Chapter 19

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For the past few days, Elise was always by my side eventhough I told her to not worry about me

She even insisted to take a few days off only to take care of me, my injured wasn't that bad honestly

But I had to admit that I actually enjoyed her company, I didn't know what happened to me

Because everytime I see her smile, her laugh and when she touched me, It felt like the best thing could ever happened in my life

And I could't take off the memory of her kissing my cheek, even with that simple kiss, she succeeded to make my heart racing hard

She informed me that she had her glasses on for a long time, but she decided to wear contact lense because she thought she looked ugly with it on

What she didn't know was, she appeared multiple times better with her glasses on, so I told her to keep it that way and I also didn't like it she wearing them, because I heard it's not good for eyes

Elise looked very familiar to someone in the past and it keep bothering me who she was, maybe I should ask her next time

I was looking forward for our 'honeymoon' well that what my wife said, but for me it was more like an escape plan

Those dangerous guys still free and lingering out there, what if the boss plans to hurt Elise? I couldn't even let him touch her

Maybe it was a good idea to get out of this country for awhile, beside I could spend time with my wife

You know like holding her in my arms, have a date, kissi- Wow hang on, what in the world I was thinking!?

See I told you something was happening to me, what with all these feeling? I've never feel it that way

" I really seeing what I'm seeing?" Andrew put down his lunch opposite of me with a shocked face

"What do you mean? seeing what?" As always, Andrew and I were having our lunch at our favourite place

Here, they served the best taco ever, plus it near to the company building "You are smiling for good sake! And that's weird dude!" He spoke out enthusiastically with his mouth full

I was smiling? I didn't notice that until he mentioned it

Hurriedly I pulled back my daily poker face "What's so weird about it? You sound like I never smile" A big bite of taco filling my mouth with different type of rich flavours

"You are, wait no, of course you had smile before, but this one totally different! Your smile were like big BIG! And you look like a fool thinking about her crush!" His food bursted out as he laughed

With my forearms, I holded it up as a shield "You're fucking gross!" I laughed as if there was no tomorrow, and my taco bursted out to his face

Both of us were gross LOL, I hope the other customer didn't mind us

When he stopped laugh, he stared at me with knowing look, he smirked and said "Who's the unlucky girl" With his eyes squinted, he emphatized the 'unlucky' word

I wiped my mouth and rolled my eyes "No one" I spoke out flatly, or maybe there was one, so far, the only girl that created all these feelings was..her?

And that girl was Elise, was that mean I have a crush on Elise?


I have crush on my wife?!

"Bitch! Are you there?" Andrew snapped his fingers

"I have a wife" The words slipped out fast and unconsciously, he gasped displaying his chewed food

Instantaneously he resumed the chew and almost choked as he swallowed

"YOU HAVE A WIFE!" My friend yelled in disbelief mixed with shock ugly face, caught the attention of the customers/workers

I kicked his shin hurriedly "Keep it down you bastard!" I whispered sternly "Only you kn-" I added but interrupted by the person I wanted to meet the most

Note the sarcasm

"WIFE!? YOU HAVE A WIFE?!" Scarlett slapped the wooden table angrily, caused Andrew's juice spilled all over his pant

This dude might go home early, he was a mess

Fuhhh...luckily I placed my precious chocolate drink at the center of the wooden table

"Look at what you've done bitch!!" Andrew snapped as he stood up and tried to clean off the juice "Yeah! She have a wif-" He was about to spilled it out but I pretend to cough, he got the hint

"Wifi....she have a wifi...damn Sky! How can you have wifi here!" My friend randomly tapped his dark screen phone like he was trying to search the link

He literally looked like a fool

"Lucky you!" He added as he shoved back his phone inside the pocket angry

"Ha think I'm stupid!? I heard wh-"

I cut the noisy bitch "Shit Andr! Look at your pant! We should get it off! Let's go!" I literally dragged him out of the stall to the car

"The fuck!? How can you all a sudden have a wife? How can you not tell me sooner? I thought we're bestfriend, When did you got marry? last week you suprised me by came back to work with a broken face

"And today you suprised me with 'you have a wife' news, you my friend, sure are full of suprises" He nagged while put on the seatbelt

"I'll explain to you later, listen no one can't know about this, not the employees and especially not Scarlett" I reversed the car

"Why 'especially not Scarlett'? Hey this's great excuse to get out of her grip" Andrew rolled his eyes, he really hated that bitch

Andrew knew how persistent Scarlett was chasing after me, at first he shipped us and told me how lucky I was, but when he noticed how psycho that bitch acted, he automatically symphaty of me

"No! Absolutely no! Geezz she's crazy, what if she threaten my wife? Or worst, hurt her?" I stopped at the red light

"Damn you're right...that bitch scared me sometimes"

"Now tell me about your wife..." He smiled battling his eyelashes

I told Andrew everything about how Elise and I got married, and these feelings I got for her these day lately


"Hurmmm.....are you sure you don't know why you feel this way?" My friend put his finger under his chin like a professional doctor talks to his patience

I shook my head, waiting his answer patiencely behind my desk

"Are you serious? Don't you ever fall in love before?" He looked at me as if I just killed his dog

"No" I simply replied

"You are clearly fall for your wife dude! God dammit you're so oblivious!" I'm in love with Elise? But I thought it was just a little crush

"How can you be so sure?" I asked unsurely

"Trust me I am a love expert" Andrew smiled proudly, maybe he wad right, well based on how a player he was, it was obvious love was his speciality, but he never stay with one girl

"You said you planned to take her on honeymoon? Where? When? How long?"  He attacked me repeatly with his questions

"Urmm Iceland...maybe next week...and probably we out for a week" I replied hesitatedly

"Iceland?! You're not romantic at all and so dense about love, you have to show her how much you love her, I'll teach you some tricks" He winked at me

I bit my lips either to agree or not, but why not, I shrugged "okay"

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