Spain x Reader - Heat

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Spain X Reader

It was just another day that you decided to spend at your best friends, Spain, or Antonio’s house. You had planned on going out to the mall or something but the humidity got the best of you and ruined your plans. 

You were lying down on Antonio’s bed, reading a magazine that was in spanish. Spain paced back and forth, you had now fucking idea what he was doing but you decided to let him do it anyways, till you got bored at least. “Oi, Spain, get me some churros por favor.” You exclaimed demandingly as you flipped to the next page of the magazine.

“Chica, stop being so lazy and get it yourself.” He responded half-heartedly as he continued his pace-athon. You rolled off the bed and onto his plush carpet.

“But SPAAIINN!” You threw a fit on his bedroom floor. He couldn’t resist your pure cuteness when you got pissed off. 

“Fiiinnee.” He responded as you quickly dusted yourself off and returning back to your original spot on the bed where you had left a slight mold that you oh-so perfectly fit in. The heat waves emitting from the blazing sun were attracted your sweating form causing you to burn up even more. 

I small but heavy sigh escaped your parched lips. You tried to focus on the reading material but a throbbing sensation in you temple disrupted you from continuing on further. You reached around you for any fan-like object, you needed to find a way to cool off and quick.

After a while of completely melting like an ice cream on the squishy bed, Antonio came back with your ever desired churros. “¡Gracias, mi amigo!” You said dryly as he passed you the pack of churros with two cold beverages in his other hand. 

“You look sick, are you ok, (y/n)?” You nodded slowly as he offered you a soda and you gnawed on your churros. You mouthed thanks as you greedily opened the can and downed it.

You breathed out heavily as you smashed your drink down. “I’m fine, just being a little melted ice cream over here.” He made his way towards you to check if you were really okay. Smiling he felt your forehead causing you to blush. 

“Are you sure you’re okay, (y/n), your face is so red!” You averted your attention from him and nodded.

“I’m fine geez!” You responded as he giggled at your answer. His laugh made you feel like the heavens were shining upon you. You desperately wanted to embrace him despite the horrid heat. He was so damn sexy, but you were probably just another friend to him, was what you always thought.

You were wrong, Antonio really loved you and he thought you were the most hilarious and adorable girl on the face of the world while on the other hand, much like you, he thinks he’s probably just you best friend and nothing more. 

You were best friends for the longest time and you’ve known each other longer than the history of the planet earth. Yes that was an over exaggeration but you two have been BFFs since the beginning of time. 

You could not imagine what a simple confession could do to this thing you had together. You didn’t want to mess anything up so you decided to just be friends, because you were happy. So was Spain.  

--Time Skip--

“It was nice, you know experiencing the hot summer sun, with you.” You stared at your shoes suddenly more interested in the pavement than your friend. Spain cheerfully smiled at your cuteness. 

“De nada, it was really my pleasure!” You wildly blushed at your friend’s comment. Recently you have been unable to properly function with him around and ever since your childhood you had feelings for him, but lately your feelings have been rapidly increasing.  

He grabbed onto  your soft (s/c) cheeks and lightly pulled them. “You know (y/n), you’re really cute!” You were flustered and sort of shaking. “You know, I don’t think I can control myself around you anymore, chica.” He whispered seductively into your ear causing you shudder. 

“T-toni, wh-what’re you talking about.” As much as you loved him this was just really making you feel, out of place. 

“Te amo, (y/n)! Te amo! Whenever I’m near you I feel my heart skip beats because of how amazing you are. You might not feel the same way but, I really truly love you.” You latched your arms onto his next and nuzzled your face into his neck.

“I love you too.”

--Author’s Note--

Meh. lame story I know! UGH! Anyways hope you enjoyed! Bai~

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