Chapter 4

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Skylar's POV

I parked my black jeep at the usual spot I used 6 years ago which is 10 feets away from the edge of the cliff.I hopped off and shut the door frustratedly when the argument between my dad and I flooded in my mind.

'What the hell is wrong with him! Is he crazy!?No fucking way I'll agree with his stupid idea! Me marry a fucking bitch that I don't ever know her name!? Hell no! So this is the reason we came back to California huh!?'

My lower body laid down on the hood while my upper body comfortably pressed against the tinted glass.I rested my head on the my right palm of mine assumed it as a pillow.

I let my eyes wondered freely up the sky as I saw the fluffy cotton look alike floating high above me.

My life have been fucking hell without my buddy.10 years with him and 6 years without him.No he "wasn't" my lover,boyfriend or whatever you guys call these day.He"was"my big 'brother' and my partner in crime.That what I thought.But hell yeah my life lot better with him by my side now.

He probably talk about how lucky I am to get marry with a hot girl if I show him these goddam pictures my dad sent to me.Haha that asshole was really a fuckboy.

Flashback(Lot of flashbacks I know.Deal with it)

"Yo bitch lets check out some booties!" Brian dragged me to the top of the bleacher.The cheer girls train hard for the upcoming competition next week.

Brian and I of course took this opportunity to admire that hot bodies doing some smooth moves.

I came out to him when I was 7 years old.Pretty young to be a gay huh? Then I came out to my family.Well they actually expected me to be gay especially with that 'thing' down there.

"Ouch!" Brian whined,while pointing to a blonde girl doing the split.

"Yeah ouch! How the fuck they do that?!" I saw the captain,I assumed gave some speech to conclude the 'show'.


The bell rang telling students they can finally go back home.

I jogged to Brian found him sat on the pavement playing with his phone.

"Okay lets go!"

He stood up and patted his ass to clean the dirt."What Mr.shine head 'lectured' to you this time?" He smirked.

We called the freaking principal 'Mr.Shine head' refer to his head obviously.Well don't blame us he got no hair on his scalp and it was brighter than any students's future here.

"Nah nothing big deal.He just gave me a 'talk' about me beating up some assholes the other day." I fixed my snapback.

"So where to?" I asked.

He shrugged."Same spot I guess" Brian replied unsure.

"Kay but we'll use the other way to get there." I suggested.

"Cool.Lets go get the beer first." He added.

"Sure, I found a small stall located near the way.So we can stop by on the way to the cliff."

Brian showed 'good' sign with his hand to tell me that he agree with my idea.


"How do you found this road so quiet here" He scanned the place through the rolled down window.

"I don't know,I explored this town yesterday and then 'boom!' I found myself here." I explained.Brian laughed as the way to response my explanation.

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now