Chapter 4

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Killua and I walked to an empty room to "sleep" but neither of us were tired so we just talked for the rest of the ride on the airship.

(Time skip brought by murderous Killua.)

We stepped off the airship and found ourselves on Mt.split in half. Menchi showed us how to get the spider eggs we needed. The way you get them is by jump down the split in the middle of the mountain and grabbing an egg, a strong air draft then carries you back to the top.

Many people immediately jumped down and grabbed a spider egg.

"Idiots." I mumbled under my breath.

Killua and Gon hummed in agreement with me. I jumped when they did.

"Geez I didn't think you guys could hear me!" I said surprised.

"Huh, why wouldn't we hear you?" Gon asked

"Well I was trying to be quiet but you guys are super human or something so that makes sense." I said pouting.

We finally jumped down and grabbed onto a spider web and stayed like that for a while. Many people were jumping however me and Killua were waiting for Gons confirmation that we could go. The web started to break so many people decided to try their chances jumping off the web.

Gon yelled for us to go and we all jumped just as we let go the web broke. We each grabbed an egg and began falling until there was an updraft that brought us to the top.

We boiled the eggs and they were amazing this was the best egg I had ever had. We went back on the airship and we flew to the next stage me and Killua finally decided to sleep.

(Time skip, again, brought to you by sleeping Killua.)

Killua and I were suddenly awoken by Gon he told us we were almost at the next stage. When we got there they left us on top of a very tall building called trick tower. We were told to get to the bottom of trick tower in 72 hours.

One guy tried to climb down the tower and got eaten by a flying monster. 'Ok so climbing is off the list of options, so there must be trap doors around here.' I thought as Killua and Gon yelled to me.

"What is it guys?" I asked slightly annoyed that they bothered me in the middle of my thought process.

"I think we found some trap doors in the tower." Killua said

"There are six different doors in this area." Gon mentioned.

'They probably go to the same place.' I pondered. Gon and Killua also called over Leorio and Kurapika and told them the same thing they had told me. We each chose our own door to go down and they said their goodbyes except me seeing as I was pretty sure we would end up in the same place.

I was right we fell and we were all in the same room. There were six bracelets and instructions on one side of the room. The instructions said that we were going to have to do majority's choice. So we each took a bracelet one of the bracelets. There was a tiny screen an x button and an o button.

There were only five of us so we had to wait till someone else came down. After waiting for hours we assumed no one was coming and that we were going to have to wait 72 hours here in this room. We heard a noise from above that sounded like tapping. That sound continued until Tonpa fell through the last trap door.

"Ugh him it had to be him." I mumbled annoyed.

Killua slightly laughed in the corner at my comment.'He's adorable when he laughs, wait what!?' I thought to myself. Tonpa imminently put on his bracelet and we all walked toward the door. We were given a choice x to open the door and o to keep it closed. The count was x:5 o:1. Leorio started yelling at Tonpa who said he "accidentally" clicked the other button.

We continued walking while Leorio still yelled at Tonpa. Finally momapika broke up the fight and told Leorio to calm down and that it was probably an honest mistake.

We came to a fork in the path and each side was blocked by bars. I was pretty sure that I could break them but we just had to choose witch one to go in x for left and o for right Kurapika told us that the left side was probably a trap because most of the people in the world who come to a fork in the road choose left so we chose the right side.

The count was x:1 o:5. Leorio  started yelling at Tonpa again Tonpa said that he had chosen o but Leorio didn't believe him that's when Gon spoke up and said that he had accidentally pressed x and apologize. We continued walking until we found a large room that had people on the other side from us. There was also a huge circular platform in the middle of the room.
'What's going to happen here?' I thought.

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