Iceland x Reader - The Candy Shop

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Iceland x Reader

The beams of light emitting from the scorching sun playfully danced in your (h/c) hair. It was another boring summer day and as much as you hated to admit it you looked forward to going back to attending school. 

Your were heading towards your favorite candy shop. As childish as it seemed you had a soft spot for any type of candy. 

As you step foot into the dainty little establishment, the kind owners, an elderly couple, welcomed you once more. You were in the candy store every Thursday, you had a whole timing set for when you have to do, which was usually right after school but since the dreaded summer was here you visited at an earlier time. 

“Good morning Mr and Mrs. Higgins!” You sweetly cooed as you stepped towards the candy selection, then something odd caught your attention. Another person around your age, he had silky silver hair and his eyes were as blue as the ocean and you could feel yourself getting lost in them.

The male faced you which caught you off guard forcing a little brush to creep up onto your face. “Hi.” was all you managed to utter out as he carefully examined you, up and down. You felt your face burn up like a furnace. 

“So you like licorice?” He sweetly asked you as he noticed you fumbling with a bag of licorice for the few seconds. You managed a nod, you felt quite flustered around this guy and you didn’t even know him.

You decided to whip up some courage and ask him. “Do you like licorice.” You saw a faint smile on his face as he nodded, this caused you to slightly chuckle much to his confusion. You held out your hand and gave him a pleasant smile.

“I’m (y/n), it’s nice to know there are other people above the age of 10 who still like candy.” He accepted you hand in his.

“Emil. My name’s Emil.” What a cute name! You were practically fangirling inside, this was one of the cutest guys you have ever seen and he was talking to you! Never have you experienced such a weird thumping sensation in your chest. 

Although you just met him you could feel yourself growing on him. What am I thinking?! A guy like that would never like a girl like me! I mean, this is probably going to be the first and last time I’ll ever see him in my life! You felt your brain wanting to explode. 

Emil placed a soft hand on your shoulder. “I should get going. Nice meeting you.” He strode towards the cashier with a bag of licorice in hand.

--Emil’s POV--

Was it me or was that girl the cutest thing I have ever seen? As I bought my licorice I sadly waved my goodbyes to (y/n). 

As odd as it may seem I felt something in my heart telling me to hug her when I first saw her. Her blush added to the extreme cuteness that she emitted. I know I may sound really out of character but I think this girl might be special. 

What am I thinking? She’s just another girl and I’m just another boy. If this was the case why did it ache so much when I left her.

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