Chapter 11 - Broken

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Liam's P.O.V.

It was after our small food fight when I decided to take a nap along with Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

We got into our bunk beds and right when I was about to go too sleep, I heard a guitar strum. Could Julie actually play guitar? I was curious so I got out of bed and I walked over to the door. To my surprise, I opened the door with a loud squeak and Niall and Julie were kissing. I stood there in silence. They both looked at me waiting for me too say something. My brain couldn't collect the correct words to say. I turn around to walk back to the bunk but Julie's voice stopped me. " Liam wait." I turn around and I looked back at them then back to the door and walk out. I slammed the door and I walked over to my bunk slowly. I pulled the blanket over my head and I sobbed. I thought I actually had a chance with someone else after what happened with Sophia. But apparently, I was wrong. So wrong.

" Liam?" I hear Louis voice. " What happened?" his voice is full of sincerity. I take the cover off me and I sit up straight. I sigh. " Niall and Julie kissed." Louis eyes pop out of his head, " What?!" he yells/whispers . I nod slowly. " I'm sorry lad." he tells me. I sigh. " Who does she like? I mean it's pretty obvious Niall likes her, there's a great chance that Zayn does too, now you? That girl is something. " he runs his hand threw his hair. I shrug, " I don't know," I honestly tell Louis. " Ask her." Louis says. " She's been going on dates with Zayn, playing around with Niall, and flirting with you. " Louis tells me. Flirting? With me? Louis stands up and drags me with him. " Where are we going? " I whisper. " To fix this." he opens the door slowly so he won't wake up Harry and Zayn.

Niall sits on the couch by himself deeply into his thoughts. " Where's Julie?" Louis asks him. He looks up quickly and stares at me. " She's in there." he nods to the game room. Louis says, " I'll be back." He leaves me and Niall in a awkward silence. " Liam-" I cut him off, " There's nothing to say here." I can feel a lump forming in my throat. Luckily, Louis walks in with Julie beside him and her eyes stare straight into mine while she walks in her crutches to the opposite couch from Niall.

" Okay, um, Niall do you have feelings for Julie?" Louis asks Niall. " Uh, um y-yeah." he turns stutters. Julie looks up at Niall. " How bout you Julie, do you have feelings for Niall?" Louis gazes at Julie. She looks over at Niall who's biting his lip. " Yes- No, ugh, I don't know." she buries her face in her hands. She doesn't know? " What do you feel?" Louis asks her. " I don't know." she runs her hand threw her hair then she looks at me. " What's going on?" Zayn walks in. " Trying to clear things up," Louis tells him. Zayn's eyebrows furrow, " Take a seat." Louis tells Zayn then he sits beside Niall. " Zayn, do you have feelings for Julie?" he asks him. Zayn looks over at Julie and says, " I'm not sure in what I feel to be honest." " You Liam?" Louis looks over to me. I nod slowly not wanting to make eye contact with neither one if them. Julie manages to get up and walk out. " I'll be back." Louis says and goes follow Julie. I look over at Niall who's staring at me. " Niall, I know you really have feelings for her and I don't blame you, i'm sorry for getting in the way of that." I honestly tell Niall. He shakes his head, " Payno, I know you like her too, go ahead and stay with her, she'll choose you anyway." I see his eyes getting watery. " No, no, no, I know that she likes you. Not me." My eyes start to water too. He shakes his head then he pulls his shirt over his face and sobs. " Niall." I walk over too him to comfort him but he gets up and takes his shirt off his head. " Why is it, that every single damn girl I like, seems to like one of you guys." he tells Zayn and I harshly. " Niall, calm down." Zayn tells him. " Calm down?" he scoffs. Louis and Julie walk in and it looks like she's been crying. She looks at all three of us. " Go ahead, stay with Liam. I know you want to." Niall tells her. She shakes her head. " Liam, can I talk to you please?" Julie asks me. " Yeah, sure." I get up and I walk with her to the game room.

" Liam, the feelings that I have for you, are like a brother." She tells me. The words sting into my entire body. " I feel bad for what happened with Sophia." The use of her name felt like a knife was being dug into my chest.  " I only went out with her because I thought that I could get Danielle out of my mind." The knife onto my chest is now twisting. " I know that you still have feelings for Danielle." Do I really? Do I miss those times that Danielle and I had threw out our relationship? " I know how you feel. Before this, I had a boyfriend named Matthew, We had to break up because of the distance. When I started my championship games, we became more and more apart." She dozes off. " I was really devastated.  I still have this feeling deep inside of me for him, just like I know you have for Danielle. " She looks deep into my eyes. I sigh. I still love her. " That's the exact same reason that Danielle and I broke up." We keep eye contact. " You should go look for her, find her and tell her that you love her. I want you to be happy again. And I know that I cannot bring that happiness back into you." She's right. I force a smile and I hug her. " Thank you. And I hope you find that happiness also." We walk out and she calls Zayn.

Juliana's P.O.V.

It's heartbreaking to say aloud my past with Matthew but it relieves me to know that I still have a chance of happiness.

Liam and I walk back to the living room. " Zayn, can I talk to you?" I ask Zayn. I've stopped crying for now. He nods and he follows me into the game room. God, does these crutches hurt my armpits.  " Zayn, I can only give you friendship. " I look into his eyes. It hurts me to tell him that, and I don't know why. " I know, " he sighs. " Don't feel bad, it's okay, really." He keeps the eye contact.  I sigh. " From now on, please don't mention Perrie. I believe we're done. For good." he looks down. " I have no idea what to say," I say. " There's nothing to say, really. I hope that whatever you decide with, is the best." He walks to me, and he hugs me with one hand, and he kisses my cheek then he walks out. I follow him into the living room. Harry's awake now. I can tell he's so confused.

" Niall? Can I talk to you?" He nods and I look over at Zayn who looks lost, empty, but most of all, broken.

I take a deep breath, " I've been going threw alot of stuff lately. And, being in a relationship, isn't really on my schedule. " I don't dare look at his expression.

" I get it. I dunno what I was thinking when I thought you had feelings for me." I looked up at him, " No Niall, I like you." he looked at me with a confused expression. " You do?" I sigh. " Yes but I don't want me to cause you problems. " He chuckles. " Why would you cause me problems?" I shrug. " I don't know. You're always busy, and-" he cuts me off mid-sentence, " I'll always have time for you." he tells me with such a sincerity. I smile.

" I'm just not ready for a relationship. " I tell him.

" It's okay, really." he sighs and walks out.


He was sincere with me about his feelings and I just turned him down.

God am I stupid.


We arrive at Dallas, and loads of fans mob the bus.

We manage to get out the crazy mob then Paul walks in and tells us, " Guys, we have a problem, the fans found out what hotel you guys we're staying in and fans are in and outside the hotel. The security cannot control them."

" Where are we going to stay?" Harry says.

" Julie, you don't have a place, by a chance that we can stay in?" Paul asks me.

I think for a second then say, " My house. "

" You have a house?" Louis asks me.

I nod.

" It's big enough for you guys to stay in." I say.

" That'll do!" Paul says.

I give him my address and we head to my house.

Lucy will freak.


Hey guysssss. Sorry this chapter was short! - J.xx

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