In Love

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Kailen's POV:

I landed in Australia and looked for Sam. 

"Kailen!" I saw Nikki. 

"Where's Sam?" 

"In the car." She smiled. "I'm really angry with you, but hi." She hugged me. 

"Hey. How's the arm?" I looked at her.

"It's good. How was your Christmas?"

"Would've been better if I didn't feel like an asshole the whole time. How is she?"

"She's hurting. Make this right."

"I will."


"Go away Kailen."

"Why are you so mad at me? It was an accident." 

"Accident? Kailen I was far away from you, yet you still managed to hit me in the face with the ball. And if it was an accident you would've ran over to see if I was ok, but know you stood there laughing at me like everyone else." She crossed her arms. 

"I'm the worst friend ever." I sat down. "How do I make this up to you?"

Your POV:

"How many episodes have we watched?" I stared at the TV.

"3 seasons." Rocky mumbled.

"I thought it was 2 episodes." Amanda sat up.

"Nope." Rocky showed up. "3. Seasons."

"How the- what?" I stood up. 

"Well, in our defense, seasons one and two had 8 episodes each."

"So we watched 16 episodes?" Rocky looked at me. "That's so much better.

"All the episodes in season 2 are like 20 minutes." I said. "Season 1 is shorter."

"Wait what show are we even watching."

"Losers! We're home!" Nikki said opening the door.

I shut off the TV. "Hello, we were very productive today."

"You're all in the same spots you were when we left." Sam said.

"You have no proof." Rocky looked at her.

"I took a picture." Sam helped up her phone.

"Photoshop?" Amanda said.

"Where did you guys go anyway?" I walked to the kitchen.

"Run some errands." Nikki said. "Y/N can you come help me real quick?"

"Uh sure?" I followed her outside. "What do you need help with?"

"It's in the backseat. Passenger side." I walked over and opened the door. 

Kailen was sitting there. 

"Nikki what the hell." I looked at her.

"Y/N just hear me out." Kailen got out. 

"I'll let you two talk." Nikki went inside.

"I don't want to do this Kailen."

"I know. But I need to. I know what you saw, and I know how it looked. I won't deny that. But nothing happened, she was helping me plan this!" She looked around. "I was gonna fly here after Christmas to surprise you, and her semester ended the same time. She came to visit me, we're really good friends and it was a long time since I last saw her. I told her what I was planning and she wanted to help. Make it as cute and romantic as possible. I mean I planned the Webster's Falls trip for years, how do I top that?" 

"I don't need you to top your surprises, Kailen. It's not a competition."

"I'm not trying to make it one. I just want everything to be memorable."

"As long as it's you and me, it will be memorable." 

"Y/N. Nothing happened."

"You let me kick a ball right to your face." I sat up. 


"You heard me. Ball. To the face." 

"Your nose was bleeding for a good 10 minutes, I don't want that."

"Then you can't make it up to me."

"Ok how about this. From now on, whenever one of us is mad at the other.  We have to have a movie day. And since I am the bad guy here, you pick all the movies."

"And snacks."

She took a deep breath. "And snacks."


Kailen's POV:

She stood there with her arms crossed. "When I was younger, my dad messed up. It wasn't like end of the marriage bad, but it was pretty bad."

"I remember."

"Do you remember how he made it up to her?"

"No." She looked down.

"He took her out to dinner, every day for a week. Fancy ass places too. He treated her like a queen." I smiled. "And on the last day of the week, he gave her a promise ring. Which was pretty weird cause they were married, but the promise he made was to never leave her side, no matter how crazy things go. To fight for her all the time, and for his family. To never let her push him away with things got bad."

She smiled. "Now I remember. You told me how gross it was." She laughed.

"Let me make this up to you. Every day, this week. Dinner." 

"You are crazy, Kailen Sheridan." 

"You call it crazy, I call it in love." 

"I told you I wanted space."

"I know you did. But you listened to me this whole time without pushing me away."

"Guess I didn't want as much space as I thought." 

"So? Dinner?"


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