Chapter 25

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I chuckled silently as I looked at the sight of my wife's hip swayed happily

Slowly I tip toed to the girl and embraced her from behind "Babe what are you making?" I kissed her temple

She turned her head and smiled at me "Pizza, special by me" She told me and kissed my lips, I rested my head on hers because my wife was so damn small

I even had to bent down sometimes only to smashed my lips on hers, but I loved her petite size because she looked so fucking cute and fit perfectly in my arms

We prepared lunch for four, she invited her best friend as well and her boyfriend to hang out, I felt slightly disappointed because I can't have her all alone

I concetrated on my wife deflated the dough, when it comes to cooking or baking, she was so into it that she forget her own wife was literally gave her a bone crushing hug from behind


"Hurmm?" Elise replied with her eyes glued on the dough, fluently rolled it, all of sudden I felt jealous with the damn dough

"Babeeeeee....spend time with meeee...." Gently I put down the roller aside and turned her around

Then I lifted up the petite figure and put her on the empty marble counter, stood in between her legs and showed her my pout and puppy eyes

My angel giggled adorablely as she wiped the flour dust off her hands and cupped my cheeks

"Baby....I have to prepare the lunch before they arrive" She pecked my nose and stared into my grey eyes while I lost in her forest eyes

"But I am were just so into them" I pointed to the ingrediants, I pouted cutely to capture her heart

"Awww you are so cutee!" She pinched my cheeks, and planted kisses on them as I grinned victoriously

"Where is my kiss?" I tapped my lips with my eyes closed, waiting dearly her sweet kiss

"Your are such a kid" I heard a chuckled, but soon the kitchen fell in silence as our lips attached

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, sucked her bottom lip followed by an intense bite

A moan flew out from her, and I took the opportunity to slip in my tounge

I felt a strong grasp on my hair as our tounges danced together, immediately set my body on fire "Ba-bee.." Elise moaned against my lips

"Ye-yeah baby?" I panted looking at her, her eyes were hiding behind those eyelids, soon our eyes met, she looked at me with desire acrossed her face

"Can I ask you someting?"

"Of course you can, you can ask me anything you want....what it is?" I looked at her puzzled

"Are you...are you capable of....impregnating someone?" She gazed me down with serious looked and soft tone in her voice

I caught off guard by her unexpected question, my wife locked our fingers as if she hoped of something

"My doc said that my male genital part are one hundred percent function like the men does, so to answer your question, yes I'm capable of impregnating someone" I concluded

Her face lit up brightly and said "Alright babe....I should continue my work now" She pecked my lips and hopped off the counter


So this mystery guys that Camila adored so much was him, I refused to believe that out of all man in this world, she attracted to this woman lover

"Bitch what the hell are you doing!? Shoot the damn man now!!" Andrew yelled at me frustatedly, resulted from my daze, I completely forget that we were in some kind of mission

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now