Good Enough

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Your POV:

Preseason was pretty good. I've played a bit, I think I did well. 

I'm still staying at the frat house, as they call it. Kailen's staying with some other people.

"Ready to head out?" Kelley asked.


We played all our preseason games, now we just had some practices before the season starts. 

We got to the facility. "Y/N!" Kailen waved. 

"Hey." I walked over. 

"So I've been thinking about what you said." She smiled. "I don't know you, not like I did. You don't know me either. We should get together, catch up. If we're gonna be teammates we should be close." 

"Yeah. I like that. You still have my number right?"

"Yeah." She looked down. "Still have mine?"

"Of course I do. I'd never delete it." I walked away.

Kailen's POV:

"You two are so adorable." Leah sighed. "It makes me sick." 

"Dom. Where does your sister go? When she runs off like that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I hear her sneak out sometimes. Her room is close to the back door." He picked up his pizza. "I heard mom yelling at her. Something about drinking? I don't know. You have to do something. She'll listen to you Kailen." He smiled and went back to watching TV with Marina.


When did she start drinking? We're 15.

"Earth to Kailen." Rocky waved her hand in my face.

"What? Sorry, I zoned out." 

"I said ready to start? We're in the same group." 

"Yeah." I smiled. "Sure." 

Your POV:

Our season was underway. 

April was a good month, May would hopefully be better. 

I haven't played much, or even been on the bench. 

We were training right now, getting ready for Houston at home.

I put the weights down and walked to the next station. "Y/N!" Coach yelled. "Come here." 

I jogged over. "Yeah?"

"I didn't get in." I put the letter down. 

"Y/N." My mom sat down. "I'm sorry sweetie. I know how much you wanted to go to that school."

"It was my first choice." I sighed. "And they never offered anything, never even noticed me." I crossed my arms. "Everyone else on the team is getting their letters and scholarships. I've gotten nothing." I banged my fist on the table. "I knew all this was a waste. I should've quit the team."


I got up. "No. I'm not good enough." I stormed out of the house.

"You're getting rid of me." I repeated. 

"We have so much talent on the roster we don't know what to do with you."

I nodded. "So what now?" I looked at him. "This is it then?"

"We hope another team picks you up. Y/N you are a talented player, there is just too much competition." 

"And I don't match up with everyone." I nodded. "No, I understand. Send me somewhere I can play instead of sitting on a bench." I walked away and grabbed my gear. "I get it." I left.

Kailen's POV:

"That doesn't look good." Maya looked at Y/N leaving. 

"First casualty of the season." Sarah sighed. "Poor kid." She went back to work.

"What do you mean?" I looked at them.

"That's the face of a coach who just waived a player." She nodded towards coach. "And the player was Y/N." She shook her head. "Too bad. She's a great player. Best of luck to her." 

I put the equipment down and walked towards her. "Kailen!" Everyone yelled after me. I caught up to her.

"What happened?" I grabbed her hand.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" 

"Don't give me that bullshit." She said. "You're getting everything and I've got nothing!"

"Don't." She said. "Go back inside Kailen. Go be their number 1, while I hope someone gives me a shot."

"I wasn't good enough!" She threw her hands up. "I've been playing this sport my whole life! Me and you together. Every day, working to get better. So we could go to college and then go pro. The national team. We had dreams Kailen." She scoffed. "You always got the better opportunities. Captain of the team. Scholarships left and right." She shook her hand. 

"Someone WILL Y/N! You're more than good enough!"

"You don't understand."

"Don't understand what?" She ignored me. "Y/N. Talk to me. Don't push me away, not again."

"Don't push you away again?" She turned to face me. "I never pushed you away, Kailen. My problems just weren't bad enough for you to care." She got in the car and drove away. 

"That's what you think? That I have all that? I just got rejected by UNC." I said. "And I'm not getting scholarships left and right." She said. "I'm sorry you're not having an easy time, but trying to take it out on me isn't gonna make you feel better." 

"You're right." She got in her car. "It's not gonna make me feel better." She drove away.

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