Chapter 1

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  The weather couldn't be more perfect, reflecting Merlin's mood. The sun peeked out from the trees beyond the castle into a cloudless sky of amber, shining rays reaching down and highlighting the hatched roofs of Camelot's humble homes. The streets not yet crowded but starting to fill with commoners. Bags under their eyes at a slow shamble, as if trying to somehow prevent the work ahead with each grudging footstep. All the people began to awake from their slumber by greeting of the sun.

     While it was time for them to go about their daily duties, it was not yet time for a young prince by the name of Arthur.

     Merlin strolls merrily to Gwen's house because that is where his lovely Freya is staying. He enters her humble, little house and announces, "Freya, I'm here to see you."

      As he enters he sees Gwen, preparing dinner for the evening, knowing of the long day ahead. "Morning Gwen!" Merlin says cheerfully, with added enthusiasm at the prospect of Freya.

     At the sound of Merlin's call, Gwen looks up from the chopped vegetables on the counter. "Hello Merlin," she gives him a warm smile before continuing her work.

     He looks around the room, Freya nowhere in sight. "Where is..."

     "Freya?" Gwen answers, voice shifting to satisfaction as Merlin's face brightens at the girl's name.

     "She will be out in a minute, I thought I should get her out of those old clothes if she is going to be staying with my for a while."

     "Thanks again, as soon as I can.."

     "Don't worry, I don't mind. She can stay as long as she likes. Besides any girl that takes your fancy must be a good one."

     At her words Merlin blushes and looks down in an attempt to hide it, Gwen's lips twitch upwards knowingly. The two wait in an awkward silence, each wishing for Freya to enter for a different reason. Merlin drums his fingers against her table looking at the door and the rapidly rising sun.

     From behind he hears the soft sound of footsteps, different from Gwen's, no more than a whisper on the floor of the house. Merlin turns around to see Freya, her hair pinned neatly curls trailing down her shoulders. She wears a deep red dress, like the one she wore before. It is similar to Gwen's but a bit nicer, with flowers embroidered at the hem. She looks at Merlin before averting her eyes nervously, brushing a hand through her hair. Merlin's eyes widen at the sight of her as she does truly look like royalty.

     "Gwen, you shouldn't have." He tells her before looking back to Freya, "You look beautiful."

     Freya blushes a bright and shyly responds, "Thank you."

"No problem, my beautiful lady."

     Merlin does a little bow like someone would to royalty and she blushes more somehow. Merlin reaches over and tucks a stray hair that didn't end up in a pin back behind her ear. Merlin puts his head to her ear, "You're even more splendiferous than a princess." Freya smiles even if she doesn't exactly know what that word meant. It sounds lovely so she goes with it.

     Gwen stands there watching the exchange with a smirk, "Freya, I made you some breakfast."

     "Oh thank you Gwen, I'm sure it will be lovely." She pulls out a chair and takes a seat with Merlin sitting beside her watching her adoringly as she eats.

     "Don't you need to be getting to Arthur?" She asks him in between bites of oatmeal.

     "The lazy prat isn't even up yet so why bother him when I could be with someone more pleasant to be around? Instead of hearing Arthur grumble about how I should polish his boots or sharpen his sword."

     "I know you might not want to admit it but you seem to enjoy serving him even with all your complaints, now off you go! I don't want you late on my account!"

     "But you see here is the thing..."

     She looks at him with anticipation, "I'm already late."

     "Well even more reason!" She gets up from her chair shooing him out the door before he turns back towards her with a laugh.

     "If I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to get rid of me."

     "Well you're right, bye Merlin have a wonderful day!"

     "More wonderful because I got to see you." He leans down giving Freya a quick peck on the lips before making his way to his awaiting prince.

     Merlin strolls merrily into Arthur's chambers to find that his prince is already up. Arthur takes in the sight of his forever-late manservant, "What's got you in such a good mood today?" "It's just a wonderful day. Can't I just enjoy a day without being harassed about it?" "No, you can't. Why are you so late?" Arthur asks with his eyebrows raised. Merlin smirks back, "Wouldn't you like to know?" "Well that's why I asked."

     "You know Arthur, curiosity killed the cat." says Merlin pungently. "Yeah and satisfaction brought him back. Besides I'm not a cat!" Arthur replies arrogantly. "That's right you're a prat!" Merlin sasses back. 

     Arthur gives Merlin a frivolous glare, "Shut up Merlin." "Alright then," Merlin gives a sideways smile before he moves through the room, tidying up from the insurmountable mess of clothes that Arthur has made in seemingly one day while whistling a cheerful tune.

     Arthur leans back in his chair from the scribed papers covering his desk that he didn't care to decipher as he watches Merlin with interest. Then, realizing a persistent noise he screws his face in annoyance at his servants constant noise. "For goodness sakes Merlin, will you stop that racket?" Arthur grouses.

     "I'm sorry sire, I'm just trying to distract myself from the hurricane that appears to have gone through your chambers."

     "Well, maybe if my I'm imbecile of a manservant did his job right and got here on time, it wouldn't be so bad." Arthur says grumpily.

     "Well if you learn how to keep your things picked up, then you wouldn't need someone to pick up your socks everytime you walk in the door."

     "But see, Merlin, that is what I got you for. What's got you in such a rush today? Got to go somewhere?" Arthur says as he notices Merlin working at a faster pace than usual.

     "Nowhere but the usual."

     "You know, Merlin, you're acting quite strange today."

     "No I am not." Merlin says grabbing the laundry and leaving.

     Arthur watches him as he walks out and mumbles, "Something is definitely going on with him, and I am going to find out what."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! So despite the way this story has been so far don't worry Merthur shippers you will get some moments soon! You may have noticed that the chapters are a bit shorter than usual being only about 1000 words that is because we already took weeks just to finally complete this! Anyways I hope you enjoyed and be sure to check out other stories from Merlin_Fandom_ and Merlinstories as well as myself!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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