A Little Better

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Kailen's POV:

"I've been stupid."

"That's putting it nicely." She smirked.

"Y/N." I shook my head. "Look I am sorry for everything. For everything recently, from when we were growing up, everything. I wasn't there when you needed me now or then. You're a great athlete and even better person and I took that for granted. You deserve to be on this team and deserve all the opportunities you're getting." 

She leaned back in the chair.

"I do support you. I always will. I just feel like when you leave I'm gonna lose you again. Like when we were growing up."

"Kailen it's different now."


"We're not kids anymore! I know what I want now and what I want is YOU, you big ass."


"This is one half of why I'm so pissed at you. You being worried about losing me? I get it and I understand but it doesn't excuse how you treated me OR those pictures."

"She's someone I knew before."

"Knew? Kailen you clearly still know her. You have female friends ok cool, so do I. We can have friends and hang out with other people I just don't like when their hands are all over you and I'm not there to tell them to back the hell off because you're MY girlfriend."

"You don't trust me."

"Kailen I trust you with my life. I don't trust them." 

"Ok and what about you and Alexia then? Or that Mapi girl? Hell even what's her name? Leila?"

"They are my friends. Alexia's helped me adjust to being here. With the language, the new style of football, everything. Mapi and Lelia? They're just two amazing humans that never fail to put me in a good mood."

"They're a little too protective of you."

"Is that a bad thing? It should make you happy that I'm not alone out here. Or would you rather that?" 

"Stop putting words in my mouth."

"Then stop speaking like an idiot. Kailen I have friends here! They care about me and look out for me and I do the same. I'm in a country I don't know where they speak a language I'm not familiar with! They're helping me out and looking out for me so that I don't make the wrong choices. We aren't kids in Canada anymore."

"Trust me I know." I crossed my arms. 

"I can't be with someone who's going to be so insecure about our relationship and my feelings. I love you Kailen. You were my best friend when we were kids and still are today. You are the love of my life but I can't put up with this."

"So that's it then? I flew all the way out here!"

"What did you think? I was gonna hear you out, take you back and then fly back to Canada with you?"


"Then I guess you really don't know me at all anymore. Let me help you out. I'm Y/N L/N. I play for the Canadian Women's National Team and I play for FC Barcelona. This sport is EVERYTHING and when I put on any jersey I leave everything on that field. I love my younger brother Dom and my father is my biggest supporter." She stood up. "And growing up I had the BEST friend in the world. If you see her around let her know I'm waiting for her to get her head out of her ass." 

She started to walk away. She stopped and put her hand on my shoulder. 

"It was great seeing you, Kailen. But please don't talk to me again unless you're gonna think differently."

She walked away.

I sighed and turned around. "It was nice to meet you." She stopped. "Maybe I can continue to get to know you better?"

"I think you should know yourself a little better before that." She put her hands in her pockets and left.

Is this the end of the relationship?

Will Kailen realize how badly she f'ed up? 

What will your new Spanish family do to pick you back up?

How will Kailen learn from her mistake?

Find out when I update this next cause I have no fucking idea. 

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