First Game

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Kailen's POV:

"We have to pay to watch the games!" Rebecca looked at her phone.

"I ain't paying." Jessie sat back.

"Shit I am." I went to the next page to pay. "The love of my life plays for Perth, take my money you beautiful Aussies." I typed my information it. 

"You are whipped." Rebecca laughed.

"I'm in love." I said. "Plus Sam Kerr plays for Perth too. She's gonna destroy everyone." 

"Yeah true." 

Your POV:

We finished warm-ups and went back to the locker room.

"I'm so ready for this." Sam smiled. "Let's go. Get out there."

Game preparations wrapped up and it was game time. I saw Kailen's Snapchat story, so I knew she was watching.

"Your girlfriend watching?" Amanda smiled.

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"YET!" Sam yelled. "Kailen is taking too damn long. I'm ready to make it official for her."

"Sam. What did we talk about." Nikki said.

"Boundaries." Sam sighed.

Kailen's POV:

I stayed up and watched the Perth game. And Y/N started so it was worth it.

"And a great finish from Sam Kerr and what a way to start this W League season from the international star." 

"Damn that was fast." I mumbled. 

"What happened?" Rebecca sat up. "Who did what?" 

"Sam just scored."

"It's bed time." She said. 

"Not in Australia." 

She rolled her eyes and laid back down.

The half ended 1-0.

Your POV:

"Are you sure you're human?" Rocky poked Sam.

"I am." Sam smiled. "Just a really talented human."

"Oh great. It's all gone to her head." I rolled my eyes. 

We talked about second half game plan and then went back to the field. 

A few minutes into the second half, Kyah Simon scored. We were tied.

"Shit." Sam shook her head. 

"We got time." Amanda said. 

"Shut up Boston." Sam walked by her. 

"I'm trying to be positive." 

Kailen's POV:

Sam passed it up field to Y/N. It got to her and after beating defenders she put it in the back of the net.

"Y/N L/N! Scores for Perth! 2-1!" She jumped on Sam. 



"Wake up! Y/N just scored." 


I sighed and kept watching the game.

Y/N got an assist on the 3rd Perth goal, then scored her 2nd.

Rocky assisted it. 

Your POV:

We headed back to the locker room. 

"Not one. But TWO goals!" Sam smiled. "I'm so happy we're teammates." She hugged me.

"Is she ok?" I looked at Nikki.

"She usually gets like this after big wins." She smiled. "She becomes a teddy bear."

"That's adorable," I said. "But get her off she's hugging me too tight."

"Sam release." Rocky grabbed Sam's arms. "She can't score any more goals if you crush her."

Everyone started pulling Sam off of me. Once she was off, she went towards Nikki. 

"Ok and it's my turn." Nikki sighed. 

"Aren't they dat- nevermind." Amanda walked away.

I laughed. 

Seeing them made me miss Kailen a lot.

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