Finland X Reader- Merry Christmas

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Finland X Reader

It was that time of the year again, yep, Christmas. This year you weren’t nearly as eager to celebrate the jolly holiday compared to last year. This year you were going to spend Christmas alone. Your family didn’t think twice about having you over and your boyfriend, Tino, was on a business trip. 

You let out a sad sigh as you rested your head on the peppermint patterned couch. Being lonely wasn’t something that normally irked you, but being alone on Christmas made you feel melancholic. What were you to do?

Pushing away the lasting sad feelings, you made your way towards the kitchen that both you and Tino shared, you lived together. Oh, Tino, if only you were here. You thought to yourself as you snatched and egg and a peace of bread. 

You cracked the egg open and began frying it when you got a text, it was from your boyfriend and it read:

Tino: Hey honey, I’m gonna be late and might come after tomorrow.

You once again let out a sigh. He was supposed to be back by tomorrow so that you could at least open presents together. You felt tears prickle your soft cheeks as they rolled down and onto the marble counter-top. 

(y/n): Oh, It’s fine, stay safe. 

You texted back, you lied, it was not fine, but there was nothing you could do now. There was 10 hours left till the official start of Christmas day and you had no idea how to kill the time. You picked up your phone again considering calling one of your friends.

Then you remembered that she was out of town, along with everybody else. So there you were, eating you egg and toast, on the verge of bawling. Might as well sleep the time away. You considered as you put away your ‘christmas meal’ and cleaned the dishes. 

As you crawled into your comforting bed you almost instantly nodded off. 

--Time Skip (4 hours later)--

You woke to the sound of screaming only to realize that you were only imagining the sounds. “(y/n), pull yourself together!” you scolded yourself as you pulled on a sweater and your boots. 

Maybe a walk would soothe you. As you exited the apartment building, the snowy streets greeted you. You breathed in, inhaling the scent of coldness. The cold always hd the ability to calm you down. 

You felt more ‘christmassy’ as you noticed the buildings that were dressed in a holiday decoration and you felt a smile grow on your lips. This would’ve been better if Tino was here. You decided to ring him up. 

“ring ring” the phone vibrated in your hand as it rang. “Ring ring”

“Hello.” Tino answered as you felt happier. 

“Hey, I miss you.” You replied.

“I miss you too.” You could practically hear him smiling through the phone. “Hey, I have to go right now, I love you.”

Then you felt your stomach drop. What a short phone call. “Oh, ok, I love you too, bye.” and with that your short lived conversation was over and you hand decided to go back home and back into your bed and sleep. 

--Time Skip (christmas day)--

The sun bounced onto your face and woke you up. “What a nice night’s sleep.” you said to yourself as you groggily walked out to the living room. As you entered the room you were surprised to find a huge box near you tree. 

“Well, maybe santa decided to come by.” You smiled as you reached for the ribbon and opened the box. You covered your mouth and found Tino on his knees with a box in his own hands. “Tino?”

“(y/n), will you, marry me?” You nodded as he stood up and wrapped his arms around you, tears swam down your cheek as you held onto him. You never wanted to let go. After a while you moved away from each other and he placed the ring on your finger.

“I thought you were going to be late.” you told him as you smiled from ear to ear.

“I lied.” Tino answered.

You punched his arm playfully. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”  

“Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas.”


Hey it’s christmas! This is my christmas special for y’all. I know it’s so lame, but I tried okay, I know that start was super boring, but I hope you guys like it. I did work hard on this so no hate please. Oh yes, readers, I would like for you guys to stop asking me to write lemons, it’s kind of irritating me, on my first page I wrote : lemons (jk) which means just kidding. I’m not writing any lemons, m’kay? But on another note, do you guys think I should open requests again? I only opened it for a christmas request but should I do it permanently ? 

This was a request from BelaCruz

Thanks for reading anyways.  

Comment, vote, request do whatever you want.

oh yes as usual, I didn’t proof read this, so don’t go crazy if you see a grammar mistake.

Hey do you like America? I started an America X Reader:

It would mean the world to me if you could read, comment and vote on it.

Thanks readers!!!

Also be sure to check out my new story :


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