Chapter 21

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The pain of my lower region forced me to wake up, the thing is, sleep on my stomach was my sleeping style

It was cozy not until my morning wood invaded that comfy, I was fortunate not being spot by Elise, that was another reason why I didn't let her to sleep with me before

I turned my body carefully and perceived the form of tent of my lounge sleep pant, I repositioned to my left side attempting to loose it


"Elise wake up" I said quietly into her ear as I gently shook her body, she softly stirred before her hand landed on my neck


"Skylarrr...." She purred grasping my neck roughly and pulled me ahead

"...oohhh.." A muffle moan slipped out of her mouth, I gulped struggled to loose her grasp

Another moan released as it became louder along with the scream of my name, 'Is she having wet dream with me!?!? '

Hearing her moaning my name sent shiver through  my body and the erection I just took care before painfully came back

Unconsciously I wetted my lips followed by an ardent bite staring her plump luscious lips

'Control yourself Skylar!!'

I managed to free myself from the grip and stood up abruptly beside the bed

"Elise wake up or we'll be late!" I shouted making her startled, her face flushed deeply as she looked at me

Instantaneously she wondered her eyes away from me and landed on the digital clock on the nightstand

She gasped palming her opened mouth "God the flight we'll be departs in an hour from now!" Elise distressed as she jumped off the bed and went straight to the bathroom


We arrived at the airport by the uber just in time before the departure, I didn't expect that we would be late

Because for me, one hour to get ready was more than enough, but not Elise, she took 30 minutes...30 FREAKING MINUTES! Only to choose the right outfit

Andrew suggested me to go to a romantic venue such as Paris, Maldives, Italy, Hawaii and so on

But that sounded cliche and typical, so I just sticked with the Iceland plan

I also explained to him the main purpose I decided the sudden vacation, and believe me when I said I never see him so serious, I mean it

The flight was 7 hours long and boring, plus with the terrible jet lag, We checked in the hotel located at the heart of Reykjavik City

The place was beautiful and serene with the small population, both of us instantaneously doze off as soon as we entered our room



Skylar drove us to the local stall with the rental car for dinner, along the way there, I just couldn't eliminate my eyes away from the window

The city just so damn beautiful and unique, the weather here much more colder than California,  I literally freezing here

We visited a small stall that prepared mouth-watering foods, I couldn't get over them, Of course I didn't expect fancy restaurant or romantic dinner from my wife

Because it Skylar we are talking about

"Any place in your mind?" Asked Skylar glancing me off the road, focusly chewed her gum

The Girl With The Snapback(Lesbian Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now