Chapter 5

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Skylar's POV

My thumb lazily scrolled down the pictures on my Iphone.Her smile created a beautiful dimple that other girls dying for.

She resembles this model that I saw on the TV but with hazel eyes and deep black hair that stand out her eyes.

'Angel' the only word I can described about her.
She looked familiar.'Maybe someone from school' I thought.

But this girl give strong connection with my deep memory.A memory that I put aside very far away from me.

A big,tall figure landed softly on the leather couch I sat on shook me from my thought.

"Your future wife is so pretty right?" Said a middle aged man with convincing voice.His bright grey eyes met mine and a sincere smile created with his mouth combined perfectly with his voice.

"....yeah whatever..." I replied flatly not interested about the next coming topic.

He sighed and shook his head in defeat. "Skylar...we talked about this befor-" I cut him off.

"Talked about how you use me for your own fucking sake!?" I bursted out.

"You literally sell me dad!" I continued.


"THEN WHAT IT IS ABOUT!!?" I equated my height with his 6 fts 1 inch figure.

He took a deep breath."...This is for your own happiness Sky..." He said calming down.

"I am tired of this 'for your own happiness' shit! You know nothing about my happiness! NOTHING!" I messed my brunette hair frustatedly.

"Yes we know!" Mom interrupted us.Her light blue eyes display disappointment.I hate it when she looks at me like that!

I suddenly interested with the fluffy black carpet underneath my feets.I hate it when I can't argue back.I hate it when I defeat.I hate it when I have to accept the fact that she's right.

"...but if I get marry and live here.Who's going to manage our company in London dad?.." I asked,sound like a kid who just got scolded by her mom.Wait,yes I am.Accept that I'm not a kid,but a 22 years old woman.Urgh! I sound so pathetic.

"Don't worry about that already handled that...What you should concern about is your life with your future wife."My mom replied instead of dad.

My 'future' wife was chosen by my parents.And it turned out that she is the daughter of my dad's close friend/our rival.Now with me going to marry his daughter.Our company will be join and stronger.

Time flew so fast,it've been a month and today is the day where I'll ending my bachelor's life.My mom refused to let me meet my future wife that I still don't know her name because she said it will be more interesting and romantic if I meet her on the wedding day for the first time.

'What the fuck! Is this some kind of marriage at the first sight show! I'm just want to make sure that she's not a bitch! That all!'

I fixed my black tux for the last time before I go to the aisle. 'Me wearing the dress? Only in your dream.'

I waited for like 10 minutes and suddenly the typical wedding song played as a cue for the bride to walk down the aisle.

'Jesus...are you send this angel for me?' Her black hair loosed down on her right shoulder.Fit so perfectly with her white dress.

Her hazel eyes met mine for the first time.Not a single regret showed in her beautiful eyes but pure happiness.

Out of the blue,my body lost the calmness and nervous took over the controlliton of my body.

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now