Chapter 8

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We were told to wait until our name was called then go and talk to chairman Netero. Me and Killua haven't talked since the last phase I really felt bad.

Finally my name was called and Netero said he was going to ask me some questions I agreed and we started.

"Who out of the applicants do you not want to fight." Netero asked.

"Number 99, 405, 404, and 403." I respond easily.

"Ok. Who do you want to fight?" He asked writing something down.

"Hmm number 44 I think it would be an interesting fight." I said in a thoughtful voice.

"Ok thanks you can leave." He excused me.

'I expected there to be more questions but whatever.' I thought to myself. When I walked out of the room I saw Killua sitting against a wall and decided that I needed to talk to him. I walked over to Killua but before I could say anything we were told it was time to start the next phase.

In the next phase we would be doing one on one matches but the only way to win is to get your opponent to admit defeat you lose if you kill your opponent. There will only be one loser and everyone else gets a hunter license. The first people to go is Gon vs Honzo. Honzo tortured Gon basically the whole time but Gon wouldn't give up and finally won. Next was Killua vs Pokkle, Killua immediately gave up and said he didn't want to fight Pokkle.

(Time skip brought by lazy author-chan)

Killua had faced his brother Illumi and ever since he has been acting weird I wanted to talk to him but I was the next person to fight it was me vs Baldo but before we could touch each other Killua had murdered Baldo. I was slightly taken back by this but knew exactly what was going on.

Killua walked out the door leaving me to glare at Illumi Who looked at me emotionlessly.

"I'm going to kill Illumi." I whispered under my breath as I walked back to Leorio and Kurapika.

"Are you ok (Y/N)" they both asked concerned.
I didn't answer and kept walking.

(Time skip)

I was waiting until we were released to rip Illumi's head off and get Killua but Gon beat me to it. He burst through the door and stomped down to Illumi who didn't seem to care.

"Where is he?" Gon asked

Illumi didn't answer so Gon grabbed his arm and threw him out of his seat.

"Where is he?" He asked again a little stronger this time.

"Who are you talking about?" Illumi countered innocently.

That statement nearly threw me off the edge but I kept my cool. The only thing I heard after that is Killua had gone home "of his own free will," I saw the whole thing and that was not free will.

Gon had found Kurapika and Leorio and was talking to them but I was listening in on Illumi and Hisoka. They were just talking about Gon and about how if Illumi killed him Hisoka would kill Illumi. I got board so I turned back to Gon. "Are we going to leave or am I going by myself." I stated annoyed
"(Y/N) is right lets go." He responded with a determined look.

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