Chapter 10 - Tour Bus Fun

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Juliana's P.O.V.

I wake up to the noise of my obnoxious alarm.

Last time I checked, it was 10 til 5 am. I could not get any sleep at all. I don't know if I could blame my leg for that but I got the least amount of sleep last night.

I check and it's 10:30 am. I groan and i get up to take a shower.

Once I step in the bathroom I get this cold breeze. A cold breeze in the middle of the summer? I know right. Only Texas weather.

I wrap a plastic bag around my cast and I get in. The warm water cools threw the center top of my roots and it makes me sleepy.

I spend over 30 minutes enjoying the warm water throughout my body.

Once I get out, the time reads 11:10. I plan on wearing sweats. You never know how the weather condition would be in the guys tour bus. So, I decide to go with a white 5 Seconds Of Summer tank top, and some black sweats. And I bring my hair up in a messy bun.

I wobble over to my bedroom and I get my bag, grab all my utensils from the bathroom, which isn't alot and I finish packing in 10 minutes.

I attempt to carry my bag to the living room but I fail. Ugh, I'll just get one of the boys to get it.

I wobble over to the living room and I unlock the door so I won't have to get up and open the door once I sit.

I take a seat on the famous long red leather couch and I watch Spongebob Squarepants for about 15 mins.

A knock appears on my door and I yell, " Come in! " I turn off the tv and I turn to the door and I find Niall wearing the exact same thing as me. A white 5 Seconds Of Summer tank top along with some black sweats.

We both laugh. " Nice outfit you got there." He tells me. " Thanks, I like yours too." I chuckle. " Ready to go?" he asks. " Yeah, my bag is in my room, I tried to bring it over here but you know how that worked out." I smile. " First, let me get you up." he says walking over to me and puts an arm around my waist and pulls me up. " Thanks." I say and I wobble into the hallway and I find the other boys outside.

" Hey." I smile. " Are you wearing the exact same thing as Niall?" Harry says pointing at my outfit. Niall walks out with my bag around his shoulder and stands next to me. And to answer Harry's question I nod. The boys look at me and Niall back and forth. " It's like you guys planned it or something." Louis says. We chuckle. " So, where's Zayn?" It took me a while to realize he wasn't with us. " He should be here." Harry said looking around. I turn around and I see Zayn with black jeans and a white shirt. And it looks like he hasn't gotten no sleep. I feel bad for him. I'm the reason he's heart broken. He- " Earth to Julie?" Louis waves his hands in front of me and interrupts my thoughts. " Wha-huh?" I shake my head. " Let's goooo." he says spreading the 'o'. " Oh right, yeah." I say. We walk to the elevator and when it opens for us to step in, Ryan is standing there.

" Hello." he tells me. I smile. " I was actually going to ask you if-" Louis cuts him off mid sentence. " Sorry lad, but we're in a rush, excuse us." he pushes threw him and he puts his hand behind my back to guide me into the elevator. " Sorry, it was nice to meet you." I smile. " Bye!" Louis yells pressing the number 1 button repeatedly until it closes. " That was rude." I tell Louis. " He so likes you, how can you not see that?" he says ignoring my question. " He does not." I say back. " Does too!" he tells me. " Does not!" "Does too!" " Does not!" " Quit arguing!" Liam says. " Yes daddy." Louis says. I chuckle.

Once the elevator door opens, loads of fans and paparazzi are dodging the door outside. " Shit." Louis curses. " How on earth am I going too get threw?" I ask. He thinks for a second then says, " Liam you carry her and I'll take her crutches. " No way-" I get cut off as Louis snatches my crutches and right when i'm about to fall Liam catches me and picks me up bridal style. " Hold on tight love." Liam says. We walk out and dozens of fans surround us. While we're walking to the tour bus, somebody punches my cast and my ankle starts to ache in pain. " AHHHHH." I scream and I tighten my grip on Liam's neck and he begins to run until we finally reach the tour bus. He places me down on a couch and asks me, " What happened? " I close my eyes and I grab my leg and scream again. " My ankle, someone punched it and- AHHHHHHH." I scream in pain as it aches more and more. " Does it hurt?" Louis says. I glare at him. " Do I take off the cast?" Harry asks. " I don't know, whatever you do, make it fast." I scream again. Harry rolls up my sweatpants and takes off my cast and my ankle reveals. I look down at it and it's purple/ reddish. " Here." Niall brings Harry an ice pack. I lay my head back as Harry puts the ice pack gently on my ankle. It burns at first, but then it cools. He puts some kind of cream on it and he wraps a band on my ankle and he puts the cast back on. I sigh. " Thank you Harry, since when do you know how to do that?" I look up at him. " Erm, I don't know, that's what they do in movies I guess." he shrugs. I smile. " Who punched it?" Niall asked. " I have no idea." I answer. He bits his lower lip, " Oh." They take a seat on the opposite couch and Liam turns on the tv. It shows a video of us crowded up by the fans. ' It seems that the mysterious girl was being carried by Liam Payne, towards the tour bus. What could this mean?' the reporter says. Louis turns it off and says, " Bullshit."" Look, i'm so sorry for causing you guys so much trouble. Especially you Zayn." I look at Zayn. " It's alright, I guess Perrie and I weren't meant to be after all." he shrugs slowly. " You are meant to be, I just came around and fucked things up." I lay back on the couch. " No, you didn't, i've never felt so confident about myself until I met you." Zayn says. The rest of the boys nod. I smile. " You know what they say, if you love somebody then you have to let them go, and if they come back, they're here to stay." Zayn tells me. I smile.

