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"My mom would kill me if she found out I owned these clothes," Annie exclaimed, showing me her selection of outfits for Katherine's party. There was an assortment of tight pants, revealing tops, mini skirts, super short shorts, and bodycon dresses. She kept these clothes in a drawer in my room so there was no possible way for her parents to discover them. They were a bit conservative, hardly ever even agreeing on some of Annie's dance costumes. "What do you think I should wear?" she asked me, whipping her hair behind her shoulder when she turned her head to face me.

I leaned against my desk, shoving my hands inside my pockets. "Why are you asking me?" I wasn't the one she was trying to impress. 

Annie rolled her eyes. "I want a boy's perspective." She threw herself onto my bed and covered her face with her hands. "What would you rather see on a girl?" 


I let in a deep breath, trying to think of something that I could actually say to her. Of course I wouldn't mind seeing her in one of her more revealing outfits, but did I want Heath to see her in them? Absolutely not.  "Annie, listen, Heath and I have completely different tastes in girls." That was a flat out lie.  "What might impress me, might not be something he's into." Wow, we're best friends. I'm not supposed to lie to her so much.

She sat up, giving me a disappointed look. "Please, Finn? Try to think like him. And don't give me your usual boys-should-like-you-for-your-personality crap. Sometimes, I don't mind looking good to impress a guy." Annie cocked her head to the side, giving me puppy eyes to try and win me over. 

How could I say no to her? Besides, I couldn't give her hints that I had feelings for her, which meant I couldn't be possessive. Not that I would ever be possessive, but I didn't have the right to feel jealous of the way other guys might look at her. "Okay, whatever." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'll help you pick out a stupid outfit." Annie could win me over about anything and she knew it. 

Her eyes lightened up as she leaped off the bed. "Okay, so help me out. What is too much for this party?" She held her hands out, gesturing to the clothing sprawled out. My eyes immediately shifted to a low cut, form-fitting, red dress that I never noticed before. Annie would look amazing in it, but I was not about to tell her that. I was willing to help her out, but her parents would murder her if they found out I let her wear that ever. I was not ready to possibly evoke the wrath of the Wrights. One simply did not do that. 

I crossed my arms and examined each piece carefully. "What kind of party is this?" I asked. "Is it a big one or is it just like a little get together kind of thing?" 

Annie shrugged. "Somewhere in between I guess. She said that she's expecting about twenty-five people, but who knows. Once word gets out that there's going to be alcohol available to minors, the crowd will come flooding in."

I perked up. "There's going to be alcohol?" I said in a serious tone. Annie could not start becoming one of those drunk party girls for Heath. I wouldn't allow it. Despite him being such a great guy, he seemed to have that persona where he would definitely be a frat boy in college. I just had that feeling.

She laughed at me, playfully hitting my arm. "Don't worry, Finny, I'm not going to have any. I have too much to lose. I know that." She ran her fingers through her long brown hair, twirling the ends around her fingers.

I shook my head, trying to forget about it. "Forget about anything that sparkles," I suggested. "That's too much for a small party like this. You would look like you're trying too hard." I threw off a top and three dresses, grabbing the red one too, just for good measures. "And obviously it's too cold for shorts or anything." I started tossing item after item off the bed, deeming them unfit for Annie no matter how well they would fit her if you know what I mean.

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