Chapter 7

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We were taken by boat to the next phase. When we arrived we were met with an island of dense jungle trees and plants.

A girl walked out on deck and told us each of us would come up and grab a card out of the box in the order that we completed the last phase. I walked up when I was called then waited for everyone else to get their cards before I peeled the front off to reveal the number 99.

"Hey Kill what number did you get?" I asked the white haired boy.

"It's a secret." He replied slyly

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

(Time skip brought to you by sassy Killua)

I waited for Killua to come off the boat and followed him silently.

"I know you're there so you can come out." He suddenly yelled out.

I came out of the bush I was hiding behind and said "darn I didn't think you would catch me for a while longer."

"Oh (Y/N) it's you, I was about to take your head off." He replied nonchalantly

Killua POV
I knew that someone else was still following us but before I could say anything something soft and warm collided with my lips. My face went bright red when I noticed it was (Y/N).

'Someone is watching us.' I thought.

"Hey am I crazy or is someone watching us?" I quietly asked Killua.

"H-huh oh ya I was going to tell you that there was someone else that was following me but then..." his words trailed off as his face grew even more red.

"They are probably after me." I said not thinking

"Why would they be after you they could be after me." Killua said looking confused

"U-uh ya I just have a feeling they are after me." I replied trying to cover up my last comment

"Oh." Kill responded eyeing me suspiciously

"We know your there you should come out already." Killua yelled into the distance.

After he yelled the three amori brothers came out the two oldest making fun of the youngest about how he hasn't gotten his targets tag yet.

"H-hey little girl g-give me your tag and I won't hurt you." He said his voice shaking.

"Ha you hurt me?!" I laughed

Killua stepped in front of me and in a terrifying tone said "Don't touch her."

"I would give up your tags before he rips you to shreds." I casually said

They immediately threw their tags at us and Killua looked through them.

"Oh here's my target." He exclaimed

He threw the other two amori brothers tags in opposite directions. As we were walking away Killua suddenly stoped and was patting his body up and down looking for something.

"What's wrong?" I asked knowing exactly what the answer was.

"My tag its gone must have been stolen by one of those stupid amori brothers." He said looking pissed.

"You can Just collect three tags from random people the amori brothers aren't worth your time." I tried to convince him not to worry about it.

"Ya I guess your right." He said calming down

After Killua collected the three other tags he needed, we headed somewhere we could stay the rest of the time and decided on a tree close to the boat to go home.

"Hey about that k-kiss earlier what did that mean?" Killua questioned me.

"Crap I knew this was coming...Killua I'm sorry but I really didn't want to fight you to get your tag so I decided it would be better to distract you." I admitted holding up Killua's tag.

"O-oh I just thought..." Killua trailed off as he went quiet his hair covering his eyes.

"I think we should start heading toward that boat." Killua said his voice low and emotionless.

"Uh ya ok." I responded felling slightly bad about what I had done.

We got back to the boat and I headed straight to get on the boat when I reached the entrance I turned for only a second and saw Killua and Gon talking, Kill looked so happy when he was with Gon. I looked toward the boat again a bad feeling in my stomach. I turned in my tags to the same lady who had us draw from the box and sat down on the boat.

'Is this what they call jealousy?' I questioned myself. 'No that can't be right I've been without emotion for so long why would that change now?' I fell asleep asking myself questions on that boat and off to the next phase I went.

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