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Your POV:

I woke up the next day and stared at the ceiling. 

"Y/N?" I heard a knock on my door.


"Can I come in?"

"Sure." I sat up.

"Hey, kid."

"Hi, dad." I smiled. 

He sat on my bed. "Dom said you seemed pretty upset last night? Everything alright?"

I looked down. "I went to see Kailen last night. When we got home."

"Oh, you did?" He smiled.

"She had some girl over." I shook my head.

"Well, I'm sure it was nothing."

"It didn't seem like nothing, dad." I sighed. "It's nothing just forget it." 

"Forget it and focus on my birthday." He smiled.

"Exactly." I laughed.

"Mom made lunch. You slept through breakfast."

"I flew from Australia dad."

"I know which is why I ate your breakfast and came to get you for lunch." He got up.

"And if I still wasn't awake?"

"I'd eat that." He left my room.

I got ready for the day and went downstairs. We ate lunch and then got ready for everyone who was coming over.

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I walked over. I opened the door. "Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan." I stared at them. "Hi. Uh, come on in." I stepped out of the way. 

"The girls are right behind us."


"Marina and Kailen." 

"Kailen's coming?"

"Of course she is." Angela laughed. "By the way. Amazing job in Australia! Good for you Y/N." 

Marina walked up to the front door. "Hey Y/N." She smiled. "Kailen's coming, she's just on the phone." She walked into the house. 

"Dom?" He walked over. "You're on door duty. I can't do this." I went to my room.

I sat on my bed and called Jessie. 

Kailen's POV:

"Hey, Dom." I smiled. "This is my friend Kathellen."

"Oh. Hi." He looked at her. "Come in."

We walked inside and he shut the door. "Where's Y/N?"

"Her room." He said.

"I'll be right back." I went up to Y/N's room. "Y/N?" I knocked on the door. "Y/N it's me." I opened the door. "Y/N?" 

The room was empty. I sighed. "Back exit." I went back downstairs. "She's not in her room." I looked at Dom. "But I know where she went, I'll be back." I went outside.

Your POV:

I sat on the field. 

"You come home from Australia and don't visit me? That's cold."

"I did. You were busy." I mumbled.

"Busy?" Kailen sat next to me. "I'm never busy when it comes to you."

"I saw you." I said. "With that girl."

She sat there. "You did."

"I can't do this, Kailen. Not again. For the first time in a long time, I'm happy. I'm whole again and I don't want to be hurt, not anymore."

"I won't hurt you. She's just a friend."

"Really? I saw the way you two were acting. This whole time you were worried about the beautiful girls I'd meet in Australia. You wanna know something?" I stood up and she did too. "I met so many beautiful girls. A few of them asked me out but you know what I did? I told them I had someone who means the world to me waiting back home. That she is the ONLY person for me. But while I did that, you just walked right into the arms of someone else." I shook my head.

"Y/N I would never-"

"I don't want to hear it." I whispered. "Why do I love you as much as I do? To the point where I feel like I can't live without you. Everyone kept calling you my girlfriend, and I kept saying not yet." 

She took a step closer. "I was gonna do it soon."

"Stop." I pushed her away. "Please."

"Y/N." She whispered. "Kathellen. It isn't like that. She's my friend I swear I would never do that."

"I want to believe you. But I need time." I nodded. "I need space."

I walked away. 

Kailen's POV:

"Y/N, please! I love you!" I watched her walk away. I sat on the field and covered my face.

Your POV:

"Happy birthday." I hugged my dad.

"I wish you could stay longer."

"Me too, but I think I should get back." I nodded. "Finish up the season strong."

"And Kailen? What about her?"

"We fell apart as friends, why would anything more than that work." I looked down.

"Because you're Y/N and Kailen." 

I got on my flight and landed back in Australia after what felt like years. 

Sure enough, Sam, Nikki and Amanda were there to pick me up. 

"Where's Rocky?" I said hugging Nikki.

"Getting food. She said you'd be hungry." Sam smiled.

We drove back home and there was a lot of food. "You're probably tired from the flight, but you should eat something first!" Rocky smiled.

"Actually, I really just wanna lay down. If that's ok?" 

"Sure." Rocky's smile fell. "Yeah, no problem. Your bed awaits." She laughed.

Sam's POV:

We watched her walk away. 

"She never passes up food something is wrong." Rocky looked at me. 

"She's just tired." Amanda cut in.

"It's probably Kailen." Nikki sighed. "We should go check on her."

We walked to her room. 

"Y/N?" I whispered. I opened the door quietly and heard crying. "Y/N." I walked in and sat on her bed. "What's wrong?" She threw her arms around me. "It's ok. I'm here. We're all here."

Nikki and Rocky sat on the bed. "I'm gonna get tissues." Amanda left.

"Talk to me. What happened."

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