Germany X Reader - Maybe Parties Aren't so Bad

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Germany X Reader

You sighed as you stared at the overly glittered invitation from your friend Alfred. Alfred was a lovable guy, but sometimes he just went over board with the whole party idea. You couldn’t say now to him whenever he pleaded for your attendance, which thoroughly frustrated you. 

Slipping a (shirt/colour) shirt on and a (pants/colour) pants on you headed out to another one of Alfred’s “Oh-So Exciting Parties”. A little voice in your head was actually excited it was thinking, Ooh what if Ludwig’s there? YAY! You blushed hard at the thought and tried to push it away but it was undeniable that you had a small, okay huge crush on him. 

--Time Skip--

You carefully knocked on the wooden door while patiently waiting on Alfie’s porch. The door was quickly thrown open and on the other side you saw an super happy Alfred. Alfred was like a little puppy, he got way to excited. 

He motioned for you to come in. “(y/n), come in! Come in!” You smiled weakly at him and entered his house, the house that you were so very familiar with. The house in which every freaking party was held. 

As you entered the house the hot air of bodies close together filled the uncomfortable atmosphere. You still weren’t used to this is whole party stuff. The music was deafening and the ground was practically shaking. 

You hesitantly submerged yourself more into the party. The loud noises were starting to discomfort you so you squeezed through the crowd. You were going to Alfred’s porch, which was where you hid from parties but you noticed somebody was already leaning over the railing.

You shifted awkwardly for it was Ludwig. You tried to leave but he already noticed your petite form trying to plan an escape. “Hi, (y/n).” he said and you cringed slightly at the fact that he noticed you

(y/n), this is your chance! You can talk to him! You slowly turned on your heels and faced him. “Hi, Ludwig. I didn’t expect to see you here.” 

“Vell, zhat imbecile dragged me here.” he said pointing to a certain crazy italian. You left a soft laugh escape you mouth. Your sweet laugh rung in the air causing Ludwig to melt inside. 

“I don’t get it” you said standing next to ludwig and staring into the abyss of night. “How do people find this fun? It’s the same routine every damn month.” You sighed with tired eyes and sort of lost yourself in the night sky.

Ludwig nodded sternly straight face still remaining. Although he looked very serious he was trying so desperately to pull himself together whenever he was near you.

The minutes of silence seemed to flood around the two of you. Should I leave? you thought to yourself. I don’t wanna, I wanna talk to him. Damn does he look sexy today or what? You face-palmed at you stubborn thoughts which then caught Ludwig’s attention. 

“Vhat’s wrong?” You felt a little blush crawl onto your face. Shit, he saw me face-palm. 

You smiled you sweet smile. “N-no-nothing.” Fuck, stop stuttering you bitch. 

Ludwig then proceeded to press his cold hands against you forehead. “Your face is really red.” His comment seemed to redden your face further. You pulled your face away from his comforting hands and in the your sheltering jacket that you so thankfully brought with you to this horrid place full of sweaty dancers and crazy drunkies.

“I-i’m fine.” Ludwig took another worried glance at you then he decided to give up and let you have your way. 

Sighing he ran his hand oh-so sexily through his disheveled hair. “Ok, now it’s my turn to ask. What’s wrong?”

He turned to you with a tint of sadness blossoming in his eyes. “There’s zhis girl.” Your heart stopped when your heard the words come out of his mouth. A girl? If he’s telling this to ME that’s means I’m out of the question. You tried so hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill out. You barely managed a nod. 

He then began to explain her in full detail. “She’s the most beautiful girl I have seen. Her eyes are like shimmering stars and her laugh. Her laugh alvays brings me to a melting point. Oh, and who could forget about her smile, her smile is always so contagious.” You had to conjure up all your strength to be able to sit through the painful things coming out of Ludwig’s mouth. 

You nodded and smiled, little did you know he was actually referring to you the whole time. “So who is this girl?” You asked sweetly though bitterness was clearly dripping from your words. 

Ludwig placed one of his strong hands atop your head and offered you a cute smile. “Vhy don’t you guess?”

You shook your head in complete disagreement. “No, tell me.” You were tired, you were disappointed you at least wanted to know who was the bitch that stole Lud’s heart. 

“She’s you silly.” You were confused but also happy. You felt the tears that you held back finally swim down your red cheeks and you latched onto Ludwig. 

Maybe parties weren’t so bad after all. 


Yay, finally done! Sorry for the delay I wanted to write this while I was in Germany (Stahp being so dirty)

This story was a request from Brazil-chan, thank you for requesting this at such a good time! This was really interesting to write.

Thanks for reading anyways.  

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