Chap 16 - Area 11

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Author's notes

this may be a little confusing but well, its fun. Read Vote Review

The next day, Area 11 visited Yumi instead as Kim and Hannah, together with Sjin, attended the YogCon. Simon and Lewis were still missing in action, apparently. Yumi just sat there awkwardly as the Leo and Kogie looked around the room. Sparkles* had went to talk to the office attendant again and Parv was just staring out of the window. Suddenly the door creaked open and her two best friends peeked in. Kyo had a wide grin on her face as she turned to Echo. Echo looked like she was going to die as she stared at her idols.

Yumi laughed. "Oh yeah, this is the girl who I talked about before. The drummer?"

Leo's eyes instantly perked as he stood up and walked to Echo. "Leo. Drummer of Area 11."

"E.. Echo.. Drummer of Hard Decisions. I.. I.. I'm a fan. A huge Fan. I love Heaven Piercing Giga Drill. And every single thing in ATLITS. Or any song that Area11 does basically."

Everyone laughed as Echo stuttered. Sparkles* walked in at this point. "Say, I got permission to get Yumi out for an hour or two. Any plans."

Yumi thought for a second before she smiled widely. "I think Echo booked a studio for a few hours for her band. I'm sure they won't mind a few extra visitors.."

Echo went crazy for a second, bouncing around the room before she calmed down. Kyo nudged Echo as she finally stood still.

"Maybe FIN will also be there?" Kyo teased.

"Whose FIN?" Kogie asked suddenly.

Kyo giggled. "The band Echo's crush is in."

Echo's eyes widened as she almost shouted, her face turning red. "Kyoooooo!! Why did you- I don't like him that way anymore..."

Everyone laughed as they slowly exited the room. This was going to be one hell of a band session.

Gen hugged her bag as she rushed to the train station. She was hungry for chocolates... And late. Again. But well, she's always late so that wasn't a problem. She ran up the stairs of the studio, threw her shoes off, rushed through the hallway and paused as she heard the sound of rock music from the room that her band usually booked. All the other rooms were empty. Suddenly, she heard Echo's voice laughing from within the room and she pushed the door open. The room was packed with people. Four men were playing at the instruments together with her drummer, Echo. Then it finally hit her why the guys looked so familiar.

"Is that Area 11 or are they your uncles?"

Everyone instantly froze in their actions. Yumi and Kyo burst out laughing while the members of Area 11 were just teasing each other.

"Parv I think it's because you look old."


Jo entered the room at that moment with Winnie. "Hey guys sorry We're- .... Late?... Oh. Erm. Wrong room? Oh wait right. Area 11. I'll just erm.. Go join Fin outside while you guys talk."

Jo disappeared behind the door and everyone was just stunned. Winnie looked surprised but was happy nonetheless. The room was filled. There was so much confusion!! Gen laughed as she gave Sparkles* a fist bump before pulling out her guitar. Kyo rolled her eyes as she ran out to pull Jo back into the room which was quite a sight given Jo being a pretty tall guy.

The members of FIN joined them and now there were about 11 people in that room. Michael laughed, unsure of who was who in the new band but somehow made friends with them soon enough. Richard was a fan of Area11 and quickly introduced himself. FIN then left for their own practice though Richard looked like he would rather stay. The first group to practice was of course, Area 11.

Everyone screamed as they began,

Kyo was pretty much squeezing Jo to death with her hug as she jumped up and down, too excited to stop. Yumi say next to Gen while Echo was right at the front, staring at the band almost hypnotically. About two songs later, Echo stood up.

"Erm.. Can.. Canweplaytogetherewithyouguys." Echo asked, the words rushing out of her mouth.

Sparkles* looked at her. "Erm.. Wha- oh. Sure."

It was a very large group of people that gathered. Winnie was upfront with Sparkles*, singing duet. Beside her, Genevieve and Parv stood with their guitars ready. Jo decided to join FIN instead, leaving Kogie to play the bass. Leo and Echo were going to take turns with the song that they were going to play. They decided to play an Area 11 song, followed by a Hard Decisions song. For the Area 11 song, obviously Area 11 would lead it while vice versa for the Hard decisions song.

Yumi and Kyo stood at the side, simply enjoying the music. Well, Yumi did anyways. Kyo had fun but seemed slightly unnerved by the overwhelming sounds. By the end of the day, everyone was tired out. They gathered outside to have a snack.

"I really had fun today." Echo said, swinging her legs from where she was sitting.

Sparkles* grinned. "Say do you want to come by Bristol someday, we could show you around. I mean like I don't know, ask your parents maybe?"

Echo's eyes instantly went wide. Jo and Winnie didn't look as interested. Gen looked like she wanted to try but wasn't sure.

"I would love to. That'll be amazing and... AREA 11!!!!" Echo fangirl-ed slightly

Leo laughed. "That totally makes sense."

Echo blushed as she looked down and everyone laughed lightly. Leo stood up and walked over, patting Echo on her head before he bend over and said.

"You're a pretty good drummer. Can't wait till your debut."

Kogie shook his head slightly and Parv whistled as Sparkles* gave him a little shove. Echo was still star-struck.Jo and Kyo were standing next to each other with smiles.Gen ran off to buy another ice-cream while Yumi just watched. She was so glad she had decided to get the Yogscast over..

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