Chapter 21

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After hours of waiting in awkward silence, I remember something that changes everything about my current position.

'The lab never knew about my nen abilities, so if I use those I should be able to break out of the chains.' I begin making a plan of escape in my head.

My emotionless face is quickly replaced by a cocky grin as my eyes meet Feitan's.

"What are you so happy about?" He asks in his usual monotone.

"Oh nothing I just remembered that I could do this." I answer before activating my nen and easily making the chains crumble into dust.

Feitan's POV

"What are you so happy about?" I ask slightly curious but mostly just board of the silence.

"Oh nothing I just remembered I could do this." She answers before the chains crumble to dust and she disappears.

I quickly stand and frantically look around until I hear a psychotic giggle from the main room. I run out to find (Y/N) sitting on a rock holding a knife.

"How quickly do you think I could cut you up?" She innocently asks releasing bloodlust into the room.

She begins giggling again, as I just stand there frozen in place by fear for the first time in my life. Suddenly the bloodlust and giggling stops and she looked slightly towards the door.

"Darn, they're back already." She says a disappointed look spreading across her face as the other phantom troupe members walk through the door.

"You broke out already (Y/N)?" Chrollo laughs slightly as he asks this.

"Why did you bring me here Chrollo?" She asks venom lacing her tone.

"Join the troupe." He says easily.

"I already told you no, you didn't have to go through all this trouble just to be disappointed." She reply's annoyed.

"Well I was hoping to have Feitan torture you into saying yes, but you escaped, so I thought I might as well just ask before you leave." He explains like it's no big deal.

She, without saying another word, just disappears.


After leaving the base I stumble back to the hotel where we are staying.

"Where have you been?!" Killua yells as soon as I walk through the door.

"At the phantom troupe's base." I mutter lazily walking to the bed.

"What!?" He yells again.

"Shut up you'll wake the neighbors." I respond falling onto the bed and into a deep slumber.

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