Waiting for love

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Logan's Pov

As we were about to go we saw some people coming to us and their leader was some guy who I never saw before.

"What the hell you want now?! Like we alredy don't have problems?" I yelled and than I recodnized silver hair boy who was Magneto's son, so I realized it was 'The Brotherhood'.
"Mistique just disapeard yesturday and when we heard what happend, we came here to see what's going on?" the boy said and Magneto's son told him :
"Talk for yourshelfe, I came hiere just because Wanda told me she'll kill me if I don't." He said
"No body asked you anything!" Girl called Wanda said.
Than leader guy said :
"We were here cause we thought we can help, we saw news about that Apocalipse guy so I think it's probably his fault for all for this, we gotta stop him."
I looked at them, than at my guys and than Scott yelled in that guy :
"And why wold you help us?"
"Well we're in this together, so if we wanna go out of this, we gotta work together, right?"

"If you say so...", I said
"But you have to respect each others."
They all nobbed and some of them rooled they eyes. Few hours later,we were laying In hotel rooms. I talked with Scott, Kitty, Boby and Rogue that we shall go in Africa to go get Storm. How we knew where os she?

Simple, just watch the news. We went in Africa and saved Storm, but not on peacefull way. We had to fight her cause some demon took her soul and make her kill evryone, but on luck, we went there on time. We went back In hotel and layed downn in our rooms. Than I heared someone nocking on the door. I opened and saw sexy blondy in diamant blue suit and she introducet her shelfe as Ema Frost and asked if she can join us. I said that I'll see with rest of the team as I went in other room with her to introduce her to the rest of the team.

They said she can help us and I showed her room in which is she gonna sleep with Storm. Tomorrow while we were drinking coffee, we saw news about dangerous mutant who ran away from hospital. On moment, I thought it was Lila, but than they showed Jeans photo. It caused Scott dropp down his coffe down and take his suit on and tell us that we shall go find her. We found her In the midle of the hospital and took her In hotel with us. As we were in restaurant and had a dinner, we went in our gethering room and took hot chocolate and sat on our seats, evryone exept me. I was standing and looking at window and thinking about Lila. I never feelt so sad in my life like I do now. Than Scott said:
"What now?"
"I don't know, kid..." I answered.
"Shall we search for aunt?" He asked and I looked down innmy feets with sad face, turned back to window said:

"I don't think where shall we search for her."
"I'm going to bed, will you go with me, Storm?" Jean asked and Storm replied ok.
After few second I got mind message and it was Jean. She told me to come in front of hotel and meet them two there. I was about to ask her why but They didn't wanted to listen. I had no choice but go downstairs. I went there and than Jean asked do I have kies from motorcycle and asked why than she told me we're going back on place where institute was and try to find cerebro. I draw them there and she found it on first try. She took ot as Professor showed her and tried to find Lila's location. I saw a lot of faces around and in one moment evrything become red,than purple and we saw Gray Angel's face. Than it was explosion of puple-black lite and than some sort of fire and than she stopped.

"What happend?" Storm asked.
"She's in Egypt, but I don't know the exact location."
"It's okay, this will be enough. But we have to stop Apocalipse guy first." I said and than she looked me and said :
"We won't."
"How you think-" She stopped me
"Cause she's the only one who can stop him." She said as we all make sad faces and we just went on my motorcycle. When we came back In hotel it was 11:15 pm. We went in our rooms and evryone was alredy in deep dreams. I layed down and fall a sleep.

<in dream>
Logan's Pov

I was standing in the midle of some room. It has some table and 2 archairs and I'm standing next to terrace and curtains were black and purple. Than I see some girl In room. It was Lila. I called her name and she just waved to me and ran to hugg me. I put her In roughly kiss and after few seconds she broke it.
"I miss you and I love you!"
She showed with her hands
'I love you too'
"Why can't you talk?"
she shrugged, signifying that she didn't even know
"I don't know what to do without you..."
She pointed at the wall on witch was written 'Don't lose your faith'
"But where are you,how can I find you?"
She pointed at the same message witch was written on the wall and let go of my neck and pulled away.
"Wait, you can't leave me just like that!"
She just waved and disapeard.

<Back to reality>

Logan's Pov

I woke up and saw it was morning. I looked on clock and it was 8:00 am.
I got up and went to took a shower. I turned on hot water and leaned against the wall imside of cabine. I was thinking about that dream I had lastnight. I went out and evryone came to me and told me they had dream in witch Lila gave them message.

These were messages :
1)ask (Scott)
4)Picture of beach and Sun 's (Kitty)
5) Don't lose faith( I/Logan)

It was clear that she sends kind of message,we just didn't know what it means. Than we spend all morning trying to slove the puzzle.

"Ask, Axl, E, beach, faith...", Jean just repeated to hershelfe trying to slove puzzle as same as I did.

"Ask... Maybe we should ask someone something." Kurt said.
"I alredy know it, but don't know who." Jean said and continue repeating words.
"...Axl,E... Wait maybe Axl is not name or sign, I mean it is name, but it's with E wich means.... ASK ALEX SUMMERS! That's answer!!!" She said happyly.
"But isnt't Alex dead?" Scott asked.
"It's not he, it's she..." I answered.
"What? You're trying to say that he is alive, but he changed his gender?"
"No kid..." I said "It's Lila's twin sister."
"What, she has sister?" Kitty yelled.
"But isnt't her name Alexandra?", Jean asked confused.
"Yeah, but she s changed her name."
"Oh..." Jean said " I didn't know."
"Can you find her?" I asked Jean.
"Well I don't know, I need cerebro."
"Okay." I took on my jacket and evryone got ready.
"Wait..." She said
"We're not only one's who dream this, there is seven dreamers. Seventh is her sister and seventh is unknown."
"Than let's go find out." I said and went out as evryone did. We went up on roof in some helicopter we had and flew to the place where cerebro Is. We landed down,Jean ran on place where cerebro Is,took informatios and ran back to us.

"Where she is?" Scott asked.
"Canada, nortern Alberta."
Holy crap, nortern Alberta, it sounds familiar. We went in helicopter and flew away. It was so long way from New York to Alberta,especially north. Danm, I wasn't in that town since I was 30 years old, witch was 108 years ago.

Jean's Pov

I was sitting in helicopter looking down through the window. Than I heard someone is listening loud music. It reminded me on Lila cause she was always listening loud Rock n' Roll music after mission. Only this time it was Scott. I saw that new lady starting at him. I went in her mind and saw she liked him. I was 'bit' jelaous but I let it go cause I knew Scott love me more than her. I was just worried about Logan. He realy missed Lila, more than evryone else. It was hard period for him plus he had to go in town in witch he wasn't hundred years and it's town where they killed his father. I'm just hoping this all thing with her sister will go well. I feelt a bit sleepy just from thinking about all what happend and what probably will happend, so I actualy fall a sleep, not noticing that I fall a sleep on Scott's sholder.

Logan's Pov

I just hope this will go well cause I wanna find Lila so bad and hugg her ad kiss her and... I just miss her so,even if we know echothers just few weeks. While I was thinking about this, I havn't noticed that tear went down my cheek,even if I never knew what Is crying but whatever.

"Don't worry Logan, she's fine, you'll see." Hank noticed I was crying because he was driving helicopter with me.
"I hope so." I said and continue driving.

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