Chapter 19

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When I wake up Killua and Gon are no longer there so I decide to wait for them to come back to the hotel room.

(Time skip brought by boredom.)

After a few hours Leorio rushes into the hotel room.

"(Y/N), Killua and Gon were kidnaped by the phantom troupe!" He yells.

"What?" I ask under my breath, bangs covering my eyes.

"They were kidnaped." He said repeating himself.

"Where are they?" As I speak a tiny amount of bloodlust leaks out of my body.

"At the phantom troupe's base." He answers much more calm than I am.

Before he can say much more I had already disappeared, running as fast as I could to the place they were said to be. When I get there, in about one minute, I calmly walk through the door and absorb the scene in-front of me. Hisoka is holding a card to Killua's neck and Feitan is holding Gon's arm behind his back ready to break it.

"I would suggest you let go of my friends." I say just loud enough for them to hear as my bloodlust doubles.

"And why would I do that?" Feitan's tone shows just how cocky he is.

"Because if you don't I'll destroy the entire building and make sure that you and Hiso-chan over there don't make it out alive." I reply letting my bloodlust backup my statement.

At those words Feitan let's Gon go clicking his tongue, while Hisoka stares at me licking his lips almost like he is contemplating what to do, before he lets Killua go. My bloodlust fades away and I go to make sure the two aren't hurt.

As soon as I walk over to the two boys Killua scolds me "What are you doing here you could have gotten hurt!"

"I could have gotten hurt?! You are lucky you're even still alive, they could have decided to kill you at any second and you would be dead!" I retort.

"Well..." He starts, realizing his situation mid sentence.

"Anyway, are you ready to go?" I ask casually.

"(Y/N)-chan I don't think we can just walk out the door." Gon points out.

"Why not?" I ask, confidence lacing my tone.

After that silence fills the room as I can almost hear everyone tense.

"Just kidding." I cheerfully say breaking the silence.

I decide to sit on a rock and ponder how to get out, as I am thinking I drop my guard for one second and everything goes black.

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