" When it comes to giving advice, it's always Zayn that gives the best." Louis says. I nod. " So wanna play fifa?" Niall comes in walking with an Xbox along with two controllers. I nod and he connects it to the tv and he hands me one. I sit up straight and Liam brings me a pillow to rest my feet against the table. " Thanks." I smile. He sits on one side of me and the other, Niall sits there. " What team do you want?" Niall asks. " I'm Real Madrid. " I smirk at him. " Then in that case, i'm Barcelona. " he smiles. " You're so going down." I tell him and I get ready for the game to start. The rest of the boys get bags of popcorn and they gather together to watch the game.

The game starts and I use the right leg to act like I'm gonna run that way but I step back and I run the opposite way. " Cheater!" Niall yells after I score on him. " GOALLLLLLLL FROM RONALDOOOOOOOOO!" I yell. The boys laugh at Niall and I throughout the entire game. "Ha! 4-1." I tease Niall. " Whatever." he says. I laugh and Liam gets up and fixes the Xbox on the cabinet under the tv.

"So." I say. " What should we do?" Harry asks. " Eat?" Niall says. We burst out laughing at him. " No, seriously. " he blushes. " Yea, we probably should. I'm kinda hungry too." I tell the boys. They nod.

We agree on McDonald's and Paul gets off and orders our food for us.

We gather up in a circle around the small table. " Eat up!" Louis says once Paul comes in with like 7 bags. " You don't have to tell me twice." Niall says and takes a huge bite out of his burger. I chuckle and I eat out of mine.

Niall takes out a packet of ketchup and he tears a little piece off and right when he's about to squirt, it goes the opposite way and it squirts Louis in the face. Niall and I burst out laughing. " Oh no you just didn't." He grabs one of Liam's fries and throws it at Niall and he catches it with his mouth. I laugh even harder when Liam throws a piece of bread at Louis for stealing his fry. Louis grabs his meat and aims it at Liam but he misses and it smacks Harry in the face." Ouchhhh." he says and He grabs it and aims at Louis but it hits Zayn. " WARRRRRRR." Louis yells. Niall throws his meat and it hits Louis in the eye. Zayn throws Harry a french fry and it hits him in the face. Louis grabs a meat and slaps Liam with it which makes me laugh hard. Liam grabs Harry's meat and he slaps Louis back.

" WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" Paul comes in and Louis has ketchup on him, Zayn has a fry in his hair, Harry has lettuce in his, Liam has ketchup on his face, and Niall has a stain of sauce on his shirt. " Oh nothing, you know, just eating. " Louis says and grabs the french fry off Zayn's head and eats it. " Clean this mess up!" Paul says and walks out.

Once he walks out we all laugh. Liam cleans everything up and the boys go change.

It's around 1:00 and Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry decide to take a nap and they leave Niall and I alone.

" What do you want to do?" Niall asks me. " Um, do you have a guitar? " I ask him. He nods and leaves the room and seconds later he walks back in with a guitar in his hand. " I was wondering if you could teach me how to play. " I ask him. " Sure." He says. " You hold it like this." he shows me and then hands it to me. I try a G note but it doesn't sound right. " Here let me show you." Niall scoots over next to me and he slides his arm under mine and he strums it. He places his hand over mine and he moves it along with his. I look over to him and he's inches away from my face and he starts to lean in.

He looks down at me lips and back to my eyes. He takes his hand and places it under my chin and he leans in and he kisses me.

Butterflies burst threw out my stomach as our lips move in sync. His lips are warm over mine. The kiss is slow and passionate.

The door cracks and I push Niall off of me quickly.

Liam stands there with wide eyes and he stares at us without saying a word.



Hope you enjoyed! (; - J.xx

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