Sehun One Shot (for Eli4199)

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This One Shot is for Eli4199.

Yehet~ Hope you like this ^^

This might be a bit shorter than the rest, but I hope you will enjoy reading it! Ohorat~


  It was during a school holiday and you were helping out at your family's bubble tea shop.

  Your job was to take the orders from the customers and collect the money. Your parents and oppa were busy preparing the bubble tea.

  Finally, your family got through the peak hour and had time to catch your breath.

  Your oppa's phone rang and he picked it up. He was rather secretive about the call. He went to the back of the shop to answer the call.You were curious so you followed him to the back of the shop and easedropped on his conversation with the caller.

  "Ne, see you soon." your oppa said before hanging up the phone call, he jumped up in surprise as he saw you smirking at him, "Who is coming? Your girlfriend? I would love to meet her."

  "Aniyo. It is an old friend. Do you remember Sehun? He debut with EXO. We hadn't seen each other for a long time and he wants to visit us."

  You gasped when you heard Sehun's name. The girls in your school were obsessed over EXO and Sehun was the most popular member among them.

  You bit your fingernails without realising it, it was a bad habit of yours when you were nervous.

  Seeing that you had no objection, your oppa patted your head and said "Be nice to him ok?"

  Your oppa went back to the front leaving you there.

  You remembered Sehun clearly, even before he debut, he was the school's heart throb. Though you liked him a lot but you were never confident enough to confess to him. Now that you were going to see him again, you did not know whether to laugh or cry.

  "Is this some kind of joke?" you thought to yourself while shaking your head, in an attempt to shake the memories out of your head. You took a deep breath and walked to the counter.

  Sehun had arrived and he was busy fist bumping with your oppa. You waved awkwardly to him and he greeted you back with his heart melting smile.

  His eyes lingered on your face for a few seconds before his eyes darted to the bubble tea menu. You wondered why he stared at you just now, was there something on your face? You sub-consciously touched your face with your hands, your face felt hot.

  "(your name)-ah, please introduce our bubble tea menu to Sehun, gomawo~" your oppa told you before disappearing to the kitchen.

  Left with no choice, you started introducing the menu. "Do you prefer milkshake or bubble tea?"

  "Bubble tea." Sehun answered you without thinking.

  "Oh. Chocolate flavour bubble tea is very popular among our customers but I personally think that just milk tea with pearls is the best."

  "Then I will just have milk tea with pearls then."

  You stared at him, you were surprise at how fast he made his decision. He gave you his charming smile and asked you "Is there something on my face?"

  You mumbled a feeble no before shouting out the order to your oppa.

  Sehun sat down infront of the counter and smiled to himself, "You haven't change a bit, have you?"

  "What did you say?" you asked him as you did not hear his last sentence. He shook his head and grinned at you. You avoided his eye contact as you knew your heart was not strong enough to do that.

  "Ahem." your oppa cleared his throat, breaking the awkwardness between the two of you.

  For the rest of the time, Sehun chatted with your oppa. From their conversation, you learnt that Sehun was having a rather hard time being an idol as he had little to rest.

  "Most of my time is devoted to the fans. The fans are really sweet but I hope I can spend more time with my love ones." Sehun threw you a long and meaningful look, you blushed as you made an eye contact with him.

  Your parents called your oppa's name and told him help out with the cleaning up in the kitchen. Your oppa got up and said "(your name)-ah, keep our guest accompany while I help out in the kitchen."

  You tried to protest but your objection was drowned by your parent's shouting "Hurry up!"

  You squirmed in your seat. You were alone with Sehun again and he was staring at you once again. It creep you out.

  "(your name)-ah, why you look so tortured when you are with me? Is there something that I did wrong?"

  "Aniyo!" you shook your head furiously, how can you be angry with him? You were angry at yourself as you did not dare to confess to him and for being so timid.

  "(your name)-ah, do your shop sell a special flavour of bubble tea?"

  You were glad that Sehun changed the subject. You were about to ask him what kind of bubble tea he was talking about when he held your hands in his.

  "Do you have a special flavour of bubble tea call 'love'? I really need it because I think I am in love you."

  You blinked your eyes, you could not believe what you had just heard.

  "What did you say again?"

  Sehun chuckled "You have a very bad hearing don't you? I said I am in love with you, (your name)."

  Sehun pronounced each and every word loud and clear, emphasizing on the last sentence. He cupped your face in his and conquered your lips.

              ♡♡♡THE END♡♡♡


Write-nim is currently fangirling over her own work~~

Sehunnie bubble tea love story~ I love the bubble tea confession ... Weee~~


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