Shorter Flight

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Your POV:

The season with Barcelona continued to fly by. I started playing more in the midfield but continued to get my name on the score sheet with goals and assists. 

Kailen has reached out a few times and yeah it's been good to talk to her, I mainly want to focus on me. And she needs to focus on her.

The divorced was finalized. My dad got to keep what he wanted because my brother and I spoke that my mother hasn't been around since the summer. 

Still nothing from her.

"Y/N!" Jenni yelled. "Let's go!"

"Vamos!" Alexia clapped.

"Relax. I'm here." I laughed and got in the car.

"Where to?" Jenni asked.

"Anywhere." I smirked.

Kailen's POV:

"Oh that's bullshit! That went in."

"If it went in why did it hit the wall?"

"It teleported."

"Teleported." My sister laughed. "Good one."

I shook my head and looked at her. "Man I feel like we haven't had a sister's night out in forever."

"Cause we haven't." She sighed. "You were so caught up with Y/N that you forgot about everyone else."

"She was right then." 

She nodded. "This time apart is gonna be good for you. You'll realize you're an idiot and learn to balance romantic relationships with family and friend ones!"

"If we get back together."

"What do you mean?"

"She's still in Spain at the end of the day."

"Ok but if she was still in the NWSL, she'd be in Utah. What's the difference?"

"Another country. We don't play against them at all."

"Aren't you both Canadian or did one of you lose their passport?"

"Shut up."

"No Kailen you shut up. Enough about this "she's in Spain!" bullshit! She's in Spain, crushing it. Move on get a new excuse."

Your POV:

"Y/N this is Virginia!" Leila smiled.

"American!" Virginia smiled.

"No. Well, half but I'm Canadian."

"Good. American's aren't welcomed." She winked. 

"Too much diving involved." Mapi said as Leila threw herself on the ground.

"If I speak I'll get in trouble." I said looking at Jenni. 

"Agreed." She laughed. 

We walked around and just had fun. We had time off in the league and all hung out. 

"So how you like Spain?" Virginia asked.

"It's not Canada." I laughed. "I really like it here. They've welcomed me with open arms."


"Vir leave her alone!" Alexia yelled.

"I'm being nice!" She put her arm around my shoulders. "Any friend of Alexia's is a friend of mine. You need anything, you let me know." 

"Thanks. You two are close?"

"When I joined Barcelona, Alexia and her family took me in. We've just been really good friends."

"You guys all look out for each other."

"We all have the same goal here. Why would we let anyone struggle?" Alexia turned around. "You want to play for this team and need a place to stay. I have a place. What will I gain by keeping my mouth shut? Nothing. What will I gain by opening my doors? A strong bond with my teammate and a new best friend."

I smiled. "Man I wish I came here sooner." 

"You're still young." 

"Wait how old are you?" Jenni asked.

I laughed. "24."

Mapi turned around. "Same age."

"Here she goes." Leila sighed. 

"She already did the "tattoos. lesbian." thing right?" Virginia asked. I nodded. "Of course she did. Mapi relax."

"When's your birthday?" Mapi asked.


"Oh no." Jenni covered her face.

"WHAT DAY!" Mapi jumped on Leila.



"I'm older haha." She walked away.

"Oh my god, she's insane." I turned to Alexia. "What the hell is wrong with her?"

"How much time do you have?" Virginia smirked.

A small stuffed animal was thrown at her. She started to laugh and threw it back.

"Yeah. I think I'll stay here a while." 

Kailen's POV:

"Hey Mr. L/N." I said when I got out of my car. "How are you?"

"Hanging in there, Kailen how are you?"

"Same as you." I smiled. "How's Dom doing?"

"Amazing. He loves it in Calgary. Loves the team."

"That's great. Happy to hear that." I grabbed my bag from the backseat. "And Y/N?"

"She's doing great too."

I smiled. "Good."

"I know you two aren't in the best place right now. But I believe it will all work out in the end. What you two need right now, is this time apart to grow as individuals. Y/N has grown so much since she got to Barcelona. She's more mature. She knows what she wants and how to get it."

"She was always meant for bigger and better things."

"Yeah, she was. Which is why this team is perfect for her. I'm sorry you miss her, Kailen. I miss her too but I know she's achieving and surpassing her goals over there. She was held back here, you and I both saw that" I looked down. "This was the push she needed. Just like Australia. Besides. Here to Spain is a shorter flight than to Australia." He smiled and went inside their house.


It is.

"Mom!" I ran inside.

If you didn't know my new story "International" is up now.

It's an original character, no Y/N. Everything is set. 

It's still WoSo but not USWNT or Canada. They will appear as minor characters but I wanted to give some love to our Europe squad.

Check it out now and I'll see you in the last chapter of this.

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