Key (Egypt II)

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"Can you talk about her now?"
I asked and she made sad face and took a deep breath and said
"I'll try..."

Logan's Pov

"Okay, let's get start." I said and she took a deep breath, make little pause and said :
"I'm ready..."
"So when was the last time you saw her?"
"Well we see echother every year on the day of father's death at his grave near the nearby lake."
"So when is that day?"
"It's... I mean it was 2 days ago, but she never appeared so I just say godbey to dad, put flowers down and went away."
"Did you tried to contact her?"
"Yes, I did but all I got was answer with kinda gosty voice and she just said 'Don't worry' and after it every trail is lost to her."  She said as her eyes began to fill up with tears.
"Hey, no tears, we're gonna find her, we just need your help, okay?"
"When did you become that patint?"
"When I decited to find Lila." she just smiled at me and than hugged me and I hugged her back.

Alexandra's (Alex's) Pov

I smiled at Logan's words and hugged him. He was like a brother to me.
"So can you find her now?" He asked as we pulled away.
"Well I'm not so shore in it, but I can try." I concentrated on my sister and began to search all the people of the world. It was too hard for me so I stopped after minut passed.

"You okay?" He asked me.
I hardly said yes but I had so strondg headache because Of those voices.
"Maybe we should take her to cerebro." Girl called Jean said and Logan answered :
"Well it's not bad idea..."
"...but first let her rest a bit."
"Ok than." Jean said and pulled me in my bed with her telekineses. I took a pill to slow headache down and after few minutes I was fine cause I have heeling factor but it's slow like snail.
"Can we go now?" Jean asked.
"Yes." I said and got up.
We went in helicopter and evryone set on his place and I set next to some blond named Ema.
"Hi Ema" I said.
"How did you-" Than I cut her off.
"Well if you're telepath you can see that I'm telepath too."
"I can't because something is bloking me."
"Oh, it's metal...on my bones."
"So you're something like Wolverine?"
"Well yeah, just more powerful."
After some time I didn't even noticed I fall asleep. After long time I woke up I saw it was night. I asked moon what time is it and where are we (yes I can talk with things because I'm Black Angel) and he told me it was 04:00 am and that where in red fotest close to CA (California). I looked around and decited to go back to sleep.
After some time I feelt sombody's sitting next to me and I opened my eyes to see who it is. It was Logan, 'Thank God' I said to myshelfe cause I had nightmar in moment. It was about Lila. It was her!!


It was her!!!
"Lila,where are you babygirl, everyone is woried for you."
She made sad face and nobbed.
"What,you can't talk?"
She made sad face again and nobbed 'no'.
"So you came to see me?"
She nobbed.
"So what eals you came for?" she pointed her finger on wall and than I saw something was written there.
It says 'Cairo,🔺 and🔑'
"What the hell was that sopost to mean?" I asked she wrote 'Ask him'
"Who?" I asked and she waved godbey.
"Well I guess it's on me..."
She nobbed and disapeard.

<Back to reality >

I woke up and saw it was morning. I saw Logan slepping next to me and Ema on other side. Scott was driving helicopter and Professor at the place of copilot. While I was walking I saw Jean slepping on Hanks sholder.

"Alex,you're awake." Scott said happyly.
"Yeah" I said and smiled.
"Professor, can I talk to you for a minut?"
"Alexandra,you know I can't leave this."

"Than talk with me in your mind."
I told him in my mind.

"Okay, what's torchering you?"

"Well it's dream."



"I'll take it later..."

"But you have to take it now!"

"But I can't leave this!"

In that moment Black Angel went through me and said with her very very deep voice
"Oh yes, you can."

Scott's Pov

While I was driving helicopter I saw Alex got mad because of something and her eyes become blue as some dark blue light took helicopter under its control. I realized Alex took it under her control and just took us up to space. After she landed us down right next to place where cerebro.
It all happend in 5 minutes. Evryone had that 'What the hell just happend' face and she fall down on the floor in helucopter.

"I thought this was last five minutes of my life." Logan said and Ema added : "Me too."

Alexandra(Alex's) Pov

"Oh, God Alex, you're okay?" Hank asked me and ran to see if I'm okay.
"I guess..." I answered and hold my head.
Professor was still In shock,he feelt it was Black Angel because of voice and he knew it happend because Black Angel wanted to find her sister,cGray Angel.
I havn't noticed I was crying and soon I stopped hearing evryones voicesand focused on showing Professor my dream and make him suffer as I did but I don't know why. After he saw dream,he put hand on his head and said to Hank with his mind

"It's worse than I thought it was,she realy needs help."

"I agree." Hank answered. As Hank was hugging me I acsidentaly heared it and told them bouth

"Do not ever talk behimd my back again!"

They looked at me and than at echother.

"C'mon Alex, let's go." Logan gave me his hand and helped me to get up. I went out and he was few steps after me.

"Well, well, what do I see?" Ema poked me cause she knew he was In relationship with my sister (P.S. Thats what just two of us knew and she probably read his mind before).
"She is lesbean." He said as she made 'oh' face.
I laguhed and continue my way to cerebro. And finaly, I was standing in front of it.

"Do you know how to use it?"
"Yes." I said half lying because I could read from things so I could learn it for second without him. I went in saw large room and in the midle of the room was that wierd mashine. I won't there and when looked down, under it was hole, very very big hole. I sat down and used it on way I saw in Proffesor's mind. I was searching all world and and coulden't find her. Than I remembered. I ran back to them and they looked at me.

"Did you find her?" Logan asked.
"No." And evryone made sad face. Than I said : "But I did found out something that can help us."
"And that is..." Hank asked.
"My dream in witch she wrote on wall 'Cairo,🔺 and 🔑'.
"So she is in Cairo?!" Professor asked.
"Yes, but there is someting important in that message exept that."
"Wait,🔺 and 🔑? What Is that sopost to mean?" Scott asked.
"That's it !" Jean yelled q
"She is Key for stopping Apocalipse!"
"Congradulation, Jean!" I said.
"So what are we waiting for?!" Logan asked.
"Than let's go!!" I said and ran in helicopter as evryone did after me. I sat on drivers seet and than Logan came to me and said
"Not while I'm awake." I smiled and sat on copilotes seet and we flew away.

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