott ran to me and put me back In helicopters and Logan took Alexandra in her hoise. Less I think it's hers.

Alexandra's (Alex's) Pov

I woke up still having tereble headache. I was laying In my bedroom and I saw man 'bout 6 feets tall in yellow suit standing next to my bed and another man in Black suit with wierd glasses and Brown hair.

"Alex, you're alright?" Man in yellow suit asked me and as he came closer to check my temperature, I saw it was Logan (btw we meet once on farm when he saved my life).
"Logan....w-what happend?"
"We came here to talk to you when you-"
"Unconchest!" other man cut him off.
"Yeah." He confirmed.
"Lila...." I remembered why I unconchest and tears started running my face and I coulden't even make sound.
"It's okay, everything is gunna be fine." Logan said tenderly and I hugged him and crew in his sholder.
"She's dead, isnt't she?"
"No Alex, she's not dead yet!" He said and make sad face,hoping his words were true.
"I hope so..." I answered,as I just fall asleep on his sholder.

Logan's Pov

I noticed she fall asleep on my sholder so you just put her back in bed. Because it was alredy 8 pm we couldn't fly that late and plus we couldn't fly away without informations, I decided we should stay just for tonight. Some of us were sleeping in house and some in helicopter because house was too smal for all of us. I couldn't get mutch sleep. I went in bed in 11 pm and fall asleep 2 am.

I woke up and saw sun aredy was looking at as through all those gray clouds. I looked on clock and it was 10 pm. Wow, I never sleeped that long. I saw evryone was alredy awake and having breakfast outside. I went to dress and wash my face and went out and said Good Morning. Everyone answered back and called me to join them on breakfast. I acsepted and set down on forhead of table. After breakfast Jean, Kitty and Rogue were washimg dishes and getting evrything back on its place. While watching them doing it, I went to Alex to see how is she holding.

"Is evrything alright?"
"Honestly no, but I'm better than yesturday. How're you holding?"
"Same heere. Can you talk about her now?"
I asked and she made sad face and took a deep breath and said
"I'll try..."

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